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6 trillion barrels oil in Baluchistan?

when our politicians have fulfilled their greed.

This is theft not greed. it is not difficult to convict each one of them but they are clever they got them selve a party cheif justice.
For sure a lot of oil and other mineral resources ... its obvious !! look at the geographical location ... Its all about oil and dosh ... !Thats prety much why why there is so much unrest and the people are purposely kept backward + all the foreign involvement.
Our enemies even know how resource rich Baluchistan province of Pakistan is:

Gas exploration hampered by Balochistan security situation

* Report identifies conflict between security forces, BLA, Bugti militiamen as main reason behind deteriorating situation

By Tahir Niaz

ISLAMABAD: The law and order situation is the foremost factor that has hampered the exploration of gas and production activity in Balochistan over the last few years, according to the recently-released ‘Balochistan Economic Report’.

The report – a copy of which is available with Daily Times – said over three-fifths of the 657 terrorist attacks in 2006, nearly one-third of deaths in such attacks and almost half the injuries were reported in Balochistan. The report said the security situation in Balochistan worsened in 2006 compared to the previous year. It said the number of terrorist attacks in 2006 was almost twice as high as the period between 2002 and 2005. According to the report, the gas fields of Sui, Uch, Pirkoh and Loti are all located in Dera Bugti, which is at the heart of a violent conflict. The report identifies the principal reason for the deteriorating security situation as “a violent conflict between security forces and the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and Bugti tribesmen”.

It said the BLA, the Balochistan Liberation Front and Bugti militiamen launched 403 terrorist attacks in the province during 2006, killing 277 people and injuring 676 others. It said gas pipelines, security checkpoints and camps, government offices, rail tracks and bridges were targeted in these attacks. According to statistics compiled by the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), Dera Bugti accounted for two-fifths of the 136 terrorist attacks reported in Balochistan between January 2006 and July 2006. The attacks killed 137 people and injured 315 others. According to the Balochistan Economic Report, Kohlu district – a stronghold of the BLA—along with Quetta and Sibi represent over a quarter of the terrorist attacks.

The report said Balochistan accounted for three-fifths of all terrorist attacks in Pakistan during 2006, and most of them took place in or around Dera Bugti. It said the precarious security situation in Dera Bugti was the main reason behind the decline in gas output – with the financial impact felt throughout the province. According to the study, the security situation in Balochistan was “highly unsatisfactory” during 2007, as terrorists continued attacking state installations and security apparatus.

The report said with gas fields exhausting, security worsening, fiscal receipts declining and community support in doubt, Balochistan’s gas economy was in urgent need of reforms.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
you cant count zeros. Pakistan would be the richest state on the planet.

6 tril is mostly bakwaas.

But as some members are saying, IMO it is rather hard to digest that there is no Oil there.

Also most Pakistanis have a habbit of seeing a ghost in everything.

The people who are there in Balouchland are there for political reasons.

Arabs have oil and almost zilch education and US has made the Oil market a buyers market by the simple idea of reserve stock. Iranians have Oil and literacy (at least traditionally they were better educated)and they too are subject to this buyers market.

Hope cannot substitute policy and Oil cannot substitute brain power.

US has the brain power to suck up all the Oil that Pakistanis can find 6 tril or 12 tril or zilch tril.

Though the way in which there society is educating itself about climate change, they will surely find some proper subtitute energy alternative to Oil in next 5-10 years. Oil even if 6 tril would not help Pakistan as much as they would like to.
If this is true that Balochistan has 6 Trillion oil reservoirs then these are more than saudi oil reservoirs which are 260 billion barrels.
There is no doubt that we can be one of the richest countries of the world but when?

All the wealth in the world without the wisdom to use it for the benefit of the nation, is a curse - do you really want to be like Saudi or others who no longer live off their labor and their brains? It's not for Pakistanis.

