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80% students in Indian schools are humiliated

My uncle failed in Matriculation exams - His father was a doctor - Pretty much the whole family used to tell him that you are piece of garbage (etc) and have no aim in life and my uncle started his business and is now a multi-millionaire employing more then 300 people in his company!All his cousins who used to make fun of him are working as low level employees and he is CEO Of a company earning more then 20 Million $ per year in profits.


:D just joking...:tup:
Yes it is true corporal punishment was something most of as faced in South Asia, but not only teachers but also there is intense family pressure to do well in academics.
We also face peer pressure i remember how cut throat competition i faced while getting into engineering. It is the society fault that young kids are made to think it is the end of the world if you don't study . no wonder suicide rate among students is one of the highest in the world.
Here if teachers were beating up students regularly I'd imagine the number of school shootings would increase.

Fed up of the beatings a Chennai kid stabbed and killed his female teacher.After hearing his side of the story, its hard to feel sorry for the teacher.

You don't believe but there are some parents who wants the teachers to 'straighten' out their kids using corporal punishment.

---------- Post added at 09:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------

Some parents are f-ed up. That doesnt represent the whole chinese population. China people mostly will dote over their kids since they can only have one.

The lesser the kids the more pressure on them to perform.
I think spanking should be banned.

Also teachers should be better trained, it often happens the teachers in need of controlling the class make an example by bashing a single kid.

In my days we had an teacher who used touch girl students inappropriately and as well as bash the guys mercilessly.
Teachers are like next parents.... I am proud to say that I got the best teacher in this world throughout my carrier...... I was weak in maths, I failed in my Grade 11 by only 1 mark.... U know what I begged my Maths Teacher but he just failed me, I was angry at that time but now I feel how proud of my sir.... Lol he made Pediatric Physiotherapist man......
There are examples other way around too... Right method at the right time will make wonders for the Students.. Hope everyone here experienced this....
I have read that book "Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother" its okay to be pushy and strict with your kids but doesnt mean you write a f***ing book for the whole world to read that your daughter performed at Carnegie Hall so you threw a party that cost your family their summer vacation damn asian women(Indian,Chinese etc.)are all a crazy bunch.I remember all those female gatherings there are only two topics discussed amongst women:

1)How the latest/whatever the hell it is weight loss trick is working or is total ****.
2)How the kid is doing in school/college/job and then bitching about the woman in the group whose kid is doing bad.

Contrary to the popular belief TV soap operas are not discussed its the kids and the size of their a**es and what they are doing with them that occupies the discussion.
In the US if a teacher touch a student, his parents, with the help of PTA will scream sexual harassment and child abuses. And they'll suit for compensations. The life of that teacher is ruined disregard the outcome.

Teachers in ghettos are afraid to go to schools unless they are escorted or wear bullet proof vests, let alone yell at the students.

Frankly, if I'm a teacher, I would prefer to teach in India.
In the US if a teacher touch a student, his parents, with the help of PTA will scream sexual harassment and child abuses. And they'll suit for compensations. The life of that teacher is ruined disregard the outcome.

Teachers in ghettos are afraid to go to schools unless they are escorted or wear bullet proof vests, let alone yell at the students.

Frankly, if I'm a teacher, I would prefer to teach in India.

In other news, young hot female teachers are engaging in rampant sexual liaison with 14 yr old male students.
In other news, young hot female teachers are engaging in rampant sexual liaison with 14 yr old male students.

LOL It was real case. I believe they have a kid too.

There are all kind of people every where. Humans belong to the animal kingdom, and we are neither better nor worst.
In the US if a teacher touch a student, his parents, with the help of PTA will scream sexual harassment and child abuses. And they'll suit for compensations. The life of that teacher is ruined disregard the outcome.

Teachers in ghettos are afraid to go to schools unless they are escorted or wear bullet proof vests, let alone yell at the students.

Frankly, if I'm a teacher, I would prefer to teach in India.

True, you can beat the crap out of students in India and yet no one will say anything as beating the crap out is the recommend in India and even parents and society as a whole condone it.
Some parents are f-ed up. That doesnt represent the whole Chinese population. China people mostly will dote over their kids since they can only have one.

Even in other Chinese communities like Taiwan. HK Macau and plenty overseas where there is no child policy, we treasure our kids and take much care to nurture their well beings. Search on YouTuble and see our young generation of muscal/sports and other talents!

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There is nothing holy about elders or old people, they can be good and/or bad as any other age group.

these are not teaches and velues of us .before hit some old ager like our parents we should die in shame.thats what west USA and free world did just look to them what happen now .we have huge respect for elders and teachers and we are better then those who call teacher YOU OR MR we call app and janab or ustaad jee.
Is this the best you could find? What about that video where that child was dying on the street and no one even bothered to pick him up? Then there's this video where an ambulance is trying to pass and no vehicle is ready to give it the way.
Im posting the video , it's highly graphic. And this chinese guy is so proud LOL. Seriously ,what type of people are these?, this thing would never happen in India or anywhere else in the world

The tragedy on the kid was an outrageous accident. No more than that.
Again it was an isolated case.
Do you want me to post on the board CHILD PROSTITUTIONS, CHILD MOLESTES, CHILD UNDERNOURISHED, CHILD TRAFFICKING and there are plenty of CHILD R4PES, CHILD TORTURE and massive no of violent crimes on Children in india?
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