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31 killed as militants attack Pakistan army checkpost

Who were these 'soldiers'? PA or the paramilitary Frontier Corps? Good that the bloody Taliban were screwed too! I wonder if Pakistan's 14 Infantry Division has come back to Waziristan from the Eastern borders? If not, it's high time they did, to slam these fookin' douche-bags! :sniper:
Army cannot defend tribal areas same way as the rest if the country.
By contract they dont follow Pakistani laws and want to take responsibility if their defence.
Until they are fully integeated by law and their consent.....they cannot and should not get same previlages as the rest of the country...
Then give away Tribal belt to Afghanistan. Make another border from where PA has total control.

Thing is Pakistan govt. and Army are not certain what to do with Tribal belt.
Real sad.. RIP to the dead. 31 is such a high number in terms of casualties & is alarming.. then again why does it sounds so normal & routine in the case of Pakistan? When will this impunity come to an end?
how to end this is the question, that whole place is confusing to me.... Is this Taliban or just pissed of tribals ?
Army cannot defend tribal areas same way as the rest if the country.
By contract they dont follow Pakistani laws and want to take responsibility if their defence.
Until they are fully integeated by law and their consent.....they cannot and should not get same previlages as the rest of the country...

sir the law is not followed in the rest of the country too, look at balochistan interior sindh they are all lawless tribal areas
Then give away Tribal belt to Afghanistan. Make another border from where PA has total control. If tribal belt is like cancerous tumor, better to cut it out before it affects rest of the body part.

Thing is Pakistan govt. and Army are not certain what to do with Tribal belt.

I dont know man.
Its a complicated one. I have friends in Khyber Agency and Bajaur agency and i cant praise them enough and will do many things for them.
But thats on personal level.
On national level,yes tribal areas have become a tumour....
Isn't same Pakistan taliban, some days back who said that they ll not attack on Pak army. ?

No one in Pakistan is foolish enough to take the words of terrorists at face value..

so the militants attacked from afghanistan right? as our checkpost got attacked?

This place seems almost 60-70 km from the afghan border..

The orange area is Lakki marwat...its far from Afghan border and attackers cant be foreughn,they have to be local tribesmen..

These morons have done so much damage to Pakistan that if i was in government i had handed them over to Afghanistan.

Dont you feel that somewhere at the root of all this is the ambivalent approach / policy GOP has had for these areas post 47 ? I was amazed to read some time ago that there are areas where the PA / Central authority is stepping in for the 1st time .

Its hard to comprehend why swathes of territory laid claim to had remained outside the ambit of the national mainstream. Even today they are governed by ' Agents'- a designation that has colonial overtones. Its like a Burra Sahab from blighty administering the land on behalf of the Crown.

Evidently, things were willfully glossed over , what were the reasons ?

The handing over & taking back of Swat too must have made these Gents taste Blood - something they now do not want to back off from.

Any which way, they provide a very fertile ground and and open window for trouble makers to step in and agravate an already aggravated situation.

Pak has to take strong decisions . Either enforce the national will or cut losses.
Got confirmation?

Any more idea about the numbers?


Got confirmation?

Any more idea about the numbers?

Since attack occured at 3 am, Element of surprise caused casualties. Number still standing at 13. Even soldiers which i assume QRF from Bannu came to help the soldiers.
The 'Ghayoor Qabaily' can have a stiffy now..
Definately revenge attack by tge back stabbing terribles..... I mean tribals.
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