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$30bn deal: US to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia

Well, congrats for Saudi Arabia, i guess they know what is better for them... I was only wondering, if the program for the F-22 costs US$ 60 billion , and the program for the PAK FA cost about US$ 8-9 billion, wouldn't be wiser if Saudi Arabia invests in a program like that ? I am sure a lot of countries would provide technological help for this amount of money, but this is just me thinking. I guess they know what is better for them.
The Saudis want to generate jobs in the US, they don't really need to get more of these F-15s.
Here is complete deal.

WASHINGTON, October 20, 2010 – The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Saudi Arabia of:

84 F-15SA Aircraft
170 APG-63(v)3 Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar (AESA) radar sets
193 F-110-GE-129 Improved Performance Engines
100 M61 Vulcan Cannons
100 Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System/Low Volume Terminal (MIDS/LVT) and spares
193 LANTIRN Navigation Pods (3rd Generation-Tiger Eye)
338 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
462 AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVGS)
300 AIM-9X SIDEWINDER Missiles
25 Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM-9X)
25 Special Air Training Missiles (NATM-9X)
500 AIM-120C/7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM)
25 AIM-120 CATMs
1,000 Dual Mode Laser/Global Positioning System (GPS) Guided Munitions (500 lb)
1,000 Dual Mode Laser/GPS Guided Munitions (2000 lb)
1,100 GBU-24 PAVEWAY III Laser Guided Bombs (2000 lb)
1,000 GBU-31B V3 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) (2000 lb)
1,300 CBU-105D/B Sensor Fuzed Weapons (SFW)/Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD)
50 CBU-105 Inert
1,000 MK-82 500lb General Purpose Bombs
6,000 MK-82 500lb Inert Training Bombs
2,000 MK-84 2000lb General Purpose Bombs
2,000 MK-84 2000lb Inert Training Bombs
200,000 20mm Cartridges
400,000 20mm Target Practice Cartridges
400 AGM-84 Block II HARPOON Missiles
600 AGM-88B HARM Missiles
169 Digital Electronic Warfare Systems (DEWS)
158 AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Targeting Systems
169 AN/AAS-42 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) Systems
10 DB-110 Reconnaissance Pods
462 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System Helmets
40 Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receivers (ROVER)
80 Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Pods

Also included are the upgrade of the existing Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) fleet of seventy (70) F-15S multi-role fighters to the F-15SA configuration, the provision for CONUS-based fighter training operations for a twelve (12) F-15SA contingent, construction, refurbishments, and infrastructure improvements of several support facilities for the F-15SA in-Kingdom and/or CONUS operations, RR-188 Chaff, MJU-7/10 Flares, training munitions, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices, communication security, site surveys, trainers, simulators, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistical support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support.

The estimated cost is $29.432 billion.
I think, for saudi arabe, those weapon is too much! I heard that, Saudi arabe also hire foreign pilot to fly their plane, and many plane are just stored up!!! As my opinion, the deal is the part of protection fee to USA!! I don't want to offend Saudi arabe, But from many Middle east military business, many business is huge, and the money go into western pocket, But compare with their need, Even their force don't have such soldier to handle the huge amount of weapon!! it is my individual opinion!!
Garbage .. being sold , for 30 Billion dollars

For 4 billion Saudia could have manufactured their own fighter plane with China and Pakistan
and may be invest 26 billion Dollars on people , and helping Muslims countries with donations:agree:

3 Billion for 40 JF17 Thunders , and 1 billion for SD 10 and smart bombs

What a shame , they bought F15 a 1970's garbage

This looks more like "RANSOM" pay to US "protectors" from Kings

I can see it now , when they will really have to use it none of the "electronics" would work since it will all be bugged
Assalam alaikum

Mosa i thought if u.s wont support palistinian state this deal won't go thru , now i see u happy with this deal

Garbage .. being sold , for 30 Billion dollars

For 4 billion Saudia could have manufactured their own fighter plane with China and Pakistan
and may be invest 26 billion Dollars on people , and helping Muslims countries with donations:agree:

3 Billion for 40 JF17 Thunders , and 1 billion for SD 10 and smart bombs

What a shame , they bought F15 a 1970's garbage

This looks more like "RANSOM" pay to US "protectors" from Kings

I can see it now , when they will really have to use it none of the "electronics" would work since it will all be bugged

F-15 is garbage? The package they are getting is very good. Old means it's a proven platform coupled with an excellent combat record. Look at the technical specs!

Man, I swear some of you guys are online JF-17 salesmen! :argh:

Anyways, congrats to the Saudis on the new toys.
The price tag is not for the plane ... it is for the protection offered - or actually, not even protection, but rather an assurance that your country won't be harassed (or bombed) (for real protection, there is an additional fee - as happened when Iraq went into Kuwauti and Saudi Arabia)

There are two options for countries that have huge resources but little power
1) don't bribe mafia boss - Iran's way -- you get threatened with sanctions, bombing, lower oil exports, cutting off of technologies for oil and gas extraction, demonized, and more ...
2) bribe mafia boss - Saudi way -- you can keep your business, no threats, even export more oil as long as you pay the bribes, everyone is happy

The mafia's ways are very persuasive. No wonder Iran is alone in this. Saudi Arabia could never challenge the mafia boss and get away with it, so they have no real choice, even if they wanted to (Malek Faisal was killed for being a bit of a rebel). It is not clear that Iran can get away with it for much longer ... and the price has been steep.
F15 belongs to last century. Saudi should go for F35 and see whether the US is a true friend or just a dealer.

they are getting the F-15 strike eagle - a very potent platform. anyway they have 'loads' of cash and they want their 'toys'
why do arabs buy all the outdated obsolete garbage for the price of gold.

f-15 is surely not a good buy in 2012.

and these f-15 come with too much - sanctions .

if you have money why buy outdated in these times of economic crisis - with a few dollors you can make anybody dance to your tunes.
Look , I am glad your nation is getting some upgraded 70's plane but its a 70's plane with some mods , and new paint job congrats

We just know , that after last decade , USA has no credibility when it comes to selling defense products infact they are not even a reliable ally in anything.

