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30 countries walk out in the face of Iranian President at UN Summit on "Racism"

Zf_pC2_jD6k[/media] - Diplomats Walkout during Iran leader's speech

Diplomats walk out of the summit and protesters heckle Iran's leader

Diplomats have walked out of a UN anti-racism conference during a speech by the Iranian president in which he described Israel as "totally racist".

Dozens of delegates got up and left, moments after two protesters wearing coloured wigs disrupted the start of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech.

Diplomats who remained applauded as Mr Ahmadinejad continued his address.

France said it was a "hate speech" and the US called it "vile". Some countries had boycotted the meeting altogether.

The walkout is a public relations disaster for the United Nations, which had hoped the conference would be a shining example of what the UN is supposed to do best - uniting to combat injustice in the world, says the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva.

UN dismay

Paul Reynolds
World affairs correspondent, BBC News website

The one issue that never seems to go away when conferences of this kind are held is the Israeli-Palestinian one.

A document has been already been agreed among those governments attending and you have to read it quite closely to detect the tremors remaining from the earthquakes in discussions that went before.

But enough contentious issues remain and the result is a boycott by the US, Israel, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

The walkout by delegates from at least 30 countries happened within minutes of the start of the speech.

The officials planned to return later to participate in the rest of the conference.

One of the two protesters escorted out of the conference hall managed to throw a red clown's nose at the Iranian president, as they yelled "racist, racist" as he stood at the podium.

Mr Ahmadinejad, the only major leader to attend the conference, said Jewish migrants from Europe and the United States had been sent to the Middle East after World War II "in order to establish a racist government in the occupied Palestine".

He continued, through an interpreter: "And in fact, in compensation for the dire consequences of racism in Europe, they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive racist regime in Palestine."

French Ambassador Jean-Baptiste Mattei said: "As soon as he started to address the question of the Jewish people and Israel, we had no reason to stay in the room," the Associated Press news agency reported.

British Ambassador Peter Gooderham, also among those who left, said "such inflammatory rhetoric has no place whatsoever in a United Nations conference addressing the whole issue of racism and how to address it."

The US, Israel, Canada, Australia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and New Zealand had all boycotted the conference being held in Geneva, in protest at Mr Ahmadinejad's appearance.

His comments were described as "an absolute disgrace" by Israeli President Shimon Peres, attending a Holocaust Remembrance Day event in Jerusalem.

Israel had earlier recalled its ambassador to Switzerland.

Mr Ahmadinejad told a press conference after his speech that the countries boycotting the forum were showing "arrogance and selfishness".

The US Deputy Ambassador to the UN, Alejandro Wolff, said the speech was "inaccurate", as well as showing disregard towards the UN, and "does a grave injustice to the Iranian nation and the Iranian people".

Speaking at UN headquarters in New York, he said: "We call on the Iranian leadership to show much measured, moderate, honest and constructive rhetoric when dealing with issues in the region, and not this type of vile, hateful, inciteful speech."

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner had warned that French delegates would walk out if the forum was used as a platform to attack Israel.

Speaking after the walkout, he said: "The defence of human rights and the fight against all types of racism are too important for the United Nations not to unite against all forms of hate speech, against all perversion of this message.

"Faced with attitudes like that which the Iranian president has just adopted, no compromise is possible."

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has expressed dismay at the boycotts and the speech, saying Mr Ahmadinejad had used his speech "to accuse, divide and even incite".

Link please as i am having tought time finding 30 countries .most i can find is countries that are run by jewish lobby or jewish politicians and i doubt the number 30 so please provide the link.
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The simple reality is that there is no other nation of people more systemically persecuted for being who they are on this entire planet - than the Jews.

And at a Racism conference of all things a president of a nation choose to continue this in his own worn out act against them all.

He is lacking in both civility and rationalism it seems, not to mention originality or even facts, but at least he understands the "political" point scoring common to the playground.

