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70% crimes will end if political parties' militant wing members arrested'

^^ guys all of you maybe right about history, but kindly focus on today, how to solve today's problems of Karachi, work together is the only way out.. start from building trust bridges !!
you kepp blabbering about me visiting librarys to read about 50's and 60's but you youself don't even bother to read /google recent past. Just to refresh your memory who is hurting and wants to hurt Pakistan.

Its time you better start using your own eyes and brain and quit listening to brainless idiots of MQM FIKRI NASHIST.

and don't bother to respond, you have amply demonstrated your incapablity to think or argue logically. peace..


What wrong did i say honestly, i asked u to check out the history urself by reading and educating urself. Was it too offending for u ? Really ? Truth hurts some ones back real hard i guess ;)
"And me being not able to think and open my eyes" thanks for this kind of usage of comments regarding the member and not on topic. Readers themselves will decide now who hadn't had the ability to think and to bring points to the table. But i won't be wasting my time any more trying to educate u. I know u are one of a kind.

In last what u referred about fikri nishist, i would like to tell u brother u have no idea what kind of simplicity and morale values are taught in those gatherings, But it would be a waste to talk about it any further to u, so i won't go that deep. Just want to tell u something MQM is working on ground bases real heard, without any cosmetic talks like others, They will rise, The people of Pakistan will Rise soon INSHALLAH.

MQM will bring the actual middle class forward and let them lead INSHALLAH.
U people have no idea whatsoever about anything, Just note it down somewhere brother, MQM will give u haters a big surprise from the Punjab side INSHALLAH very soon. And the world will get to see how the people of PUNJAB will thwart the landlords soon INSHALLAH AMEEN

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the time period i mentioned was about the early era's , meanwhile if u think it all started after MQM, remember MQM came into existence after mid 80's, go and take out the news paper's after bhutto's era late 70's and early 80's when JAMAAT-E-ISLAMI ruled. And see kiliings in there Era too.Now when u don't bother to goto a library and read the history don't mock around bashing mahajir's or MQM. All the allegations that were put on MQM have proved wrong. Unless u can prove something what not even Army generals full of hate and fakeness could prove.

U know why ? because the people who build Pakistan can never do anything to hurt or to lose it. They are real PATRIOTS dont bash them when u can't prove anything!

I don't know about library, but I meet 10s of people in karachi who migrated to karachi in early 80s just karachi was one of the peaceful places. & then in 1985-86 MQM and MQM Haqeeqi started a mess start fighting.. then MQM started to mess with Punjabis and Pathans, and then this Pathan Punjabi Bhai Bhai ethadh started.. and then started the era of bori bandh lash, so this was the time of 1st operation in Karachi....
Brother this is what happens when u hear different things from people and come straight to some ones face and put allegations to it!

u urself mentioned that in 1985-86 MQM , AND MQM HAQEEQI started fighting which created a mess. While i would like to tell u that those people who said to u are liars, cause in 1980's haqeeqi was not active, HAQEEQI came into existence after NAWAZ SHARIZ along with the generals started the operation against a political party and a mass who were asking for their ryts at that time and Naseerullah Babar was the one leading the operation against them.

See asghar khan case u 'll get to know what happened in early 1990's and maybe INSHALLAH u 'll get to understand what dirty games were played back then by some land lord Politicians and hate filled generals.
But see now what has happened, that same general came to the tv i.e. Naseerullah Babar came on tv along with his company who was with him back then in late 80's early 90',s and said infront of the world what not only astonished everyone but also brought disgrace to our army men.

What more can i say now ?. U can see everything i think urself. If MQM was soo against pathans and punjabis then they could have caused harm to them in MUSHARRAF'S era, But this my Brother didn't happen.

As i have said earlier in my posts above, many don't know the things which MQM is doing. And believe me people still don't have any idea how much MQM is educating the low and middle class level people of Punjab and balochistan.

just to give u an idea
there are 16-17 districts in Punjab and in each and every district MQM is motivating and educating people to come ahead and rule themselves from their own areas, Obviously the main stream media won't show it, But believe me MQM works on ground instead of indulging into bashing of each other on TV

just to give u another idea
when NAWAZ SHARIF did jalsa in karachi
ALTAF HUSSAIN AND MQM gave congrats to them
Same happened when IMRAN khan came and held a jalsa here, MQM gave congrats unlike PMLN AND JUI who bashed IMRAN because he went to their stronghold and tried to talk to the people there.