All I am gona say , what you got for 30 billion dollars could have been bought for 6 billion

Heck India is getting Euro Fighter or Ralale latest planes for what 8-9 billion dollars 125 planes

Sometimes it does not hurts to diversify your airforce and purchase 100-200 JF17 Thunders just in case the F15 don't run when you need them ... some of these high tech gadgets have a habbit of not turning on when you need them to turn on quickly Damn those GPS

Thankfully with china , they have their own GPS and other settelite comminication so that would not be case with Chinese fighters

I think a more better deal for Saudia would have been

For 15 billion dollars with Pakistan / China

120 JF17 thunders , 500 - SD10 BVR missiles
Chinese AWACS 2
500 Al Khalid Tanks
Defence Pact with China & Pakistan
100 Cruise Missiles Babur
2 F22P frigates
Look , I am glad your nation is getting some upgraded 70's plane but its a 70's plane with some mods , and new paint job congrats

We just know , that after last decade , USA has no credibility when it comes to selling defense products infact they are not even a reliable ally in anything.

All I am gona say , what you got for 30 billion dollars could have been bought for 6 billion

Heck India is getting Euro Fighter or Ralale latest planes for what 8-9 billion dollars 125 planes

Sometimes it does not hurts to diversify your airforce and purchase 100-200 JF17 Thunders just in case the F15 don't run when you need them ... some of these high tech gadgets have a habbit of not turning on when you need them to turn on quickly Damn those GPS

Thankfully with china , they have their own GPS and other settelite comminication so that would not be case with Chinese fighters

You see. The way I see it. Nobody is left on our side, Absolutely nobody when Iran threatened to close the Strait all of you clapped like idiots when it is an act of war against us not against America. You have Russia and China supporting the butcher Assad I have had enough of watching Syrians crying here because of what Assad is doing to their country and what their families say when they talk to them. One Syrian I know had his mom and 2 of his brothers killed by Assad forces and all of you are cheering for him like fools because he is an Iranian/Russian lapdog.

Is the US a good guy of course not and will never be. I do not like the US and neither does any Saudi for that matter and we never consider them "Friends" but we have common interests. We have Iran threatening to bomb our cities and send missiles into our land and closing our strait and what do you guys do?? You cheer for them like idiots. So yeah we are alone in this world and damn better you know we will act for our own interest.
You know on the contrary we always felt Syria is very close to Saudia , so the whole Syrian thing , and Arab league intervention is all new to us

We are certainly not clapping but we don't know why is Saudia is going around Bahrain and Syria and interfering

As for Iran closing the Gulf waters, well that is more to do with Sanctions being imposed on it may be Saudia and Gulf states should tell USA , hey take your weapons and go home Yankee ...

We have a peaceful setting in Gulf please go away ... problem solved

I don't see Iran going to war in last 20-25 years ...

But you have to understand their point of view , unlike Saudia , where oil money is flowing in easily Iran actually has illegal sanctions

Think of it this way what would you do , if the Sanctions were on Saudia after 9/11 ? How would Saudia react to sanctions ?

these sanctions are not new USA did same with Japan in world war 2 , and got their arses handed to them in pearl harbor
You see. The way I see it. Nobody is left on our side, Absolutely nobody when Iran threatened to close the Strait all of you clapped like idiots when it is an act of war against us not against America. You have Russia and China supporting the butcher Assad I have had enough of watching Syrians crying here because of what Assad is doing to their country and what their families say when they talk to them. One Syrian I know had his mom and 2 of his brothers killed by Assad forces and all of you are cheering for him like fools because he is an Iranian/Russian lapdog.

Is the US a good guy of course not and will never be. I do not like the US and neither does any Saudi for that matter and we never consider them "Friends" but we have common interests. We have Iran threatening to bomb our cities and send missiles into our land and closing our strait and what do you guys do?? You cheer for them like idiots. So yeah we are alone in this world and damn better you know we will act for our own interest.

What's wrong with Syria? Did your government not shoot unarmed protestors in Bahrain? Syria has an armed insurgency going on.
Saudia just needs to relax , and let other governments deal their own problem

I don't recall Saudia having problem with Syria

And certainly Pakistan will come to Saudia's aid no doubt but hopefully Saudia is not silly enough to get involved with Iran for who
USA ??? lol

You should go see how they treat Saudi's in American Airports ... and check points before you go to war for USA and call them your allies

Once you go into USA and turn on Republican TV channels you will see how exactly USA politicians feel about Saudia , you are nothing more then a pawn in their GAME ... just like in 70's Pakistan was against USSR ...

While , the F15 deal is cool I mean we are happy for Saudi Airforce but just feel it too expensive and with that kinda money you could have got a newer plane and reall FREEDOM WEAPONS

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