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270 Rifles and Ammunition recovered from a Afghan truck

But some Pakistani nationals like @Starlord don't do research and foolishly brands us all the same, don't you think this is ignorance?

As you mentioned me, we had enough of the Afghani people , We give them shelter , we open our borders and all we get in return from the Filthy Afghans is TTP , JuA , Talibans , Anti Pakistan BS , Friendship with India, continuous attacks on Border , even to this day Afghanistan is the only country that doesn't recognize Pakistan, So you can cry all you want about OH look how Pakistani hate us we are goodie goodie people . Yeah there might be some Good Afghans but we don't want your kind in Pakistan, legal or illegally we just want Afghans to remain in Afghans, If your people have any self respect they would have not come to Pakistan or leave this country already. But as i say, Dishonesty and Traitorism is the blood of Afghans, In Urdu we call it Namak Harami .
As you mentioned me, we had enough of the Afghani people , We give them shelter , we open our borders and all we get in return from the Filthy Afghans is TTP , JuA , Talibans , Anti Pakistan BS , Friendship with India, continuous attacks on Border , even to this day Afghanistan is the only country that doesn't recognize Pakistan, So you can cry all you want about OH look how Pakistani hate us we are goodie goodie people . Yeah there might be some Good Afghans but we don't want your kind in Pakistan, legal or illegally we just want Afghans to remain in Afghans, If your people have any self respect they would have not come to Pakistan or leave this country already. But as i say, Dishonesty and Traitorism is the blood of Afghans, In Urdu we call it Namak Harami .

I have family that's been living in Pakistan for generations they are pretty much Pakistanis, When Soviet war happened they took us in, and if some families are not going to let their families be butchered and take them in times of trouble, then you don't decide whether we are allowed in or not. Good day, I am no longer replying to a racist like you.
They are as deceptive as a fox. Change their loyalty faster than federal express. A clear, present and threatening danger living inside our territory and amongst our midst.

From where it was coming??? from within Pakistan or Afg? If from Afghanistan then what border check post did, how it passed from there?

waisay its a routine think not a news...hum buhut meharbaan mehman nawaz aur doosroon kay liyay khus taklifain uthanay walay log hin....hain na?
I have family that's been living in Pakistan for generations they are pretty much Pakistanis, When Soviet war happened they took us in, and if some families are not going to let their families be butchered and take them in times of trouble, then you don't decide whether we are allowed in or not. Good day, I am no longer replying to a racist like you.

Yes that makes you even a bigger Namak Haram and proves my point , you came here to Pakistan and stay, we open our borders and hearts for you disgusting people and what we get in return ? most of the Afghans join TTP, give shelter to terrorists , turn our cities into drug cartels , run Kidnapping and extortion gangs, hate Pakistan , love India .. Just tell me one good reason to support your people when your people don't even recognize my country ?
Try that with Canada, tell them that you don't recognize Canada and see if they let you in or not, even if you have a whole village inside Canada they will kick you out .
So again don't try to play the sympathy card, we know your hate , we know your dishonesty , we saw and experience your Namak Harami .

The irony behind your signature "“..Deaf, dumb and blind - so they will not return [to the right path].” (2.18)

This statement from Quran is for Non Believers Dumb@ss , not for Afghans , they did nothing good for Islam or humanity . In fact without Afghans world would have been a better place with lots of Pakistani still alive .
Yes that makes you even a bigger Namak Haram and proves my point , you came here to Pakistan and stay, we open our borders and hearts for you disgusting people and what we get in return ? most of the Afghans join TTP, give shelter to terrorists , turn our cities into drug cartels , run Kidnapping and extortion gangs, hate Pakistan , love India .. Just tell me one good reason to support your people when your people don't even recognize my country ?
Try that with Canada, tell them that you don't recognize Canada and see if they let you in or not, even if you have a whole village inside Canada they will kick you out .
So again don't try to play the sympathy card, we know your hate , we know your dishonesty , we saw and experience your Namak Harami .

This statement from Quran is for Non Believers Dumb@ss , not for Afghans , they did nothing good for Islam or humanity . In fact without Afghans world would have been a better place with lots of Pakistani still alive .

Man oh man, I said I wouldn't reply to you, but you made such an absurd post with so much lacking in knowledge that I will break this rule of mine just this once...

TTP was the result of your governments failed policy... They believed that militants could be used only against India and Afghanistan, they never imagined that they would turn against Pakistan itself.