MQM doesn't promote hate, they have the mentality of acceptance as no one other in the political arena But people who support land lords talk so much against MQM that there childrem start to believe in them wthout even knowing anything they make and create false stories regarding them. SAD it is!

GOOD NIGHT MY BROTHER will sleep now : )
MAY ALLAH bless you and everyone

36-37 districts*
still we as a nation waiting to take political revenge from our opponents & we kept using every bad event for our hatred!
till sind not get divided into 2 different govening bodies , karachi problem isnt going any where?
Sindh is very important to every Pakistan sitting in any part of the world or in any part of Pakistan. We all want Sindh to be a strong economic hub but militant wings of political parties can only be abolished/arrested by limited Military operations [police-rangers failed], but then the question is if political parties created militant wings that makes them equally responsible for terrorism in Pakistan thus it would by default make those parties responsible for terrorism and be banned for a very long time.
Sindh is very important to every Pakistan sitting in any part of the world or in any part of Pakistan. We all want Sindh to be a strong economic hub but militant wings of political parties can only be abolished/arrested by limited Military operations [police-rangers failed], but then the question is if political parties created militant wings that makes them equally responsible for terrorism in Pakistan thus it would by default make those parties responsible for terrorism and be banned for a very long time.

This thread is bassed on political motivated greedy statment!
By a party which has no stakes in karachi?
Issue of militant wings only can be resloved by taking a balanced & transpernt action with every single concerned party on bord & it should hve a clear agenda against illegal weapons all around pakistan & against terrorism of all kinds?
We can't be serious if we push & free the terrosists of religious oreintations & keep talking about negociations withh the likes of TTp & target a few because we don't like them or we think by doing a police action we can get the political representation in that place ?
Baluchistan isn't been solved & we strt thinking for karachi I think its the great game to hve pakistan,s disintegreation on ethinic grounds which is been pushed by PPP very cleverly?
Cause thts wht was the given target to Z.Mirza, who flamed the new wave of voilince in karachi?
Now as PPP with its knowledge of MQM dislikness by other political parties is playing a foul play, what happens if something comes up like a fake incounter like of mir-murtaza-bhuto?
Its highly expected a resolution from US congress , like wht they hve did in favour of free baluchistan?
Then wht ? Call pakarmy to be in the line of fire & hate?with been called agressors?
Thts the typical PPP plan isn't it?
As a responsible nation fighting terrorism, we need national policies not regional policies which can't be be seen as victimization against a group?
U know what happens When people like u don't bother to read history from knowledgable sources or from even Library ?
They start to believe in what they hear. Same as in your case hear.

I 'll give u lesson and if u think i am lieing u may go to any library and take the newspaper from the era of AYUB khan and read it yourself, the killings in karachi is nothing new or didn't start after the MQM came into being

The problem with MQM didn't start after MQM WAS established, the history goes back to the very beginning. YES, 1947 it is, when after the death of QUAID-E-AZAM THE FATHER OF OUR NATION left this world, And Ayub khan came Ahead the first dictator, and wanted to take the leadership of this nation from the MOTHER OF OUR NATION BIBI FATIMA JINNAH, In which he did succeed, What a shame, no one supported the mother of our nation and also the so called NAWAZ SHARIF ALIKE land lords backed off. It was the MAHAJIREENS then who supported Fatima jinnah and took a stand against the so called FIELD MARSHAL Ayub khan, And it pissed Ayub khan so much that he gave an statement saying:

and take out the old newspapers from 1650's, 60's early killings till the qasba colony massacre!

This is how the supporters of the mother of nation were disgraced from the very beginning, And this is why till today the Punjabi establishment(not all) with typical ANTI MAHAJIR- and full of hate mindedness still won't leave a chance to degrade this particular mass.

Now if u think i am lying here go to a library and take out the newspapers urself, and read instead of what u hear in ur family gatherings!

P.S. I AM A PATHAN from BALOCHISTAN'S region dukki, my grandfather was a sardar who supported QUAID-E-AZAM (didn't want to mention it but people like U in our country have nothing to do but bash those, who speak the truth!) If u want my more details i can further give it to you, here.