I hope Iran gets someone better to represent them on the world stage. After all the president of Iran is in effect only a diplomat himself (the power in his nation is not his) and truth be told his portfolio is a one trick pony that is long overdue for the knackers yard.
The simple reality is that there is no other nation of people more systemically persecuted for being who they are on this entire planet - than the Jews.

And at a Racism conference of all things a president of a nation choose to continue this in his own worn out act against them all.

He is lacking in both civility and rationalism it seems, not to mention originality or even facts, but at least he understands the "political" point scoring common to the playground.

I hope Iran gets someone better to represent them on the world stage. After all the president of Iran is in effect only a diplomat himself (the power in his nation is not his) and truth be told his portfolio is a one trick pony that is long overdue for the knackers yard.

Are you serious? Let me give you a little bit of a history lesson. The land which is now known as Israel was majority Muslim region before World War 2, sure there were Jews living there as well but they were co-existing with the Muslim Palestinians just fine. After WW2, no one knew where to send the Jews, so then they decided to send them to Palestine. The Jews settled in Palestine, kicked the Palestinians out of their homes created settlement camps for Palestinians in their own land and created a state of Israel for themselves. The land which was formerly governed by Palestinians are now governed by the Israelis, most of them who came from Europe and were not native to the land but they claim they lived there thousands of years ago.

Its the Palestinians who suffer the most in the world. First they had their land stolen by European Jews, then kicked out of their homes by them, and now are being discriminated by them in their own land. The Palestinians were not involved in the Jewish holocaust, why should they suffer the most?
I think it's great that they walked out. However, I would rather they had all stood up and chanted "Death to Iran!" "Death to Iran!" "Death to Iran!" "Death to Iran!" until they were thrown out or Ahmedinejad had to stop. :chilli:

Likewise it would be appropriate "to all the Muslim who wrote slogans as a Waring's to people who ever made fun or drew pictures of the beloved Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) " to be awarded Knighthoods and Congressional Gold medals due to Islamophobia and racism that exist in the west.

Beside what happen to freedom of speech ? :chilli: :chilli: :bounce: :enjoy:

Its very funny that their core belives is to stop racist genocide after WW2 yet they never seems to walk out on Israel when started to kill woman and children
Those people who left when Iran President started to speak , tend to agree on the death of Palestine's. It almost to tell the world thet its ok to kill Non-whites and Non-Jews.
Makes you wonder why they are hated so much around the world.
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Are you serious? Let me give you a little bit of a history lesson. The land which is now known as Israel was majority Muslim region before World War 2, sure there were Jews living there as well but they were co-existing with the Muslim Palestinians just fine. After WW2, no one knew where to send the Jews, so then they decided to send them to Palestine. The Jews settled in Palestine, kicked the Palestinians out of their homes created settlement camps for Palestinians in their own land and created a state of Israel for themselves. The land which was formerly governed by Palestinians are now governed by the Israelis, most of them who came from Europe and were not native to the land but they claim they lived there thousands of years ago.

Its the Palestinians who suffer the most in the world. First they had their land stolen by European Jews, then kicked out of their homes by them, and now are being discriminated against in their own land. The Palestinians were not involved in the Jewish holocaust, why should they suffer the most?

You really need to broaden your horizons somewhat and take in the complete history of Judaism which had it's grass roots planted some 2000 years before the invention of Islam.

The Palestinians are not the most suffering people in the world, nor are they the longest. Compared to the images that come from Darfur and other war ravished regions in Africa, the Palestinian question almost seems to unfairly dominate the world agenda.

If you have the stomach for it, perform a simple image search on google using Darfur and similar African terms.

I'm afraid by simply rehashing this speech (which can be found in many other hate sermons the world round) you are simply copying a form of wholesale ignorance. And from a form that has it's own roots planted in Racism.

