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$30bn deal: US to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia

saudi arabia is getting downgraded version of f15 with no joint stand off capability due to israel lobbying . i amushed by ksa who buys these downgraded version at price of f35?

Downgraded my a$$. Who needs Slam-Ers when you have StormShadows?? And have you read what the deal includes?? I guess not.
And you are an utter and complete fool. Oh look over there an Iranian a$$ kiss it kiss it quickly. Oh man you were about to go to heaven it was one of the Imams too nuts.

Back to topic. Read what the deal contain stupido.

All I can say is that it is your money at the end of the day and there's nothing anybody can do if you wanna roll it and shove it up your ***!
LoL. Iranian boot licker I expected nothing better from you. You are free to google it yourself you know. And the names of the pilots who did it and the videos of them doing it are also available so you can suck it along with your Iranian friends. You see in Arabia we have a saying "The dog that barks a lot is the least dangerous one" Iran is the biggest barker in the world lol.

Why has my attitude changed?? Because PDF has changed to PDF (Persian defense forum). I just hope we do not look at Iran the wrong way we want to win the war while at least having fun. Idiots Iran threatens to close our trade route and you guys clap like nothing but a pack of idiots.

If you had an ounce of sense, which ofcourse is a trait lost in arabs, you would have realized that I am pissed because I actually care about SA. I am pissed because instead of giving that money to the US you could have made something of your own.....you have everything at your disposal such as money & resources but you still continue to purchase arms instead of making them. What Islamic principle is that? Shouldn't the endeavor be to become the strongest in the world to facilitate spread of Islam and protect Muslim countries from war of terror?
Please. I have been here for months not a SINGLE PERSON was not a racist shmock who talks out of his a$$ based on stereotyping and pure Racism. People who are bashing Arabs on a regular basis get "Think Tank" status. people who praise Iran and worship it like fire (Seems appropriate to associate Persian with fire worship get it ;) ) get special status in the blink of an eye. Don't act like there is nothing going on there is SOMETHING. which is this forum is a propaganda den and stinks of lies and hypocrisy. No matter how many facts I put on the table a guy only comments with "LoL" and gets 1000 thanks. Okay is this how it is played here no problem two can play the same game. I am not a freaking one man army you know.

Oh my, the poor Arab kid is being treated unfairly!! Buy is that not how your race treats all others? Just your airport is proof of your racist acts. And I know very well how you treat Pakistani's and how you treat westerners!
yaar if the goras give the Saudis a roll of plastic and tell them its value will appreciate twenty-fold in four years, they will throw money to buy it

the Saudi military machine is huge, and advanced.....but the equipment will just collect dust simply because they dont need it. They have the goras protecting them anyways; any attack on Saudi would be attack on yanks (and many others') interests

in the end though, it's their money and they can spend it however they like. It may suit Pakistan, since the Saudis have been extremely cooperative with us when we have made requests to ''check things out"
There are no videos of it sadfuly I saw one a long time ago but I can't find it either been looking everywhere for it. Anyways we all know the incident.

apparently we don't!

As I said earlier, denial is not an excuse!
These countries only have superficial signs of development, bought from outside with oil money.

The countries that have really developed indigenous technical, scientific expertise as well as developed their industries and agriculture to a level ranking in the top 10-20 in the world are few in the Muslim World. I have skimmed a lot of statistics and let me tell you, despite its poverty, Egypt is way ahead of SA in terms of real indigenous capabilities. If you carefully follow these trends you will also see that Iran and Turkey overall have the highest levels of true development. In the case of Iran, much more could have been achieved, but with the war and revolution, Iran was set back at least by 15 years.

It is like saying the guy who won the lottery and bought BMW and mansion ... is smarter than everyone else !

You are so ignorant it would take maybe a decade to teach you any facts. These are the only countries in the Muslim world except Brunei which can be called developed as measured by their living standards, and other social and economic measures. Neither Iran nor Turkey is remotely comparable to these countries in their levels of development. Those are plain facts.

