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99% Of Banned 1,000-Rupee Notes Returned, Says RBI

You can spin it any way you want but it was introduced to lower the load on the printers which is just another manifestation of how ill-conceived and unplanned the whole exercise was.

The cult of DumbAsses continuing their tirade hoping the next steps of Demo do not take place and their Holy Highness Sonia does not get affected.
DumbAss seculars get triggered by anything Modi does. This is nothing new.

These same DumbAsses were quiet when Highness ManMohan Singh was openly giving thousands of crores of loans to Mallya. That's how legendary these dumbAsses, dumbassery is.
This essentially means most black money hoarders managed to convert their cash from black to white. Demo was a blessing in disguise for them. Or maybe that was the plan all along, perhaps the biggest scam we've ever seen in India? That too while wearing a mask of a black money crusader?
Actually you hit the nail on its head. this thing came across my mind but I didnt expect the govt to stoop so low, esp after the tall promises of cleansing india of corruption. ..... that said, the timing of this step , esp before the UP elections , was more than just a coincidence.
We kept hearing about how black money holders would be prosecuted from the likes of @Soumitra @Tridibans etc, what's the progress fellas? @Soumitra in particular was going to use advanced data analytics to catch offenders.
i hope they are content with prosecution of MSG.
obviously, any good thing such as above are all due to tireless efforts of mr. juicer (judiciary jaaai tel lene), and every bad things are saazish of opposition (Pappu, Kejriwal, Mamta et al) to malign the "image of the nation". what i dont understand that if these above ppl are so inefficient, how can they challenge Mr. Juicer himself.

That's what cult leaders do. They manage to brainwash a large section of the population and basically turn them into virtual slaves with absolute obedience. It takes a while for the cult to fade.
wait and see what happens to the share of health and most importantly education (esp primary) in forthcoming budgets.
Q1 GDP numbers just came in and lo and behold it's 5.7%. Remember Q4 of last fiscal year was 6.1%. @Tridibans still supporting demonetisation?
Q1 GDP numbers just came in and lo and behold it's 5.7%. Remember Q4 of last fiscal year was 6.1%. @Tridibans still supporting demonetisation?
gdp is 5.7% because they set up the new way to calculate gdp. right now by previous system we are almost nowhere.

you can judge it from surroundings. economy is down the drain.
gdp is 5.7% because they set up the new way to calculate gdp. right now by previous system we are almost nowhere.

you can judge it from surroundings. economy is down the drain.

Yes, on the old base year, it would be down by around 2 points if 2013-14 GDP numbers are of any significance. It was 4.7%, but went up to 6.9% overnight. Modi's term so far is either similar to UPA2 or worse (last two Qs after demonetization). Real numbers are somewhere beatween 3.5-4%. BTW they're changing the base year again soon. Maybe that will keep the GDP up on paper for Modi to boast.

Meanwhile BJP IT cell is busy trending #DeMonetisationSuccess on twitter though usual trolls and bots. Oh my what a grand success!

If a PM can play with the economy just for political gains, he's a scum who would lead us to hell for further gains.

Modi - 1, India - 0

Also your assumption that only opposition had black money is quite hilarious, you mean Modi made provisions for BJP's cash to be washed clean.

The economy of any country depends on stable government and its policies.

Demonetization made a dip - temporary dip- in the economy. Nothing long lasting. in exchange India got stability - further strengthening of central government.

Can you imagine the state of government if BJP had lost UP? No further legislation possible till term end. Hullabaloo, protest and drama every day every session till 2019.

So the temporary dip in economy was the price for the possibilty of hard to pass legislation down the line. and god knows there's a lot of difficult legislation that India badly needs that is stalled due to petty politics.

As for other point - BJP has dirty money too - but multitudes less than the opposition. The opposition ruled for 60 years - they were notoriously corrupt. BJP so far only 2 govts in the center - both cleaner than congress govts. BJP state govts are dirty - but still do not have the enormous heft and bags of corrupt money that congress has.

Demonetization took the wind out of the dirty money politics. BJP Won. Stable government won.

So modi - 1 India - 1. Rahul-0
Q1 GDP numbers just came in and lo and behold it's 5.7%. Remember Q4 of last fiscal year was 6.1%. @Tridibans still supporting demonetisation?

If we keep De-monetization aside.... I am surprised with govt response on the train accident... Train accidents are occurring frequently, though govt reluctant taking moral responsibility... Instead of asking Suresh prabhu resignation.. they stood by him...
This essentially means most black money hoarders managed to convert their cash from black to white. Demo was a blessing in disguise for them. Or maybe that was the plan all along, perhaps the biggest scam we've ever seen in India? That too while wearing a mask of a black money crusader?