Israel is not innocent by any stretch of the imagination - which nation truly is? But perhaps if more people understood the tensions they live under, exactly how far the path is that they have trodden, and how far they are still prepared to go to normalise relationships, they'd quell what is often viewed as an “institutional racism” towards Jews a little - and nurture the seeds of coexistance which are planted a little more.
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You really need to broaden your horizons somewhat and take in the complete history of Judaism which had it's grass roots planted some 2000 years before the invention of Islam.

The Palestinians are not the most suffering people in the world, nor are they the longest. Compared to the images that come from Darfur and other war ravished regions in Africa, the Palestinian question almost seems to unfairly dominate the world agenda.

If you have the stomach for it, perform a simple image search on google using Darfur and similar African terms.

I'm afraid by simply rehashing this speech (which can be found in many other hate sermons the world round) you are simply copying a form of wholesale ignorance. And from a form that has it's own roots planted in Racism.

Israel is not innocent by any stretch of the imagination - which nation truly is? But perhaps if more people understood the tensions they live under, exactly how far the path is that they have trodden, and how far they are still prepared to go to normalise relationships, they'd quell what is often viewed as an “institutional racism” towards Jews a little - and nurture the seeds of coexistance which are planted a little more.

Its really hard to believe you're from Afghanistan when you call Islam an "invention" ASTAGFURALLAH.

Judaism maybe a much older religion than Islam to you but for us Islam is a continuation of the real Judaism and Christianity.

You cant deny that most Israelis are actuallly Europeans, or descendants of Europeans who came to Palestine after WW2, they are not natives to the land. Even lets say they lived in Jerusalem thousands of years ago, why did they leave to Europe? Its like if someone from Ukraine came into your town and told you to get out because he lived there 2000 years ago. Absolutely ridiculous!

On the beginning of this year in just 3 weeks, Israelis massacred over 1,417 innocent Palestinian men, women, and children. Palestinians suffered the most in the world. Its time people realized it.
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Very peace loving you are dear truthseeker. Showing your true American colours, aren't you? Death and destruction... You do your name justice. What a complete and utter disgrace you are...

Thanks. Coming from someone like you I take it as a high complement!! :smitten: :usflag:
Thanks. Coming from someone like you I take it as a high complement!! :smitten: :usflag:

What an arrogance. What an ignorance. Still haven't learnt your lesson, have you? Put your worthless patriotic BS aside for once and try to look objectively... Look at you now, your country is in doldrums. One mad man has ruined the reputation, economy and security of the US. Do you take that as a compliment as well?

PS. complement=compliment
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Excellent speech by the Iranian president. It was about time some one showed mirror to these racist bastards. Glad it was Iranian president. Moreover UN has lost all of its credibility and is just a tool used by nations such as the US for their own agenda, its high time countries on this side of world specially Muslim countries who are a subject to such prejudice and hatred and one sided treatment should show a middle finger to the UN and tell the world we don't accept UN as a neutral entity.
On a side note i wish Pakistan too should have a leader such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or some one like Bhutto who can show these hypocrites a mirror.
Its really hard to believe you're from Afghanistan when you call Islam an "invention" ASTAGFURALLAH.

Judaism maybe a much older religion than Islam to you but for us Islam is a continuation of the real Judaism and Christianity.

You cant deny that most Israelis are actuallly Europeans, or descendants of Europeans who came to Palestine after WW2, they are not natives to the land. Even lets say they lived in Jerusalem thousands of years ago, why did they leave to Europe? Its like if someone from Ukraine came into your town and told you to get out because he lived there 2000 years ago. Absolutely ridiculous!

On the beginning of this year in just 3 weeks, Israelis massacred over 1,417 innocent Palestinian men, women, and children. Palestinians suffered the most in the world. Its time people realized it.

Realism isn't ridiculous. I do not absolve Israel of all blame, but equally I do not condemn them all for eternity as is your and his supposed idiom.
So you can say 160 countries out of 190 stayed and applauded the Iranian president?

Interesting point Asim and shall we say that the silent majority somewhat agrees to the allegations, if on different levels?

