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3 retired Generals to be court-martialed in NLC scam

BTW, the NAB chairman himself met COAS 3-4 times and then asked him to re-instate the generals and then try them. So, it was a NAB request as I understand it.

link me up with the news item?
If you remember the case of that Chief of Naval Staff for corruption, he was also tried and stripped off his retirement benefits, was ordered to give back every penny of his ill earned money and was barred from using the title 'Admiral Retired' for life.

Now some said that this is no punishment that one cannot use his rank/designation after retirement, i wonder how would Khan of Kalat feel or Nawab Akbar Bugti feel or Sir Syed Ahmed Khan feel if they were to let go off their titles (Khan of, Nawab, Sir etc) in their life times.

Different degree of punishments have different impression on different people; a baysta, begairat, water proof type insaan might not be worried if he is striped of his father's name, but others might commit suicide on this.

And hence i wonder, why was Gillani given a symbolic 30 second punishment?

no I dont know about "that" admiral.

Section 16 of the Pakistan Military Law and Manual of Pakistan. READ !!

even Ziaudhen was not court martialled..

rest your post is lame as hell.
Please discuss in civilized manner

The good thing is, finally the high ranking officers are being questioned for their wrongdoings in both military and civil courts of Pakistan. It never happened before

Reference: This case, Asghar Khan case and arrest warrants against Musharraf etc
I would try to make a realistic assessment based on my experience as a bureaucrat (which you may call me )with the forces in the operational areas.

I am not part of armed forces but i have come from a military background. I have respect for the armed forces but this is relative i.e. Army is less corrupt then other institutions, however, this is not entirely true when they have absolute power in operational areas.

Some other facts.(IMO)

- PPP = corrupt.
- PML (N) = corrupt.
- PTI = turning corrupt, somewhat incompetent, lack of action, inconsistent.
- Bureaucracy = corrupt
- Armed forces = Least corrupt institution of Pakistan. However, tendency to become extremely corrupt when given absolute power.
- Media =foreign funded corrupt bent upon severing Pakistan from its roots, denial of 2 nation theory.
- Judiciary = extremely corrupt low tier with a blackmailing lawyer class.


- It is premature to comment on the integrity of the court martial as the matter is sub-judice, however, it is also realistic to assume that had the pressure was not applied through the PAC, the matter would not have been looked into.

- During my tenure in operational areas, i found the army officers incharge of the paramilitary forces i.e. FC, involved in smuggling and taking their share from the political administration (which is controlled by bureaucrats). Instead of stopping them , they colluded with them through arm twisting tactics. I again admit that bureaucracy is also corrupt as i have mentioned above.

- Furthermore, i have deep respect for all those martyrs who laid down their lives for eliminating allied funded TTP. I salute them. However, it is my duty to identify loopholes. Army units were stationed in houses acquired from civilians or schools, as there were no barracks there, but when they left, they took almost all of the belongings involving fans, lights, furniture with them. It was a common saying that after a raid if the house is found without such accessories then it means that " lagta hai yahan say falani regiment guzar gai hai".

- Looking at the current state of affairs coupled with inaction by the population and political parties. I strongly believe that this nation does not have the courage to stand upto the rape that is being commited by politicians. They watch talk shows, abuse politicians and then go to sleep. They need somebody else to improve the situation. That somebody else cant be any other then Army.

Therefore, i believe that there is a need for another Martial Law, BUT, Gen. Kyani being a thoroughbred soldier should eliminate corruption in the Army in order to prepare himself and the armed forces to impose another Martial Law which should be ruthless to the core, for the corrupt elite but again not without purging Armed forces of its corrupt officers who are bringin a bad name to this institution.


Lastly, armed forces have come from this very nation, so tendency for corruption is as much
as in any other individual or citizen of this country. However, a strong accountability mechanism can ensure its professionalism.

( I will not reply to whatever is said to me regarding this post, regards.)
no I dont know about "that" admiral.

Oh sorry, this was before your birth:
Section 16 of the Pakistan Military Law and Manual of Pakistan. READ !!
'the eff that was?
even Ziaudhen was not court martialled..
Tey main ki karan fir?

People get court martialed or sentenced when they plead guilty, jungle raaj tu hai nahi jo aap or apki PTI lagana chah rahe hai.

rest your post is lame as hell.

Oh sorry, this was before your birth:
Mansurul Haq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'the eff that was?

Tey main ki karan fir?

People get court martialed or sentenced when they plead guilty, jungle raaj tu hai nahi jo aap or apki PTI lagana chah rahe hai.


