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99.99% of the world is wajib-ul-qatal for insulting the Prophet

assalam alaikum

Javed ghamdi could be a a good alternative cool guy i heard he deny the mehdi concept eventhough he says the kalima shahadah ( i guess he ran away as i heard but not sure)

In my opinion, the only sane way to deal with this growing sense of righteousness among every Pakistani Muslim is by having a body, an authority or even another religious party comprising young, educated and sensible Pakistanis who stand up to religious fanaticism and say, “You are wrong. My religion does not say that and I am no less of a Muslim than you are.”
Mmn, I dunno. Doesn't that open up the whole who-knows-Islam-better argument? Instead, why not say, "You are wrong. My heart says that regardless of the kind of Muslim I am, I MUST reject the path of murder and tyranny you have to offer"?
Mmn, I dunno. Doesn't that open up the whole who-knows-Islam-better argument? Instead, why not say, "You are wrong. My heart says that regardless of the kind of Muslim I am, I MUST reject the path of murder and tyranny you have to offer"?

This perticular imported idealogy or sect allows or glorifies murder which wasnt in pakistani gene but was implemented over last 3 decades So this isnt some thing majority of pakistanis agree too anyway. Therefore there is no argument , murder is wrong no matter who is the victim! the bye laws are clearly set out in Islam. Hope this helps you figure From 47 to 80's there were 7 balsphemy cases registered from 80's (when blasphemy got implemented) till now over 1000 cases ...
If this doesn't piss you off, then you're a traitor.


More than 40,000 protest blasphemy law change: police

More than 40,000 protest blasphemy law change: police | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

"If this doesn't piss you off, then you're a traitor"

fatwa coming from a liberal fascist.
does it really matter what the tiny 0.00001% secular/liberal fascists believe in, i don't think so! :lazy:

Why am I not surprised, people of your kind live in a delusional world. Anyways I dont want to fall to your low standards, so i'll leave it here.

And as for people asking why there are suicide bombings in Pakistan and so much terrorism, well thats bound to happen when the mullah mafia of Pakistan supports terrorists.
Why am I not surprised, people of your kind live in a delusional world. Anyways I dont want to fall to your low standards, so i'll leave it here.

And as for people asking why there are suicide bombings in Pakistan and so much terrorism, well thats bound to happen when the mullah mafia of Pakistan supports terrorists.

delusional world :disagree:

i believe, the liberals/seculars or the supporters of taseer's viewpoint has to prove that they don't live in a delusional world and for this they will have to start a movement.
does it really matter what the tiny 0.00001% secular/liberal fascists believe in, i don't think so! :lazy:

No it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is justice.

It is a fact that Qadri is charged with murder, violence and terrorism and we are only waiting for the verdict of death sentence so that he could go to heaven as quickly as possible.
No it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is justice.

It is a fact that Qadri is charged with murder, violence and terrorism and we are only waiting for the verdict of death sentence so that he could go to heaven as quickly as possible.

justice looks an alien concept in Pakistan.

his death will make no difference, what will make difference is that the tiny liberal/secular section keep themselves within limit. When any liberal big mouth mocks at Islamic Laws and the gov. machinery doesn't take any action, such incidents will keep taking place.
justice looks an alien concept in Pakistan.

his death will make no difference, what will make difference is that the tiny liberal/secular section keep themselves within limit. When any liberal big mouth mocks at Islamic Laws and the gov. machinery doesn't take any action, such incidents will keep taking place.

I am still trying to understand what did he say that caused such a reaction? The law was indeed misused. Do you disagree?

Liberals/seculars are Muslims too. Can't they give their viewpoint? Islam is not the property of anyone.

What do you expect from a Govt who doesn't stop people from issuing fatwas every now on then? Only in our country, people inciting on murder can get away with this.
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