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90 Percent Indians Are Idiots: Justice Markandey Katju

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..I don't recognise Pakistan as a legitimate country
Now i understand why the % is high !
He added the pakistanis into the idiots list !

dude that was seriously funny .....:rofl: ..........:tup:
How do you question the freedom of speech here? A legal notice was served and that is where it stands.

Having stated that, I do not see any wrong with what Katju stated. Many Indians are emotional idiots and easily can be played on by anyone with vested interests. But Indian middleclass and elite families are indifferent to what happens outside of their house - So he got his percentage wrong.

on what basis are they starting legal action? did he say something that was illegal?

BTW, if you guys want a good laugh read the comments on the article.
Bunch of Insecure people still angry about what happened 60 years ago. :lol:
Whole hartedly agree with the old man... indeed 90% of Indians are Idiots... if anyone can entice me to hate and kill my neighbor because he belongs to a religion that someone says might harm my religion...I am worst than an Idiot...I am a brainless nincompoop.

I totally agree with the bold part
on what basis are they starting legal action? did he say something that was illegal?

BTW, if you guys want a good laugh read the comments on the article.
Bunch of Insecure people still angry about what happened 60 years ago. :lol:

Point out to me anyone who is angry about the incidents which happened 60 years ago. The folks here are younger generation Indians who are indifferent to partition. But many feel strongly that the partition was not complete or the Indian leaders cheated the people of a true secular India after muslims got their own country. I, for one, strongly feel about the latter point.
India should revert back to 1857 and hand over power to Muslim. Mogulistan is the way to go...
Sometimes I am amazed at the stupidity levels of some of the posts. :hitwall: - Mods need to make it a point to not only penalize trollers but also posters who post utter nonsense.
India should revert back to 1857 and hand over power to Muslim. Mogulistan is the way to go...

How about reverting back to 321 to 185 BCE and regain all of our ancient land from converts ?
Point out to me anyone who is angry about the incidents which happened 60 years ago. The folks here are younger generation Indians who are indifferent to partition. But many feel strongly that the partition was not complete or the Indian leaders cheated the people of a true secular India after muslims got their own country. I, for one, strongly feel about the latter point.

are you reading the same comments as I am?

In all the comments only 1 was fair neutral and peace loving. All the rest either said ALL of Pakistanis are terrorist or India should take over Pakistan.

It's been 60 years man, let it go.

The funniest thing about this whole farce is that these people are so uneducated that they think India is a 4000 year old country that Pakistan was carved out of.

If they knew the truth about history they would be more than happy to realize that for the first time in History India is united as as country and they would not be so greedy as to try and capture other countries.

How about reverting back to 321 to 185 BCE and regain all of our ancient land from converts ?

what ancient lands?
India was always a bunch of warring states that were as united as Europe.
A few strongmen "united" India for short period of times but of the 4000 year history, this unity was for no more than 100?200 years?
are you reading the same comments as I am?

In all the comments only 1 was fair neutral and peace loving. All the rest either said ALL of Pakistanis are terrorist or India should take over Pakistan.

It's been 60 years man, let it go.

The funniest thing about this whole farce is that these people are so uneducated that they think India is a 4000 year old country that Pakistan was carved out of.

If they knew the truth about history they would be more than happy to realize that for the first time in History India is united as as country and they would not be so greedy as to try and capture other countries.

what ancient lands?
India was always a bunch of warring states that were as united as Europe.
A few strongmen "united" India for short period of times but of the 4000 year history, this unity was for no more than 100?200 years?

For the highlighted portion, if someone states that especially generalizing all Pakistanis, I would categorize them as Katju's 90% and no offense mate - I would add more to that same category if non-Indians give a damn to these people. Why not look at some saner Indian members here and give value to their opinions and ignore these kind of guys?
For the highlighted portion, if someone states that especially generalizing all Pakistanis, I would categorize them as Katju's 90% and no offense mate - I would add more to that same category if non-Indians give a damn to these people. Why not look at some saner Indian members here and give value to their opinions and ignore these kind of guys?

I did, and I only found 1.

One gentalman said that Pakistan and India should have a peaceful relationship like Canada and USA. we should stop fighting and solve Kashmir by dialogue.
He has my respect, everyone else are just the typical Internet Hindus.

the only sane response
'Justice Katju is being unrealistic. The country should not have been partitioned into India and Pakistan. But done so done. Reunification will cause more problems than solve. There would be uncontrollable resentment and violence, this time with more deadly weapons. However, we should follow the example of USA and Canada. Let us follow our own styles of life. There is no doubt about it that peaceful coexistence will be beneficial to everybody. The Kashmir problem can be and should be peacefully solved. Where there is a will there is a way. Old routes for trade and pilgrimage should be opened up."
Mr. Katju has been bashed immensely the other day, I am sure he's going to be held in scorn this time too.. Thread is going to reek of a rotten egg very soon!!

Mr Katju is a wise man.Some time I feel Indians don't deserve people like him.:cry:
India need more Katjus and less Thakarays.

India should revert back to 1857 and hand over power to Muslim. Mogulistan is the way to go...

You know,You remind me of a guy named Bal Thakary.
What's with all the chest thumping, he does have a point if the people are so easily riled up over an insult to the flag, Gandhi (former), etcetra etcetra. It cannot be denied that the 'common' indian man/woman/those that come in between are very prone to believe propaganda. They're not any different from their counterparts to the east, west, and south. South Asia and the Middle East are by default the world's tin foil hat.
I did, and I only found 1.

One gentalman said that Pakistan and India should have a peaceful relationship like Canada and USA. we should stop fighting and solve Kashmir by dialogue.
He has my respect, everyone else are just the typical Internet Hindus.

the only sane response
'Justice Katju is being unrealistic. The country should not have been partitioned into India and Pakistan. But done so done. Reunification will cause more problems than solve. There would be uncontrollable resentment and violence, this time with more deadly weapons. However, we should follow the example of USA and Canada. Let us follow our own styles of life. There is no doubt about it that peaceful coexistence will be beneficial to everybody. The Kashmir problem can be and should be peacefully solved. Where there is a will there is a way. Old routes for trade and pilgrimage should be opened up."

Katju is unrealistic. For me as a South Indian, partition did not touch me or affected anyone near me. So I am indifferent - But I feel cheated that an uniform civil code was not implemented instead of carrying the British legacy of different laws for different religions. So I feel one community is left out to build a modern India as the women in that community are not provided equal rights as per the law. That is my sole grouse. Now if you ask me or many Indians not to mention South Indians like me, I would say no - India is fine as it is.

Apart from that, I would say I am sceptical about resolving Kashmir issue through dialogue - The reason is Indian or Pakistani leaders will not be able to resolve the issue without taking the tag of "Benedict Arnold" due to the emotional quotient involved as the people have been fed and brought up on that quotient by the respective governments for the past 65 years.
He's right.The masses are all too easily led and fooled by politicians, 'baba's,'dada's and 'bhai's.
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