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62 million Pakistanis now living below poverty line

Do not have any hubris, I and most Pakistani's know we are developing country, with problems that many people of good faith are trying to help sort out, we have never claimed to be a superpower and all that malarkey.

And the figures regarding poverty and malnutrition are indian government figures, so if you have a problem with them - take them up with your own government.
Btw, this report was proven to be fabricated a while back by PPP government to malign Musharraf. The latest official figures available are from 2008 when Pakistan had 17% poverty.
Btw, this report was proven to be fabricated a while back by PPP government to malign Musharraf. The latest official figures available are from 2008 when Pakistan had 17% poverty.

Really ..you still going to stick to this conspiracy theory..anything you are not able to contemplate is fabricated!!
It was already discussed and established a while back. I am not going to waste my time arguing with you again.

Conspiracy theory LOL. Please get your head checked. Next time a political party plays politics, you gonna call it a conspiracy theory.
Nothing was established by you..all that was established is that you choose to remain denial ..and selectively accept the facts that suit you and rest all are regarded as conspiracies by foreigners, your own media and even sometimes your own govt against your state.
As i've told you before, you need to learn what 'denial' means. As far as it being established, I didn't establish it, it was established in articles. As I said, this article came a few months after it was revealed that Pakistan had 17% poverty rate. And it had WB seal on it. Give me a break.

This story has been proven to be false. You can play around with words by calling it a conspiracy theory, but the fact of the matter is that it isn't true. You telling me I believe what I want to believe? Look at yourself in the mirror first.
As i've told you before, you need to learn what 'denial' means. As far as it being established, I didn't establish it, it was established in articles. As I said, this article came a few months after it was revealed that Pakistan had 17% poverty rate. And it had WB seal on it. Give me a break. .

I know what denial means and i explained it to you in the other thread also..how your are twisting facts(financial years) to proove that this is fabricated.
This story has been proven to be false. You can play around with words by calling it a conspiracy theory, but the fact of the matter is that it isn't true. You telling me I believe what I want to believe? Look at yourself in the mirror first.

According to whom..just you and nobody else.

Go feast your eyes. This article is discussed here as well.

Clearly you don't understand what denial means, if you did you wouldn't keep using that word. You want to believe Pakistani politicians when it suits you but then don't want to believe them when it doesn't.

I had explained to you in the other thread also how world bank does not calculates the numbers on its own ..it only endorses the numbers forwarded by your govts and in this case it revisted those numbers ..Even this report is also endorsed by world bank task force

so how can you this is fabricated and that is not ?

read this
Subsequently, the World Bank re-visited the poverty estimates by the Centre for Poverty Reduction and Social Policy Development, which found a four to five percentage point increase in poverty figures in the last quarter of FY08. The World Bank has projected that the HCR in Pakistan may rise above 25 percent in FY10, SBP said."
Yes I understand WB gets figures from other governments.

However, this figure has not been endorsed by the world bank.

What you quoted the world bank to be endorsing and what is being reported in the report are not the same things. Please read it carefully.

I wanna ask you this though

Why this obsession with Pakistan? Not just any kind of obsession, obsession at such a deep level it's hard to put it in words. No Pakistani I know is obsessed with India the same way you're with Pakistan. I mean this is not something I've came across before. You literally breathe Pakistan 24/7. You're on this forum every time you're not awake. I wake up, come back up, post a reply, you're there. I wake up, post a reply, you're there. I am somewhere else in the middle of the day, post a reply, you're always there. What's happening?

I wanna ask you this though

Why this obsession with Pakistan? Not just any kind of obsession, obsession at such a deep level it's hard to put it in words. No Pakistani I know is obsessed with India the same way you're with Pakistan. I mean this is not something I've came across before. You literally breathe Pakistan 24/7. You're on this forum every time you're not awake. I wake up, come back up, post a reply, you're there. I wake up, post a reply, you're there. I am somewhere else in the middle of the day, post a reply, you're always there. What's happening?

May be this is PDF addiction and not Pakistan addiction.
Well the vast majority of his replies are in threads relating to Pakistan. You can check through his profile.

That's simply not right. I've seen him pretty active on other threads too. It might be that because of the long list of posts on a couple of Pakistani threads, you are not able to view his other posts.

I wanna ask you this though

Why this obsession with Pakistan? Not just any kind of obsession, obsession at such a deep level it's hard to put it in words. No Pakistani I know is obsessed with India the same way you're with Pakistan. I mean this is not something I've came across before. You literally breathe Pakistan 24/7. You're on this forum every time you're not awake. I wake up, come back up, post a reply, you're there. I wake up, post a reply, you're there. I am somewhere else in the middle of the day, post a reply, you're always there. What's happening?

As I have said before..all my info I share ..is picked from this forum itself.. .if you pay attention to detail it is all here ...and just like this forum ..my knowledge is not Pakistan specific, as for my being here supposedly all the time..that is just your bad luck..some how our sleep times just coincide.

As for your previous post I had already answered it last time..when we had this discussion..it is going exactly the same way as before..so I am going to give you break on this one..but next time you come with the argument..that this report is fabricated..I will come up with my explanations as before.
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