When Pakistan allied with America, Osama and bunch of other Mullahs declared Jihad on the state of Pakistan. But before that happened, Pakistan allowed militant build up in FATA for strategic purposes (you probably didn't know this did you), all that however backfired, this is known as "blowback" in military terms.

here you can read about it in length, written by a Pakistani professor. http://riport.org/wp-content/upload... in FATA & Khyber Pukhtunkhwa 30 Nov 2011.pdf The professor explains why insurgency happened in Pakistan to begin with, and he gives detailed accounts from the founding of Pakistan, to the Soviet war, to the war on terror, till the present situation.

But I bet you will ignore all the proof and will say "Lakan lakan, Afghanio Namak haram hay, woh humara bhai nahi ho sakhtay"... Seriously dude, get your head out of your behind and look at things without those racism lenses on and do some research so you can educate other people and prevent others from falling into mistakes.

I have love for Pakistan and Afghanistan and I see Pakistan as my second home, but I don't have love for racist idiots and wish they'd be gone from the face of the world so peoples around the world could work on actual unity and not have to deal with ignorance.
270 Rifles and Ammunition recovered from a Afghan truck ...

The truck was stopped in Khyber Agency and checked thoroughly then in secret compartment there was rifles and ammo hidden ...

I wonder if this is all from the attack yesterday

From where it was coming??? from within Pakistan or Afg? If from Afghanistan then what border check post did, how it passed from there?

waisay its a routine think not a news...hum buhut meharbaan mehman nawaz aur doosroon kay liyay khus taklifain uthanay walay log hin....hain na?
The foreigners that are occupying it. That's where it's coming from

why someone want to buy a peace of land in hell ?
Because it's our land

Some Pakistani's want to make Afghanistan , a Province of Pakistan ..
Some keep viting in traitors that convert to Hinduism.

Well they want to see Pakistani's dead, drug addicts , destroyed and turned into Shit hole like Afghanistan, thats why .

more than that, they run their towns and Basti with Jirga system .. Pakistan ke constitution or law ko L pe rakhte hai yeh , aur humare Pakistani chotiye apne logo ko Traitor kehte hai , aur Afghan in ki behn ke Khawand hahaha
@was this is repeated harassment because this individual has feminine traits and is bound to be passive aggressive like a teenage girl
TTP was the result of your governments failed policy... They believed that militants could be used only against India and Afghanistan, they never imagined that they would turn against Pakistan itself.

Really Dumb@SS remind what policy was that ? Afghan war .. America was kicking Taliban A$$ in the beginning when your countrymen run to Pakistan along with leadership of Taliban, when we help America than comes TTP, so don't even try to lecture on our own WAR .

here you can read about it in length, written by a Pakistani professor. http://riport.org/wp-content/upload... in FATA & Khyber Pukhtunkhwa 30 Nov 2011.pdf The professor explains why insurgency happened in Pakistan to begin with, and he gives detailed accounts from the founding of Pakistan, to the Soviet war, to the war on terror, till the present situation.

What does it has to do with Afghans not be terrorists , Criminals and Drug mafia in Pakistan ? What it has anything to do with 99% of Afghans been Namak Haram ? Child abusers ? Terrorists ? Drug Addicts ? NOTHING , truth your Afghans gives Pakistan nothing except Blood , death , Destroyed economy , filthy Towns , sheltering Terrorists , supporting Anti state elements, sheltering NDS and RAW Agents ? ..

But I bet you will ignore all the proof and will say "Lakan lakan, Afghanio Namak haram hay, woh humara bhai nahi ho sakhtay"... Seriously dude, get your head out of your behind and look at things without those racism lenses on and do some research so you can educate other people and prevent others from falling into mistakes.

Majority of Pakistani's here on PDF consider Afghans to be Namak Haram , and Terrorists who needs to be kicked, people talk about Nuking your Shit hole Country dude, its your head which is in your A$$ not mine . The only reason your Afghani's stays here because of our own Corrupt Leaders who play Pastoon card, and your mighty Afghans comes as beggars , Oh please let us pass so we can do some work in Pakistan, or have some Treatment , If your Afghani's love India that much, than why don't you take them to India ? or take back to your country ?
Do you guys have any Shame ? Dignity ? You curse a Country day night, don't accept its Borders, Consider Pakistan to be hostile but still staying inside Pakistan ? Go back to Afghanistan or India ? But no , you guys have no honor or respect , maybe because decades of Abuse by Communists and later America has taken all that Dignity ..lol

I have love for Pakistan and Afghanistan and I see Pakistan as my second home, but I don't have love for racist idiots and wish they'd be gone from the face of the world so peoples around the world could work on actual unity and not have to deal with ignorance.

