There was some solid research but the Indian media and certain Indian researchers have tainted this research with their sheer insecurity and self importance along with their flawed focus on modern India.
There is a major problem in the picture presented of these so called "ASI" who appear to have populated a lot of Asia. Even if this was a homogenous group/ethnicity in all of South Asia, the evidence clearly shows that Indus Valley "ASI" are the ones who built IVC, while the North Indian/South Indian "ASI" had nothing to do with IVC. This is what the researchers basically said. Then the Indian media (once again) invented/speculated on convenient migration events, either a drought or conflict to connect IVC with modern Indian populations.
If you look at the genetic map of Pakistan, none of these Indian theories hold true.
The Eurasian component exist in
all of Indus Valley in meaningful quantities, clearly suggesting that a Eurasian population settled and
heavily mixed in the Indus Valley a long time ago. This is not what a deportation event looks like.
Meanwhile, modern North India and South India have no meaningful quantities of Eurasian DNA, because there was no settling. This was an Indus Valley event, so it's pointless to investigate this from a modern Indian perspective.#
One thing is true however. North and South Indians are heavily mixed and not very different from each other (on average).