So was Iranian president alleging that Jews are evil or was he saying that Israel is acting like a racist regime?
Both things are poles apart and if he said the former then many will agree with him and if he propagates the latter then it really deserves the label of hate speech.
As long as he is not targeting Jews and Judaism, it should not qualify as an evil thing but an allegation and does not deserve a walkout.

Does Hitler represent the German mindset for all eternity, was Saddam truly a fascist as a consequence of being an Iraqi?
Criticism of a government and its policies should not be taken as hate for all the people of a country.

It kills the purpose of U.N.Summit if they cannot hear each other out and produce their counter arguments, i think walk outs will never resolve the differences and are childish at U.N. level where we all know there are a lot of differences.
If U.N. is just to act all goody goody without arguments and debates on the core issues that are affecting us all in these days then i am sorry to say it is becoming more and more of a useless organization.
British delegates joined a dramatic diplomatic walkout today when President Ahmadinejad of Iran told a major UN conference against racism that the state of Israel had been founded "on the pretext of Jewish suffering" during the Second World War.

Around 20 delegates, including envoys from the UK, France, and Finland stood up and left the room at what was considered an anti-Semitic remark by the Iranian leader, who has repeatedly called for Israel to be wiped off the map.

Nine Western countries including Israel and the United States had already decided to boycott the conference entirely because its draft declaration endorsed the conclusions of an anti-racism conference in South Africa eight years ago in which Islamic nations pushed through a text equating Zionism with racism.

Even before the walkout, Mr Ahmadinejad's speech had been interrupted by three protesters dressed as clowns who where quickly bundled from the vast conference room at the Palais des Nations by guards.

Later, other protesters shouted down from the balcony as the Iranian president carried on his address.

Earlier today, Israel recalled its ambassador to Switzerland in protest at a brief meeting yesterday between Mr Ahmadinejad and his Swiss counterpart, Hans-Rudolf Merz.

The conference opened as Israel marks Holocaust Remembrance Day - which falls this year on the 120th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's birth. This morning the Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, told his Cabinet that while Israel commemorates the six million Jews slaughtered by the Nazis, "in Switzerland, the guest of honour is a racist and a Holocaust-denier who doesn’t conceal his intention to wipe Israel off the face of this earth".

An Israeli Government official said that Ilan Elgar, the ambassador in Berne, had been "recalled for consultations" after the start of the Durban II conference and the meeting between Mr Ahmadinejad and Mr Merz, who holds Switzerland's rotating presidency.

This is not a break in relations, but an expression of Israel’s discontent for the lax Swiss attitude towards Iran," the official said.

The Obama administration announced at the weekend that it would boycott the meeting because its draft declaration makes reference to the text agreed in 2001 at the UN's first anti-racism conference in Durban, South Africa. That document was agreed after the United States and Israel walked out over attempts to liken Zionism - the movement to establish a Jewish state in the Holy Land - to racism.

Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Poland joined the boycott.

Opening the conference this morning, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon urged the world to rally against the threat of intolerance.

"I fear that today’s economic crisis, if not handled properly, could evolve into a full-scale political crisis marked by social unrest, weakened governments and angry publics who have lost faith in their leaders and their own future," Mr Ban said.

"In such circumstances, the consequences for communities already victimised by prejudice or exclusion could be frightening."

The UN chief said that he regretted the absence of the United States and the other boycotting member states.

"There comes a time to reaffirm our faith in fundamental human rights and the dignity and worth of us all," Mr Ban said.

The major sticking points in the draft final declaration prepared for the current meeting concern its implied criticism of Israel and an attempt by Muslim governments to remove all criticism of Islam, Sharia law, the Prophet Muhammad and other tenets of their faith.