We don't need Snakes love, Snakes are for killing not for making pets , We don't need your love or families in Pakistan, So in simple Words Pakistani's wants you out of their country, take your family to Canada, and you might be using Pakistani Passports, Your Filthy Afghani's use Pakistani Passport to enter EU and than attack its People, bringing shame to Pakistan. we don't need your unity as I said , We want you Out, have some Shame and get out .
Really Dumb@SS remind what policy was that ? Afghan war .. America was kicking Taliban A$$ in the beginning when your countrymen run to Pakistan along with leadership of Taliban, when we help America than comes TTP, so don't even try to lecture on our own WAR .

What does it has to do with Afghans not be terrorists , Criminals and Drug mafia in Pakistan ? What it has anything to do with 99% of Afghans been Namak Haram ? Child abusers ? Terrorists ? Drug Addicts ? NOTHING , truth your Afghans gives Pakistan nothing except Blood , death , Destroyed economy , filthy Towns , sheltering Terrorists , supporting Anti state elements, sheltering NDS and RAW Agents ? ..

Majority of Pakistani's here on PDF consider Afghans to be Namak Haram , and Terrorists who needs to be kicked, people talk about Nuking your Shit hole Country dude, its your head which is in your A$$ not mine . The only reason your Afghani's stays here because of our own Corrupt Leaders who play Pastoon card, and your mighty Afghans comes as beggars , Oh please let us pass so we can do some work in Pakistan, or have some Treatment , If your Afghani's love India that much, than why don't you take them to India ? or take back to your country ?
Do you guys have any Shame ? Dignity ? You curse a Country day night, don't accept its Borders, Consider Pakistan to be hostile but still staying inside Pakistan ? Go back to Afghanistan or India ? But no , you guys have no honor or respect , maybe because decades of Abuse by Communists and later America has taken all that Dignity ..lol

We don't need Snakes love, Snakes are for killing not for making pets , We don't need your love or families in Pakistan, So in simple Words Pakistani's wants you out of their country, take your family to Canada, and you might be using Pakistani Passports, Your Filthy Afghani's use Pakistani Passport to enter EU and than attack its People, bringing shame to Pakistan. we don't need your unity as I said , We want you Out, have some Shame and get out .

Spewing nonsense once more, read the link I sent you, perhaps you will learn something... I don't don't need to explain if the proof is right in front of you.

Not only are we Afghans not going to leave Pakistan, but we are going to make Afghanistan and Pakistan a political reality in the near future InshAllah. You see @Pakhtoon yum display picture that will happen InshAllah and many Pakistani nationals who don't share your ignorance support this as I've already spoken to them in this forum. I just

hope this time around with a new state, Sharia Law is establish, establish an agency like ISI but an Islamic version that will work for the betterment of not only Islam but for all the Muslims within the new state. It will be a great for both of our nations, it will enrich both of our peoples, and we can rise to superpower status InshAllah. It doesn't matter whether you are apart of this or not, but this will happen InshAllah.
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Spewing nonsense once more, read the link I sent you, perhaps you will learn something... I don't don't need to explain if the proof is right in front of you.

Not only are we Afghans not going to leave Pakistan, but we are going to make Afghanistan and Pakistan a political reality in the near future InshAllah. You see @Pakhtoon yum display picture that will happen InshAllah and many Pakistani nationals who don't share your ignorance support this as I've already spoken to them in this forum. I just

hope this time around with a new state, Sharia Law is establish, establish an agency like ISI but an Islamic version that will work for the betterment of not only Islam but for all the Muslims within the new state. It will be a great for both of our nations, it will enrich both of our peoples, and we can rise to superpower status InshAllah. It doesn't matter whether you are apart of this or not, but this will happen InshAllah.

have some respect , Dignity and Honor, get out of Pakistan the country your Afghani's didn't even recognize, its not too late, Go to your beloved India and take your Afghani Family with you before People will throw you out ..You will find no love or support in Pakistan or at least civilized areas of Pakistan, Your Afghani bring nothing positive to Pakistan .
@Starlord @Hakim Dawary

both side (Afghanistan and Pakistan) made mistake which costed blood on both side.