Zakii has some advice for you, I didnt report, I am comfortable with any sort of language or any type of people with any type of background.

major do ask your seniors about section 16 and ofcourse Mushaf ali mir ka hal sirf crash kyon tha?

chapter closed till court martial is carried out. financial corruption,misuse of authority is definitely less a crime than of instigating mutiny and conspiracy as it was in case of Brig Ali.
Though the army had not cooperated with NAB earlier and it refused to share records related to the scandal, an agreement has now been reached by the two sides due to the intervention of by NAB Chairman Fasih Bokhari, a retired naval chief.

Bokhari held three meetings with army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani to discuss cooperation in the investigation of the scam, the NAB official told the parliamentary panel.

Pak army reinstates 3 retired Generals to court-martial them - Indian Express

NLC scam: former generals restored for court martial | The Nation

Then theres a couple of more links, and also 'andar ki baat'.
Zakii has some advice for you, I didnt report, I am comfortable with any sort of language or any type of people with any type of background.

major do ask your seniors about section 16 and ofcourse Mushaf ali mir ka hal sirf crash kyon tha?

chapter closed till court martial is carried out. financial corruption,misuse of authority is definitely less a crime than of instigating mutiny and conspiracy as it was in case of Brig Ali.

O bhai pehlay MPML ko sahe terhan likhna tu seekh lo (its MPML, not PMLMP), phir mujhy batana k section 16 kiya hai.

Anywaz, if you are referring to Section 16 of MPML Volume-I (and not the Article or Rule 16) then i must educate you that it belongs to Chapter 3 of MPML and states the Dismissal of any military personnel by the Federal Government.

So what about it? And what does this has to do with the current discussion?

P.S Major? Like you dont have an iota of understanding of court martials, you dont have a slightest idea of who i am, so keep this profiling shyt with you.
Leader, i think i have told you this before also, but i am going to say it once again...you are doing a hellouva job from keeping me, my colleagues and my under commands to vote for PTI during the next elections!


You would do your country disservice, if you base your opinion just on one person's viewpoint. The elections, and their outcome affect the uniformed and civilians alike.
O bhai pehlay MPML ko sahe terhan likhna tu seekh lo (its MPML, not PMLMP), phir mujhy batana k section 16 kiya hai.

Anywaz, if you are referring to Section 16 of MPML Volume-I (and not the Article or Rule 16) then i must educate you that it belongs to Chapter 3 of MPML and states the Dismissal of any military personnel by the Federal Government.

So what about it? And what does this has to do with the current discussion?

P.S Major? Like you dont have an iota of understanding of court martials, you dont have a slightest idea of who i am, so keep this profiling shyt with you.

Do get a copy of it, read and ask seniors to help you out comprehending it :)

My whole concern is that military in general doesnot feel answerable to civilian authority, biggest badmash of the country, should not be exaggeration.

they resist law just like untamed dogs, and that was the reason NAB is not allowed to pursue the probe on retired/reinstated officers, a court martial would save the big guns.

even when DG ISI Pasha was to answer the parliament about the OBL being under Army protection and American operation, he gave the briefing to parliament without wearing his uniform, which explains alot the mentality of military elite.

P.S. "Major" is a slot where majority chunk of officers retire.. as for who you are, or what you are, I have no concerns whatsoever, for all I can guess is that you appear to be quite ill mannered on this forum.

btw, if found not guilty, will they get promotions too, eh? :D
Do get a copy of it, read and ask seniors to help you out comprehending it :)

My whole concern is that military in general doesnot feel answerable to civilian authority, biggest badmash of the country, should not be exaggeration.

they resist law just like untamed dogs, and that was the reason NAB is not allowed to pursue the probe on retired/reinstated officers, a court martial would save the big guns.

even when DG ISI Pasha was to answer the parliament about the OBL being under Army protection and American operation, he gave the briefing to parliament without wearing his uniform, which explains alot the mentality of military elite.

P.S. "Major" is a slot where majority chunk of officers retire.. as for who you are, or what you are, I have no concerns whatsoever, for all I can guess is that you appear to be quite ill mannered on this forum.

btw, if found not guilty, will they get promotions too, eh? :D

What NAB or Accountability bureau brought out of AZ, NICL, Arslan Iftikhar cases. Here it's very easy for accused to question integrity of officers and even head of institutions and some times so much of executive pressure that nothing could be proved and all accused managed escape. In case of reinstatement these guys won't be having such excuses and allegations.

As far as General Pasha not wearing uniform before parliament is concerned, working dress of DG ISI is not uniform so he was in his working dress and those whose working dress was uniform were in uniform, you may see old recordings, Kayani and Rao can be seen in uniforms. Rest all are your emotions.
here is a bit different perspective from mine.


first para and last line.

quite an interesting view.
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