I was just about to post the era of Ayub Khan and the reality of unrest in Karachi when I came across your post. My friend, most of them know all this already but they themselves are a part of this hate clan and will leave no opportunity to malign MQM.
the time period i mentioned was about the early era's , meanwhile if u think it all started after MQM, remember MQM came into existence after mid 80's, go and take out the news paper's after bhutto's era late 70's and early 80's when JAMAAT-E-ISLAMI ruled. And see kiliings in there Era too.Now when u don't bother to goto a library and read the history don't mock around bashing mahajir's or MQM. All the allegations that were put on MQM have proved wrong. Unless u can prove something what not even Army generals full of hate and fakeness could prove.

U know why ? because the people who build Pakistan can never do anything to hurt or to lose it. They are real PATRIOTS dont bash them when u can't prove anything!

That's the core of the issue here, they all know that Mohajirs are the real pioneers of the freedom struggle. The people who were in Sindh/Punjab/Bluchistan/FATA got everything sitting down while it was the migrants who sacrificed everything literally for Pakistan. Even today, Mohajirs want to be Pakistani above anything else but a Sindhi wants to be Sindhi, Baloch wants to be Baloch and Pathan wants to be Pathan. It's is quite clear, really, who supports a united Pakistan and who does not.

you kepp blabbering about me visiting librarys to read about 50's and 60's but you youself don't even bother to read /google recent past. Just to refresh your memory who is hurting and wants to hurt Pakistan.

Its time you better start using your own eyes and brain and quit listening to brainless idiots of MQM FIKRI NASHIST.

and don't bother to respond, you have amply demonstrated your incapablity to think or argue logically. peace..


You obviously ignored my post in the link you have posted!
^^ guys all of you maybe right about history, but kindly focus on today, how to solve today's problems of Karachi, work together is the only way out.. start from building trust bridges !!

Buddy, you really want to fix things, then give power to those who deserve it. How do you fix the crisis in Balochistan? You give Baloch their due rights and you give them power to govern themselves. Similarly Karachi should be governed by a mayor from Karachi who has family and stake in Karachi. LEA's and Government officials posted in Karachi should belong to Karachi and should have a domicile from Karachi. Today, the authority of Karachi is held from some one who hails from interior Sindh (Chief Minister), the LEA chief too hails from interior Sindh, administrators range from Sindh to Punjab to Balochistan etc. Police personnel are predominantly from interior Sindh and Punjab.

Why would anybody from outside Karachi give a damn about Karachi, the only person who would actually give a damn about Karachi would have to have a stake in the city, he would have children, parents and other relatives in Karachi and his investments would be in Karachi. Then, he would really give a damn about everything.
Sindh is very important to every Pakistan sitting in any part of the world or in any part of Pakistan. We all want Sindh to be a strong economic hub but militant wings of political parties can only be abolished/arrested by limited Military operations [police-rangers failed], but then the question is if political parties created militant wings that makes them equally responsible for terrorism in Pakistan thus it would by default make those parties responsible for terrorism and be banned for a very long time.

Police fails because of external influence and not because they cannot deliver. They can deliver and they can perform but they must be free from all political influence. Also, Karachi is a city of 20 million and needs a police force of 2,50,000+ but the actual strength of police is roughly 45k of which 50-60% is dedicated to VIP protocol.

And ofcourse, the LEA's are full of uneducated people who join police for power and illicit income.
If Pakistan Army really wants, they can get rid of corruption and really save lives(not that they arent doing it) but there are other efficient ways of getting rid of bloodshed in karachi so it's really up to Pak Fauj on how they deal with this situation and if they leave it up to the politicians then nothing can save Pakistan from a civil war with very few politicians being an exception.
99% crimes will be end if all political parties are arrested and jailed and hanged

They have failed us.......
99% crimes will be end if all political parties are arrested and jailed and hanged

They have failed us.......

Here we go!
Damo-crazy failed again?
Wellcome marshallaw, after all the expensive experiments in past 5 years?
Here we go!
Damo-crazy failed again?
Wellcome marshallaw, after all the expensive experiments in past 5 years?

What matter is to us common people is the GDP of country

GDP was better during marshallaw


Living here in Pakistan, things was much better during Musharaf times. Compare the GDP,

Yes Damo-crazy failed again, because the corrupt illetrate Wadara, Zameedar, maliks having fake degree should not run the country.

I support those who brings GDP to a better point, I really give a sh__ to marshallaw or Damo-crazy
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