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73 killed as Maoists ambush CRPF team

This is sad news. The fact they killed so many security personal is a shame.

Learn from Pakistan. Go after guerrilla warriors before it's too late.

I don't want to say this in this moment of regret, but let's hope the Indian Media doesn't start blaming it on Pakistan.
Chidambaram should take the responsibility and quit, Never seen such a irresponsible person , He was announced to have lost last election and later got a miracle victory "some how" with a few thousand votes . He just can speak good English and nothing else.

These crazy politicians spending hell lot of amount for their personal security with a luxury plane for President, luxury choppers for VIPs.People just think how the security guard of our Prime minister equipped , Leave our PM , just imagine how the "Prince" Rahul protected. These animals really suck our blood .Really feeling ashamed to call myself an Indian. Why cant Pakistan send another wave of terrorists into Parliament, this time with a better training ?
Big mistake by Maoists.. They just crossed the threashold and the sympathisers will be all so reluctant to bat for them now..
70 jawans!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is going on!!!!


What those idiots in Delhi are doing??!!! Why they don't start a all out strike against these cowards!!!
70 jawans!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is going on!!!!


What those idiots in Delhi are doing??!!! Why they don't start a all out strike against these cowards!!!

they don't want loss there votes

they are calculating what will be the result if they give free hands to force

its not about nation

they just think about
Has anyone seen any numbers published for Maoists killed / captured in last few weeks??
70 is a big number. Are they only jawans or some officers also came under fire.?? Because india is already short on officers.
What the heck was CRPF thinking? Heads need to roll in CRPF, dumb police force. News reports says they were surprised? How can they be surprised while moving around in maosit infested areas. This was bound to happen, and will repeat itself.

Army isnt the answer, some sense and training is.
What the heck was CRPF thinking? Heads need to roll in CRPF, dumb police force. News reports says they were surprised? How can they be surprised while moving around in maosit infested areas. This was bound to happen, and will repeat itself.

Army isnt the answer, some sense and training is.

no army is not the answer CRPF and local poilce and kill the rats but the problem is leader are not giving them free hands

but now they have to think
Dont play pity Plotics here.
Keep your filty mouth shut .We in India are well aware what was the situation during BJP rule and how good was Advani as HM.

Naredra Modi is you ideal

all the menace is due to people and political parties like your

My deepest condolence to Martyrs

Jai Hind

This was unnecessary.
And yes, I too am of opinion that maoist has crossed the limit. Now all Arundhati Roy and company would be silent. Govt should go and remove this "movement".

They say they are fighting for development but on the other hand, they destroy roads, hospitals etc.

Govt is treating them as Indians and thus not going in hard ways. However it seems they do not think in same manner. Maosit should hope govt continue thinking they are Indians.

And yes, as Chidambaram said buck stops at home minister. So he should take responsibility.
Dont play pity Plotics here.
Keep your filty mouth shut .We in India are well aware what was the situation during BJP rule and how good was Advani as HM.

Naredra Modi is you ideal

all the menace is due to people and political parties like your

My deepest condolence to Martyrs

Jai Hind

wats wrong in he saying that..?
why r u bringing Advani into it..I think ur mentioning 1999 Kandahar hijack case...When 172 innocent Indian's like was threatened by the talibani mullahs and their relatives knocking on the govt doors wat else can a govt do..? nd remember thet the decision to release the terroriasts was supported by all the parties including ur congress at that time..So y is congress bringing the issue now..?
Ok the culprit of the Parliament attack case was caught nd given death penalty during the BJP rule.has the present congress govt done it..?

It is my firm beleif that before the Maoists are punished their sympathisers should be punished,.
After that bring in the IAF's attack choppers nd It will be over within 2 months.
Dont play pity Plotics here.
Keep your filty mouth shut .We in India are well aware what was the situation during BJP rule and how good was Advani as HM.

Naredra Modi is you ideal

all the menace is due to people and political parties like your

My deepest condolence to Martyrs

Jai Hind

don't go off topic

talk if you have any logic
Chidambaram should take the responsibility and quit, Never seen such a irresponsible person , He was announced to have lost last election and later got a miracle victory "some how" with a few thousand votes . He just can speak good English and nothing else.

These crazy politicians spending hell lot of amount for their personal security with a luxury plane for President, luxury choppers for VIPs.People just think how the security guard of our Prime minister equipped , Leave our PM , just imagine how the "Prince" Rahul protected. These animals really suck our blood .Really feeling ashamed to call myself an Indian. Why cant Pakistan send another wave of terrorists into Parliament, this time with a better training ?


Don't drag Pakistan into this. If they wanted to, they would do it.

The same thing happens in Pakistan, Bangladesh and everywhere else in the developing world. In Pakistan, now whether the politicians care or not, at least the ISI and Army are pretty fed up with these sort of fags who kill the innocent. IF the CRPF were fighting them, it could be understood, but if the Maos just attacked them because they were security personal they better get a kick in the butt.
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