It is highly ironic that an Iranian credits Gulf Arabs' development to oil money, but how do you explain Iran's "underdevelopment" then? How do you explain Nigeria, Angola, or Ecuador's level of development? How much oil money does Japan earn? There is a term "Sour Grapes" that describes how you feel.

Bring facts to the table, so we can hold a decent conversation.

---------- Post added at 01:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 AM ----------

yaar if the goras give the Saudis a roll of plastic and tell them its value will appreciate twenty-fold in four years, they will throw money to buy it

the Saudi military machine is huge, and advanced.....but the equipment will just collect dust simply because they dont need it. They have the goras protecting them anyways; any attack on Saudi would be attack on yanks (and many others') interests

in the end though, it's their money and they can spend it however they like. It may suit Pakistan, since the Saudis have been extremely cooperative with us when we have made requests to ''check things out"

From what I could understand, your message may have been blunt but there are certain elements of truth to it.
Okay you speak some very valid points but however something remains. Let's talk about this from an economical point of view. Making a plane takes billions more Billions than those spent on the F-15 I love how some people say "You could have only spent 5 Billion to build an industry and saved the rest on Education" I Laugh so hard because all I can say is look how much the F-35 is costing how much the F-22 cost?? How much the Pak-FA and J-20 cost and that is just research. Who is going to keep our lines open or should we make the planes and then distribute them as charity?? Can you guarantee me that Muslims countries will buy??Can you guarantee me that Muslims countries would mot leave you with a weaker plane on your own and go for the much better Russian and American?? People just looooove to talk and talk and talk don't they??.

How stupid can a person really get? It took Pakistan & China US$ 1 Billion to build JF-17 and China is already in the process of developing atleast 2 different 5th Gen Stealth Fighters.....Couldn't you have invested in 1 of those programs or started a brand new program with Russia/China/Pakistan as your partners where you invested and Russia/China did all the R&D? The cost of F-22 has more to do with the labor cost then any development cost as US employees are paid 100-1000 times more then Pakistani/Chinese/Russian engineers/scientists etc.
If you had an ounce of sense, which ofcourse is a trait lost in arabs, you would have realized that I am pissed because I actually care about SA. I am pissed because instead of giving that money to the US you could have made something of your own.....you have everything at your disposal such as money & resources but you still continue to purchase arms instead of making them. What Islamic principle is that? Shouldn't the endeavor be to become the strongest in the world to facilitate spread of Islam and protect Muslim countries from war of terror?

Although you make a valid point, do not insult all Arabs unnecessarily. You are a Pakistani and you know very well how Pakistan is perceived internationally, and how it is faring presently. Lastly, you advised him on Islamic principles but by insulting Arabs as a whole, did you uphold any of those principles?
I think Mosamania got kidnapped by Mosad for leaking information on Saudia fighter jet program
I think Mosamania got kidnapped by Mosad for leaking information on Saudia fighter jet program

ever you face it dear ? i was alone single pakistani or arab forums and some time have to reply many many trolls . its really hard and everyone can lose his temper . mosa is doing very good work and defending his country on web. facing 15 members daily those who insult his country those who troll those who flame for nothing those who hate saudi and arabs .common man have some respect . for hell sake they are brothers of pakistan .:hitwall:
saudi arabia is getting downgraded version of f15 with no joint stand off capability due to israel lobbying . i amushed by ksa who buys these downgraded version at price of f35?

You are not the only one, we are all amused and saddened by these events. All these military sales give US even more chances to further her goals and hegemony!

---------- Post added at 12:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 AM ----------

Although you make a valid point, do not insult all Arabs unnecessarily. You are a Pakistani and you know very well how Pakistan is perceived internationally, and how it is faring presently. Lastly, you advised him on Islamic principles but by insulting Arabs as a whole, did you uphold any of those principles?

It is my frustration and helplessness that forces these words, can you not tell?
You should not insult all Arabs because of Saudi/GCC Arab 'kings'.

They blame us of being racist... lol.

About that truth is there are some elements in our society who are xenophobic and those are very few. But people all around the world if one of us falls then not a single Arab knows how to walk...

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