Since the Anglo-Persian oil company, tribal leaders have made a great living working for the interests of foreign governments and commercial interests - In Iran, when the Reza Shah finally tired of being held for ransom by the tribals every time he attempted to negotiate a larger royalty from the British, for the Iranian nation, he physically did away with "Sardars" - Recall Musharraf signed a US$ 5 Billion deal with Total of France for exploration of Hydro-carbon resources in and off shore B'stan - what happened?? Insurgency levels shot up, BLA was courted in foreign capitals and guess who now is a big player in the hydrocarbon development in Pakistan, yes, BP - suprise?? (ROYAL dutch) Shell won't be too far behind.

Unless Pakistan can do for itself what Arbis have left to foreigners to do for them, this potential wealth will be a curse. And anyway, this hydro-carbon deal is like a lottery, great if it happens but in the meantime we have real work to do.

i think the Baluchistan might have some oil but the figure might not as staggering as 6 trillion barrels , if it had such a huge amount of oil then why it was not noticed till now .why the petrochemical industries took some initiative to extract this black gold and make fortunes out of it . I am just asking a question.
And anyway, this hydro-carbon deal is like a lottery, great if it happens but in the meantime we have real work to do.

The "sardars" are doing us a favor then I suppose by keeping exploration away :woot:
The "sardars" are doing us a favor then I suppose by keeping exploration away :woot:

What Pakistan needs to do right now is get rid of BLA terrorists and secure the western border near Balochistan.

We all know some outsiders have their eye on Balochistan.

Many people already know that Pakistan is blessed with many natural resources, which still remains untapped. Too bad there's too much foreign involvement in our country.

I would like the future generation of Pakistan to live a comfortable life from the blessings of their land like the Saudis, Emiratis, Europeans, and Americans do.
BLA is not it! There is no infrastructure and most importantly no education. The road from Quetta to Karachi is under development from 1950's under RDC. Still the work is going on in some parts.

The people should be enlightened and given education other wise this whole wealth will end up wasted. Just like in Arab world.
6 tril is mostly bakwaas.

Its NOT bakwas. Its almost possibly bcoz oil streams which UAE & Iran & some countries take oil from goes through from Baluchistan offshore region. Our only problems are the F++++ politicians. Who are highly paid by US & India to destabilize Pakistan & not to let us economically strong
First of all its not a news report but a report of Geological survey of pakistan.

Yes surveys cannot be hundred percent accurate and they cannot be depended upon.

But surveys are based on geo location.Pakistan as located on the place where three plates Indian,eurassian,Arabian.The places where these plates collide are also rich in minerals.

More over the satellite imagery and other techniques makes it possible to guess resources.

So even if we consider 5 % of 6 trillion barrels oil then even that is 300 billion barrels oil are very high.

Besides it we have REKODIQ reserves.Where there are at least 2 billion tons gold where each ton is sold at 5000 $.So the alone are worth of 10 trillion $.

Thats the reason US is supporting BLA and it wants to occupy that.

yes the exact figure may vary but its true that not only balochistan but if u include whole pakistan the oil reserves are that much that we can easily export oil but only need is finance to research and exploration work. not only oil but gas, gold, coal, copper, uranium, and so many expensive stone types. just a sincere leader can change pakistan's look in just 5 years.
I would like the future generation of Pakistan to live a comfortable life from the blessings of their land like the Saudis, Emiratis, Europeans, and Americans do.

yes. pakistan have the potential..imp thing is to throw all corrupt politicians..
Its NOT bakwas. Its almost possibly bcoz oil streams which UAE & Iran & some countries take oil from goes through from Baluchistan offshore region. Our only problems are the F++++ politicians. Who are highly paid by US & India to destabilize Pakistan & not to let us economically strong

Oh puhleezzz....

Why drag India into everything?

Someday you'll get constipation and you'll say "Look, Winds blow from India to Pak, India sprayed chemicals in the air to constipate us"

Grow up dude.

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