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60 years on, 87 Kashmiris want independence

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If one sees the terrain in Kashmir, one would realise that it is not possible to capture Kashmir in the time limit that is given to India and Pakistan by the powers that be to fight wars. It will require a long protracted campaign, and by that time, both India and Pakistan would get bankrupt!

The economy of either country does not permit such a long protracted campaign!

Agreed sir. The point was just that neither side really has any ground for boasting, given that neither has really managed to dislodge the other from the territory to any great degree.
Re: 60 years on, 87% Kashmiris want independence

Giving Kashmir independence means another state where USA will keep it's so called peace keeping forces, which is not in favor of neither Pakistan nor India.
Re: 60 years on, 87% Kashmiris want independence

Giving Kashmir independence means another state where USA will keep it's so called peace keeping forces, which is not in favor of neither Pakistan nor India.

Why would USA keep its peace-keeping forces in Kashmir if Kashmir gains independence? ...Well I don't think the Kashmiris will want American peace-keeping troops anyway. If they feel insecure from their neighbors (India and Pakistan) then they'll want a UN force. I dunno what you are trying to suggest anyway!

Man, its in the Kashmiris favour and that should be enough. They are fighting for the same independence for which we fought in 1947 and they are fighting to end the oppression and discrimination that we would still be suffering if we were in India. We should support them rather than suggesting vague theories about which there is barely any proof and claiming that it would be unfavourable for us based on these theories.

Comeon, we went through exactly the same phase in history! Support them rather than trying to divert the conversation away from them.
i think kashmiri's should decide their future. No one else have the right to decide ttheir future.It was in favor of both countries to go for a solution under UN resolutions. Now its in the same way.If we want a pecefull solution then we have to give kashmir's their right.
Hey, I’m glad that you asked about it!

Well its really sad how they treat people back there. People are killed often by those mad soldiers and when people go to the police station the police are unwilling to even write a report! Women are raped by men, not men by women so you have no reason to go there because you won’t “get lucky” like you got lucky yesterday.

Then the soldiers take your stuff from you. For example a stupid soldier took my aunts cell phone away. She wanted to make a report but we need contacts to get the policemen to write reports in Kashmir I guess! Actually the rape is very common, like there are soldiers who enter peoples houses rape women and go especially in the rural areas where the people are too fearful and sort of more helpless because of their simplicity. Also there are cases of torture. In Srinagar itself there was an incident in which 2 women were tortured and raped for hours and then killed by a group of soldiers including an officer. When an officer commits a crime even an influential person or the whole muslim population of Srinagar could not get justice. The whole city knew about it but the officer and everyone involved got away. Thing is this wasn’t the first instance. I even personally knew a girl from Rajouri who got raped… She was afraid to even show her face as she felt she was a walking embaressment and a shame. Destroyed her life you know.

Actually I used to think of myself as a Kashmiri and I thought I’ll always be a Kashmiri no matter what! But things have changed! Like the Nationalists gave me a new life and provided me with an opportunity to get away from stupid India. My education is taken care of by them… they gave my father a good job and they handled the getting the Pakistani passport and stuff. So I will always be grateful to Pakistan for this and in truth I don’t really see the mad Indians ever freeing Kashmir being the cold bastards that they are. So I might be a Pakistani while I can and be proud of it! I think I am proud to be a Pakistani now cauz the life that I am living is only because of Pakistanis otherwise I would still be suffering in a jahanum called Kashmir created especially for us by the Indians!

In India we were treated like dogs and it simply didn’t matter what we wanted! We were just unaccepted! Pakistan on the other hand seemed to want us and accept us and Pakistanis felt our pain as well so I guess that’s why I love Pakistan and hav no issues with being a Pakistani. I don’t think the Indian bastards will leave Kashmir alone anyway so I guess Pakistan is our future. Only thing is that the Indian propaganda and stupid state controlled newspapers in Kashmir really try to make Pakistan look like some sort of evil country bent on taking Kashmir by force despite Pakistan being an escape from us from Indian idiocy! Hope people will understand that one day.

Anyway that’s a long e-mail. I hope to work for the Nationalists or Patriots some day because they help so many people. Hope you can get me something there darling. Its been 2 years since I’ve been a Pakistani, I wanna serve Pakistan too!

Well take care and don’t you dare forget me.

Haya Ismail.

This is a message I got from a Kashmiri girl who shifted to Pakistan! Let the world be a witness to how Indians treat Kashmiris!!! Hope you Indians learn something!
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