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3 Reasons Modi Is Misguided on Pakistan

I'm confused, since the Indians here keep saying they don't openly call any country an enemy.

Yet the Indian Defence Minister George Fernandes said "China is India's number one enemy".

And just recently after the border shelling, Modi kept saying "The enemy is screaming!"

So, what's going on? :P

Nothing that you can possibly comprehend!! :lol:
In the meanwhile, see if you can THINK and understand just what is happening in your back-yard and where it is leading to.... :D Instead of throwing up a dead George Fernandes again and again and again. Talk of inane fixations........ there you are. :rofl:
fighting for it, is there any other way ?

Fighting how?

You asked for flag meet after Indian side's intense firing, which was denied to you.
Then you stopped LOC firing.
Now there is hardly any firing.

This way no "K" for you.
so says a CCP troll. Why should i believe your words.

It was reported by the whole international media. :lol:

Since the Indian government holds the other copy of the report, they can simply go to the media and say: "The leaked report is not the right report".

But they never do. :D Since obviously they checked their own copy, and found it was the same.
fighting for it, is there any other way ?
wellthere is an option but pakistani ego is too big for it hence pakistan will keep on doing what it always did and in time will become irrelevent as it devloped its nation on onli one plank and that was "hate & revenge against india" but on all other parameteresd of a progressive modern nation state you yourself know where your country standsand guess what as an opponent its owr duty to use those faultlines for owr motives and we will ;)
The first bullets and mortars have already hit you, the question is, what is whether Modhi is going to live up to his promise of an absolute reply....
well the last thing what modi is going to do is that he will paly the game as you want him to play ;) ....:azn:
What a joke. :lol:

Neither side provides proof of what goes on in the border regions.

Of course, it is joke that you make bold assertions without backing them with any evidences.

When neither side provides proof, the best course of action is to SHUT IT -- not peddle your rabid anti-Indian views as FACTS!!!

So I can either believe the Pakistani narrative, or the Indian narrative.

Here is a News flash for you!!! We couldn't care less who you believe or don't believe!!!

And India is well-known for lying, like about the 1962 war, even though their own internal Army report says they are the ones who
attacked us. So I don't believe anything they say. That leaves me with only the Pakistani narrative.

Regarding the rest of your rant about who lied and who did what in 1962, it is spectacularly OFF TOPIC!!! :-)
Fighting how?

You asked for flag meet after Indian side's intense firing, which was denied to you.
Then you stopped LOC firing.
Now there is hardly any firing.

This way no "K" for you.
we have "ajK" and we will fight for half other "j&K", how and when ? yu will feel soon
It was reported by the whole international media. :lol:

Since the Indian government holds the other copy of the report, they can simply go to the media and say: "The leaked report is not the right report".

But they never do. :D Since obviously they checked their own copy, and found it was the same.
indian govt. doesn't respond to every barking dog. When they have to disclose the report, they will do it until then keep your BS with you.
well the last thing what modi is going to do is that he will paly the game as you want him to play ....
Thats exactly, he is just talking tough to please a section of war mongering Indian society and probably has no intentions to undertake a full scale op against us.....
His bark is worse than his bite....
I'm curious why Indians are always avoiding this simple question?

After the "aggressive shelling" on the border (as it says in the article), Modi yelled "the enemy is screaming".

So who is the enemy, and why are they screaming?

Pakistan is the enemy and Pakistan is screaming. This is what was meant and this is what was understood.

You are a honorable man Chinese-Dragon and you will make an honorable enemy.
Thats exactly, he is just talking tough to please a section of war mongering Indian society and probably has no intentions to undertake a full scale op against us.....
His bark is worse than his bite....
ha ha ha ha you realli think its that simple ;)

well if its onli chest thumping then im not worried at all but trust me bro fighting isnt the onli way to bring your ever irritating jelous & trouble making naighbour to his knees ;)

and guess what Modi knows it very too well & how to execute his plans :cheers:
Mr. Modi has thankfully given Pakistan many a things which Pakistan couldn't get on its own.

1- Internationalization of Kashmir Issue once again and this time at an unprecedented levels. Even British government couldn't stop Kashmir's protests despite Indian requests.
2- Challenging Pakistan on Kashmir and giving us a reason to identify Kashmir as a top National concern again. (mind we had half forgotten it and were on the verge where it was put on secondary levels, as it has been in the past 10-12 years.)
3- Giving India a color of Hindu-dominating Muslim oppressing state. (I wouldn't say how is that helpful.)
4- Nullifyiing "aman ki ashaa" ka tamasha which Indian backed channels and fractions in society were able to create. All tamasha gone for good! Good!

And all this in exchange of giving India a big fat "nothing". Does Modi thinks Pakistanis will say "hay they fire-back so lets not struggle for Kashmir"? Wait and see!
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Yeah, right!! Every other day, Pakistani Politicians threaten India with Nuclear Holocaust.

But it is India, which is the most belligerent?

Which politician said "we should nuke India"?
The first bullets and mortars have already hit you, the question is, what is whether Modhi is going to live up to his promise of an absolute reply....

Indian response was "Intense" to which you asked for flag meeting which was denied forthwith.

He has already given free hand to Army to deal with such situation in the future.

And I see no more firing from the land of pure.
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