The American decision to boycott the meeting has been given extra weight by the fact that it was taken by the country's first black

Speaking in Trinidad yesterday after attending the Summit of the Americas, Mr Obama said that he would love to be "involved in a useful conference that addressed continuing issues of racism and discrimination around the globe" but wanted to avoid a reprise of the Durban conference during which "folks expressed antagonism toward Israel in ways that were oftentimes completely hypocritical and counterproductive".
Walkout at UN conference after Iran president calls Israel 'racist' - Times Online

what i see is only countries disagreeing with the rest of the world is the ones either run by jews or jewish lobby no where it says 30 countries.

here is some thing that will shed a lite on how much of American politics and where its being controlled from.

NU's Katz reminds Emanuel he's Jewish | International | Jerusalem Post
National Union chairman Ya'acov "Ketzele" Katz sent a letter to White House chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel last week admonishing him not to forget his Jewish and Israeli origins.

Katz claims that in a private meeting with the unnamed leader, Emanuel said, "In the next four years, there will be a peace agreement with the Palestinians on the basis of two states for two peoples, and it does not matter to us who is the prime minister."

In the letter, a Hebrew version of which was provided to The Jerusalem Post by Katz's parliamentary aide, Katz wrote: "For many Israelis, this report is a cause for worry because it reveals a condescending attitude toward our prime minister and Israeli public opinion. This is an attitude that Israel does not expect from a real friend such as the US, and all the more so from an Israeli Jew who has succeeded in being appointed White House chief-of-staff."

Katz went on to compare Emanuel to the biblical Esther, who ended up at using her influence with Persian King Ahashverosh to intervene on behalf of the Jews of the Persian Empire.

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" Katz wrote, quoting from the Book of Esther (4:14).

Katz was hinting that Emanuel should use his influence to protect Israeli interests, which, he believes, are best served by preventing the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Emanuel was born in Chicago in 1959. His father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, a Jerusalem-born pediatrician, was a member of the IZL (Irgun).

Rahm Emanuel and his brothers attended summer camp in Israel. Emanuel and his wife, Amy Rule, are members of Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel, a modern Orthodox congregation in Chicago. They have a son and two daughters; the older two attend the same Conservative day school Emanuel himself attended as a child.

During the Clinton administration he directed the details of the 1993 Rose Garden signing ceremony for the Oslo Accords, down to the choreography of the handshake between prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat.
In November, Emanuel said US President Barack Obama did not need his influence to "orientate his policy toward Israel."

Meanwhile, the National Union said it was never officially notified by the Likud that it would not be entering the new government coalition.

"Basically, we are still waiting for a telephone call," Harel Cohen, secretary of the NU's rabbinic council, said on Sunday.

"Up until the swearing in of the new government, we were still receiving signals from the Likud that we were wanted in the coalition," Cohen said.

He also said that in principle, there was nothing in the Netanyahu government's platform that would prevent the NU from joining the coalition.

"Obviously, if the present government adopts a 'two-states for two peoples' solution, that would be problematic. But so far that has not happened."

The NU's rabbinic council, which gives final approval for all of the party's political decisions, released a letter of support for Katz.

The council, whose members include Hebron-Kiryat Arba Rabbi Dov Lior, Beit El Rabbi Zalman Melamed and Rabbi Ya'acov Yosef, son of Shas spiritual mentor Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, responded to claims that Katz had made "outrageous demands" that kept the NU out of the coalition.

Rather, according to the rabbis, it was a sudden, inexplicable change of mood in the Likud
The simple reality is that there is no other nation of people more systemically persecuted for being who they are on this entire planet - than the Jews.

And at a Racism conference of all things a president of a nation choose to continue this in his own worn out act against them all.

He is lacking in both civility (1500 unarmed palestinians killed by israeli ) and rationalism (we will attack any body at will)it seems, not to mention originality or even facts, but at least he understands the "political" point scoring common to the playground.

I hope Iran gets someone better to represent(they guy stood up to the world and told them to go stuff your self where the sun dont shine i am sure he is doing what majority of iranians want) them on the world stage. After all the president of Iran is in effect only a diplomat himself (the power in his nation is not his) and truth be told his portfolio is a one trick pony that is long overdue for the knackers yard(one could say the same about American president we all no who actually runs the US government).

you no its funny for people who were persecuted acording to you i find this news kind of disturbing you would think people wo were persecuted last thing they wanna do is persecute others.

