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‘Pakistan govt decides to make new provinces’

Jana said:
hmmmmm araz very positive nice idea .
i can borrow it for my article :) .

but araz the problem is how will we counter all those feudals who are not letting it to happen just to maintain their vote bank (whter they get it legally or forcefully ) .
And a question comes to my mind What do u think this will also help in countering Bugti type of people if we apply it also in Balochistan??.
You are more than welcome to borrow my humble opinions.
As to the problem of feudals, we do not have party based democracy, therefore fuedals who know many highups will always have a say in how matters are dealt with. The only way to deal with them is to let them run for elections and let the masses decide who should be in power. Eventually when people realize they are good for nothing they will be booted out.I am afraid there is no quick solution to this problem. As to Mr Bugti, he is no better or worse than any of the feudals. The same wolf in a different sheeps clothing. He will die out the same way. However try to kill him,and he will become a martyr, which would be bad for the regions progress. So in short only be the process of elections can you sort out the good from the bad. My 2 Ps worth.
Sorry webby.
Doubleposts. Please delete one of them .
More provinces and decentralisation will not magically solve Pak. problems. Decentralisation does increase the "closeness" of the state to the people. The govt. becomes local and the people can find it easier to take their grievances. This can lower the desire for independance because the people attain local autonomy.

However on the counter side is the fact that more provinces result in more governments and thus lead to an increase in expenditure (to pay the extra politicians)

I personally think that more splitting will now gain little benefit in the sense of increasing peoples "closeness" to the state because as it is there are many provinces and that the extra cost of paying the politicans will outweigh the additional benefit.

The current major problem of Pak. is Balochistan and its quest for autonomy/ independance. Creating new provinces will do little as there already is a govt. for only five million people. How much closer will a govt. with 2.5mil citizens b than one with 5mil?

The reason why bal. seeks autonomy/independance is simple. The people there see large amounts of gas being extracted and yet they see themselves as being dirt poor, poorer than all other Pak. The problem is trying to improve the govt. that is already there, not creating more new ones.

To solve the Baloch. issue, the central govt. must pump in more resources directly bypassing the local govt. into local public projects such as roads, health clinics and direct cash payments in addition to the grants it gives to the local govt. Unfortunately the military option is being pursued only when the problem is political.
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