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3 Chinese navy ships visit Vietnam

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Well, since my post concerning this topic was deleted for some reasons that I believe are not valid. I would like to clarify it again, it is not some kind of "making up", on the contrary, it's more likely to be a "showing off". I think that's also why those viet medias were not allowed to report it.

Could anyone tell me if this post below is ON the topic with any value?
US retreated coz we are smarter and we fought better, US still colonize Chinese in TW coz Chinese IQ is low and their combat tactic is terrible ,too

Poor you, try to free urself first before coming here and yap .:P
Well I heard a rumors that US would get back to Vịnh Cam Ranh in the near future...

No rumors, USA can pay more than amount we asked Russia to pay 350 mill US$ per year and then we can consider on new proposal of US. The deal will be made same as FDI project.

We beating USA to run away to reagain our Independence in the past, like we did with chinese aggressors in our history.
No rumors, USA can pay more than amount we asked Russia to pay 350 mill US$ per year and then we can consider on new proposal of US. The deal will be made same as FDI project.
wow,US$350m /year!It is enought to build a new port.have you ever considered who increased the strategic value of the Cam Ranh Bay?you should share half of the rent with us.:cheers:Cam Ranh Bay is worthless without China

We beating USA to run away to reagain our Independence in the past, like we did with chinese aggressors in our history.
whenever seeing such words from you guys,I can not help laughing.it feels like you never grown up.should be moved to funny thread.
wow,US$350m /year!It is enought to build a new port.have you ever considered who increased the strategic value of the Cam Ranh Bay?you should share half of the rent with us.:cheers:Cam Ranh Bay is worthless without China

Without aggressive chinese, US dont pay nothing, they can freely do what they want on international sea base on free navigation.

whenever seeing such words from you guys,I can not help laughing.it feels like you never grown up.should be moved to funny thread.
We can laugh more when chinese look at Taiwan with protactoriate of US and open his big mouth to warning only.:enjoy:
wow,US$350m /year!It is enought to build a new port.have you ever considered who increased the strategic value of the Cam Ranh Bay?you should share half of the rent with us.:cheers:Cam Ranh Bay is worthless without China
We share Nothing to a paper tiger, come and Rob it if you can:coffee:
Without aggressive chinese, US dont pay nothing, they can freely do what they want on international sea base on free navigation.

We can laugh more when chinese look at Taiwan with protactoriate of US and open his big mouth to warning only.:enjoy:

sorry for we made Cam Ranh Bay a international port.and you will see our warships 12 sea miles away from your coastline.
the difference between taiwanese and vietnamese is that taiwanese are chinese .we would not begrudge the missles flying to vietnam.keep laughing before the end of your race,time is not much.
Are you trying to tell me that you kicked US away for your pride and welcomed them back for money? That's really a understandable viets way of behaving, I see.
No rumors, USA can pay more than amount we asked Russia to pay 350 mill US$ per year and then we can consider on new proposal of US. The deal will be made same as FDI project.

We beating USA to run away to reagain our Independence in the past, like we did with chinese aggressors in our history.
the difference between taiwanese and vietnamese is that taiwanese are chinese .we would not begrudge the missles flying to vietnam.keep laughing before the end of your race,time is not much.
So, if you're smart enough, then try to set up a provisional of free TW govt. there and let them fight against US themselves.
Have you ever seen a strong and wealthy man robbed a vagabond? The point is not if we can, it is if we are willing to!
Don't ever tell me about your "fertile land" kinds of $hit please, you are selling your land to a blood enemy you called yourself. This kind of behavior can never happen to a strong and self-respected nation, you ARE vagabond indeed!
And, please, you don't really have to show your drinking medicine:coffee: every single time as we have already been fully aware of your mental retardation.
We share Nothing to a paper tiger, come and Rob it if you can:coffee:
sorry for we made Cam Ranh Bay a international port.and you will see our warships 12 sea miles away from your coastline.
the difference between taiwanese and vietnamese is that taiwanese are chinese .we would not begrudge the missles flying to vietnam.keep laughing before the end of your race,time is not much.

Our sea missles is ready to sink any warship violate our coastline or do wrong things in our EZZ.

And you can see how Taiwan will be come dependence state like Farmosa Island was independence state from ancient time to around 1700 AD.

Are you trying to tell me that you kicked US away for your pride and welcomed them back for money? That's really a understandable viets way of behaving, I see.

Very sad when you can not make difference in nature two case the past and now.
We share Nothing to a paper tiger, come and Rob it if you can:coffee:

Mr. Niceguy...before you drink your medecine again, tell us how Vietnam will look without Sông Hồng, we don't even need to be paper tiger after all when you're already at our mercy.
OK, now you're trying to tell me again that you used to have your pride in the past while fighting against US army but now you care nothing about that and are willing to sell your land to US to make some spare money? Is that so?
Very very interesting, and I won't say it's sad...it's good for your poor economy after all. And I won't care about your hostile words against China anymore, cause your viets' IQ is high enough to tell the "nature of the past and now" when you see the real money, and China does has lots of cash to buy you off when she needs to!
Very sad when you can not make difference in nature two case the past and now.
dare not to report. understand.
Reasons!? :lol:
The US was the battlefield winner

Their lost in Vietnam because they could not attack North Vietnam on the ground, because they feared BEIJING'S INTERVENTION like in Korean war. Without our help, or if the US didn't fear our army, the US would wiped out North Vietnam in months. Don't buy the guerrilla hype, it doesn't work. Without our help, the Vietnamese could not even have Dien Bien Phu, Vietminh fighting in guerrilla style could not go against the French until they received our support. And without our help, they didn't have anything to go against the US. Food, fuel, weapon, we gave them many but look at how they treat us now.

Actually, we are the real force behind that win.

lol, even most of Vietnamese like this idiot doesn't know the real reason of the US's retreat.

Congratulation to you guerrilla fighters and your spies, Vietnamese is so smart and strong, LMAO. We have a legend, who can eat Xuanzang meat would have power. We are so poor and stupid, can you give us some blood to help us? We are thirsty for your blood
So that is you do everything for Vietnam and gains nothing but bullshjt!? So Can I considered that you said your government is idiots, stupid,!? Is that so !? :lol:
LOL.you guys attack Cambodia for the reason they kill your people.and we slap you for you robbed property of south Vietnam Chinese and expelled, persecuted or killed them.no need to cover your guilty up,as all world knows.
And what did your China government do when "The May 1998 Riots of Indonesia" happened!? Nothing for real but your mental orgasm, again. So sorry for you because you had to become silly, idiot and turn around for answer any question.
Well I heard a rumors that US would get back to Vịnh Cam Ranh in the near future...
Now, tell to a rumors.... conspiracy theories!? :lol:
We will wellcome anyone is friend, go to our naval base to repair their ships.
Are you trying to tell me that you kicked US away for your pride and welcomed them back for money? That's really a understandable viets way of behaving, I see.
Or that is china!? when you shake your dirty hands with U.S and stabbed in our back.
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