The Israeli military is preparing itself to launch a massive aerial assault on Iran's nuclear facilities within days of being given the go-ahead by its new government.

Among the steps taken to ready Israeli forces for what would be a risky raid requiring pinpoint aerial strikes are the acquisition of three Airborne Warning and Control (AWAC) aircraft and regional missions to simulate the attack.

Two nationwide civil defence drills will help to prepare the public for the retaliation that Israel could face.

“Israel wants to know that if its forces were given the green light they could strike at Iran in a matter of days, even hours. They are making preparations on every level for this eventuality. The message to Iran is that the threat is not just words,” one senior defence official told The Times.

Officials believe that Israel could be required to hit more than a dozen targets, including moving convoys. The sites include Natanz, where thousands of centrifuges produce enriched uranium; Esfahan, where 250 tonnes of gas is stored in tunnels; and Arak, where a heavy water reactor produces plutonium.

The distance from Israel to at least one of the sites is more than 870 miles, a distance that the Israeli force practised covering in a training exercise last year that involved F15 and F16 jets, helicopters and refuelling tankers.

The possible Israeli strike on Iran has drawn comparisons to its attack on the Osirak nuclear facility near Baghdad in 1981. That strike, which destroyed the facility in under 100 seconds, was completed without Israeli losses and checked Iraqi ambitions for a nuclear weapons programme.

“We would not make the threat [against Iran] without the force to back it. There has been a recent move, a number of on-the-ground preparations, that indicate Israel's willingness to act,” said another official from Israel's intelligence community.

He added that it was unlikely that Israel would carry out the attack without receiving at least tacit approval from America, which has struck a more reconciliatory tone in dealing with Iran under its new administration.

An Israeli attack on Iran would entail flying over Jordanian and Iraqi airspace, where US forces have a strong presence.

Ephraim Kam, the deputy director of the Institute for National Security Studies, said it was unlikely that the Americans would approve an attack.

“The American defence establishment is unsure that the operation will be successful. And the results of the operation would only delay Iran's programme by two to four years,” he said.

A visit by President Obama to Israel in June is expected to coincide with the national elections in Iran — timing that would allow the US Administration to re-evaluate diplomatic resolutions with Iran before hearing the Israeli position.

“Many of the leaks or statements made by Israeli leaders and military commanders are meant for deterrence. The message is that if [the international community] is unable to solve the problem they need to take into account that we will solve it our way,” Mr Kam said.

Among recent preparations by the airforce was the Israeli attack of a weapons convoy in Sudan bound for militants in the Gaza Strip.

“Sudan was practice for the Israeli forces on a long-range attack,” Ronen Bergman, the author of The Secret War with Iran, said. “They wanted to see how they handled the transfer of information, hitting a moving target ... In that sense it was a rehearsal.”

Israel has made public its intention to hold the largest-ever nationwide drill next month.

Colonel Hilik Sofer told Haaretz, a daily Israeli newspaper, that the drill would “train for a reality in which during war missiles can fall on any part of the country without warning ... We want the citizens to understand that war can happen tomorrow morning”.

Israel will conduct an exercise with US forces to test the ability of Arrow, its US-funded missile defence system. The exercise would test whether the system could intercept missiles launched at Israel.

“Israel has made it clear that it will not tolerate the threat of a nuclear Iran. According to Israeli Intelligence they will have the bomb within two years ... Once they have a bomb it will be too late, and Israel will have no choice to strike — with or without America,” an official from the Israeli Defence Ministry said.

funny for persecuted people these guys still menage to terrorzie the world and shed crocodile tears at the same time yet no one in west questions the israelies and there persecution of palestinians and others.Most people with eyes and brains can see the reality so no one is buying we were persecuted argument any more other then countries run by hidden jewish politicians or jewish lobbiest.
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