You are repeating Chidambaram's lines. What about a self introspection? How do u think we have identified 9 lakh people with 13.3 lakh accounts deposited 2lakh crore?

And how and why the govt is going after them?
Freaking serious? 99% returned? So it meant only 1% of Indian money is illegal? Amazing...no wonder Modi needed to do a Doklam to divert attention. Bigger shit is brewing at home. Typical...
well in the end there intend was way honest than the 2g coalgate atc etc
Demonetization made a dip - temporary dip- in the economy. Nothing long lasting. in exchange India got stability - further strengthening of central government.

So the temporary dip in economy was the price for the possibilty of hard to pass legislation down the line. and god knows there's a lot of difficult legislation that India badly needs that is stalled due to petty politics.

Demonetization took the wind out of the dirty money politics. BJP Won. Stable government won.

So modi - 1 India - 1. Rahul-0

stupid yindoos...if what you said here is true, then your politics is in much worse shape than your economy: if the justification to demonetise was valid, then the fact that most of the dirty money now went back into the banking system speaks to not only the corruption of your elite but also how they got your entire government and banking system completely in the palm of their hands.

the political culture and distrust would get more poisonous from now on: you guys claimed to have flushed the system, and then basically brought back all the toxin, and with all the dirty money essentially laundered clean through the flush you have given future dirty money the air of legitimacy and cleanness and very much emboldened the corrupt - all at the expense of your disrupted national economy and your abused and tormented poor, both of which suffered horribly during the demonetisation.

and yet BJP got all those internet trolls like you to eulogise the crime against yindoo poor as an economic masterstroke and suave political maneuver. pathetic, pathetic yindoos...
whete are dumb bhakt.

kahan mar gaye?

bloody idiots blind uneducated dumbwits.

if they accept the failure people might forgive. but no they will never. actually these idiots deserved it.

the riots , medicare, disaster managment, crowd handling, economy law n order everywhere we are loosing.

Dont write off Bhakts and Modi yet. NOT YET ! Picture abhi baki hai

Demonetisation Part II: Modi's black money elimination drive has just begun

NEW DELHI: With 99 per cent of the demonetised 500 and 1,000 rupee notes having returned to the banking system, has demonetisation failed to serve its purpose? That may not be true, because Project Demonetisation is not over with the mere return of junked notes. The more important part begins now, or has already begun. With so much of the cash in the mainstream now, the government will scrutinise the deposited cash and a good part of it may turn out to be black money.

Read more at:

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NEW DELHI: With 99 per cent of the demonetised 500 and 1,000 rupee notes having returned to the banking system, has demonetisation failed to serve its purpose? That may not be true, because Project Demonetisation is not over with the mere return of junked notes. The more important part begins now, or has already begun. With so much of the cash in the mainstream now, the government will scrutinise the deposited cash and a good part of it may turn out to be black money.

pah, stupid yindoos...and stupid BJP cheerleaders...if you already failed in stopping the dirty money of your dirty politicians just getting back into the banking system, what is to stop your corrupt politicians from quickly converting the newly laundered yindoo money into foreign currency? we will witness a flight of capital soon and a collapse of your new rupees. your dirty politicians got the intel, got the means and channels to launder their old rupees into new ones, and you lowly BJP cheerleaders can be sure as hell that they will have the same intel, foresight, channels and connections to dump your new rupees as well and flee with dollars and euros soon.

stupid yindoos...
If a PM can play with the economy just for political gains, he's a scum who would lead us to hell for further gains.

Modi - 1, India - 0

Also your assumption that only opposition had black money is quite hilarious, you mean Modi made provisions for BJP's cash to be washed clean?

This essentially means most black money hoarders managed to convert their cash from black to white. Demo was a blessing in disguise for them. Or maybe that was the plan all along, perhaps the biggest scam we've ever seen in India? That too while wearing a mask of a black money crusader?

We kept hearing about how black money holders would be prosecuted from the likes of @Soumitra @Tridibans etc, what's the progress fellas? @Soumitra in particular was going to use advanced data analytics to catch offenders.

I still stand by my contention of use of Big Data Analytics. And it is not just my contention there is actual data to prove it





If you are willingly closing your eyes becuae of your hatered for Modi or you are just saying it is bhakt rambling I cant do anything. You cant wake someone who is pretending to be asleep
Guys please do not tag me in nonsensical BJP, Sangh, Hindutva, cow, Demonetisation, election threads.

I have a clear idea where we are headed. And have less than zero interest in butting heads with dimwits with saffron stained chaddis.

Cheers, Doc
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