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5 Largest Ethnic Groups in Pakistan

The question is, what is Hinduism in the first place?

"Hinduism, as a faith, is vague, amorphous, many-sided, all things to all men. It is hardly possible to define it, or indeed to say definitely whether it is a religion or not, in the usual sense of the word.” [Jawaharlal Nehru, The Discovery of India, New Delhi, 1983, p.75]

“Frankly speaking, it is not possible to say definitely who is a Hindu and what Hinduism is. These questions have been considered again and again by eminent scholars, and so far no satisfactory answer has been given.” [Swami Dharma Theertha, History of Hindu Imperialism, Madras, 1992, p. 178]

“Hinduism defies definition… It has no specific creed.” [Khushwant Singh, India: An Introduction, New Delhi, 1990, p. 19]

“The more Hinduism is considered, the more difficult it becomes to define it in a single phrase… A Hindu may have any religious belief or none.” [Percival Spear, India: A Modern History, Michigan, 1961, p.40]

Excellent quotes and very true.

Hindu philosophy is based on science.

It is a journey of discovery, discussion and debate.
Excellent quotes and very true.

Hindu philosophy is based on science.

It is a journey of discovery, discussion and debate.

My point was that it isn't a uniform religion, but oh well. Discovery, discussion and debate it is, apparently.
My point was that it isn't a uniform religion, but oh well. Discovery, discussion and debate it is, apparently.

Correct it is not an organized religion like Islam or Christianity. There are no mandated rules or a holy book.
I'am confused so what is a true punjabi then because rajput and jatt run in every indic ethnic group and my friend is a chachi and he said he is a awan and he speaks hindkow but my other friend who is also chachi said they are pathan who settled in punjab and so that's confusing me and are awan there own ethnic group or just a tribe or a caste and my ethnicity is mirpuri or pahari from azad kashmir but my caste is rajput bains.
Well, then the majority of them are ok with racist/biased recruitment policies.

Punjabis form the largest component in the army here due to their numbers, they arent disproportionally represented or anything. Even among them, it is the Potoharis who form the biggest component.
I am not arguing against the setup. I am myself a migrant with weak pashtun links. For me it does not matter which ethnic group the army is made up of, it is our army regardless. I was just pointing to the fact how others think and the ethnic chauvinism dominating the country as votes for MQM and PPPP and PMLN prove.
I'am confused so what is a true punjabi then because rajput and jatt run in every indic ethnic group and my friend is a chachi and he said he is a awan and he speaks hindkow but my other friend who is also chachi said they are pathan who settled in punjab and so that's confusing me and are awan there own ethnic group or just a tribe or a caste and my ethnicity is mirpuri or pahari from azad kashmir but my caste is rajput bains.
If you follow Punjabi culture/language then you can be considered "Punjabi", regardless if your Pashtun, Baloch, Kashmir or ect...

Punjabi isnt a race; but a collection of diverse and various ethnic groups following the same culture and speaking the same language.

Awans are a completely different ethnic group; although some Awans are descendants of Pashtuns who integrated into the tribe.

Here is a quote from Christophe Jaffrelot:
"The Awan deserve close attention, because of their historical importance and, above all, because they settled in the west, right up to the edge of Baluchi and Pashtun territory. [Tribal] Legend has it that their origins go back to fourth caliph Hazrat Ali(R.A.) by his wife, Hanafiya. Historians describe them as valiant warriors and farmers who imposed their supremacy on their close kin the Janjuas in part of the Salt Range, and established large colonies all along the Indus to Sind, and a densely populated centre not far from Lahore."

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