I do not want enter on any fight who started, who did what etc. But I would like to explore instead what could be done to fix the wrong dynamics going on between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Peace for our Afghanis brothers and sisters, and Pakistanis brothers and sisters.

I met both kind of Afghanis here in France, some very naughty and some others very nice people. As everywhere in the world, there are bad people and nice people too.
I am Pakistani and I know that Afghans have had their fair share of causing trouble in Pakistan but that doesn't mean that all Afghans did that or are part of that. Plus, we Pakistani’s are not that innocent either when it comes to certain things. In the end, i believe a muslim is a brother of a muslim and those Afghans who fear Allah and have no ill feeling for Pakistan are my brothers. i refuse to paint all Afghans with the same brush. Anyone who denies that should know that its the same thing some of the Indians do to us when they think all Pakistanis are terrorists or jihadis.

Abdullah ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The Muslim is a brother to another Muslim. He does not wrong him, nor surrender him. Whoever fulfills the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs. Whoever relieves a Muslim from distress, Allah will relieve him from distress on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever covers the faults of a Muslim, Allah will cover his faults on the Day of Resurrection.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2310, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2580
@Starlord @Hakim Dawary

both side (Afghanistan and Pakistan) made mistake which costed blood on both side.

I do not want enter on any fight who started, who did what etc. But I would like to explore instead what could be done to fix the wrong dynamics going on between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Peace for our Afghanis brothers and sisters, and Pakistanis brothers and sisters.

I met both kind of Afghanis here in France, some very naughty and some others very nice people. As everywhere in the world, there are bad people and nice people too.

There is no Argument, Afghani's don't accept as a independent Nation , they don't accept Durand line as International Border , the whole world know about NDS and RAW axis and their work against Pakistan, Afghanistan literally kill our soldiers who are fencing the border , NDS is involved some of the most horrific terrorism acts in Pakistan, Afghans in Pakistan are living as illegal citizen , they don't follow or abide by the Law, they don't respect Jinnah , they don't respect our constitution , they abuse our Army by calling it Punjabi Army etc, They are in bed with a fascist state of India, Afghanis's have abused and spread fake lies about Pakistan throughout the world, anywhere if there is a Anti Pakistan protest you will find Afghani's among them .
In Pakistan they smuggle Guns and Drugs, They abuse young kids sexually , they live in towns but don't let anyone else go near them, their life style is dirty , they are mostly Criminals , they live in Pakistan but serve Afghanistan or Indian Interest , they don't respect our National Flag .

I can go on and on, Give me one Good reason to support Afghanis in Pakistan ? Don't say they are Muslims so , because we are not a Caliphate we are a Republic, we have a Border, Visa system and Constitution and if people who don't recognize our country, Attack our soldiers, kill our civilians, that Country is considered Enemy .
. .
have some respect , Dignity and Honor, get out of Pakistan the country your Afghani's didn't even recognize, its not too late, Go to your beloved India and take your Afghani Family with you before People will throw you out ..You will find no love or support in Pakistan or at least civilized areas of Pakistan, Your Afghani bring nothing positive to Pakistan .
If he is a law abiding immigrant then there is no issue. I'd he is not then he will be punished, simple as that. You should know better then to talk and think like those that hate muslims.

Spewing nonsense once more, read the link I sent you, perhaps you will learn something... I don't don't need to explain if the proof is right in front of you.

Not only are we Afghans not going to leave Pakistan, but we are going to make Afghanistan and Pakistan a political reality in the near future InshAllah. You see @Pakhtoon yum display picture that will happen InshAllah and many Pakistani nationals who don't share your ignorance support this as I've already spoken to them in this forum. I just

hope this time around with a new state, Sharia Law is establish, establish an agency like ISI but an Islamic version that will work for the betterment of not only Islam but for all the Muslims within the new state. It will be a great for both of our nations, it will enrich both of our peoples, and we can rise to superpower status InshAllah. It doesn't matter whether you are apart of this or not, but this will happen InshAllah.
As long as the Afghans and other citizens of current Afghanistan act as lae abiding citizens then no one will every care.

You cant blame @Starlord for his hate. We say close to 70k Pakistan's die and we went through hell. Just because our enemies, yes our not just Pakistan's but the enemies of the people of Afghanistan too, they used the war torn taste of Afghanistan against us. Which created all this hare that you see by @Starlord. It will come to pass once they are peacefully incorporated into the union.

Otherwise if not included then out enemies would keep using us against each other, because a stronger Pakistan means a larger headache for kaffirs.

There is no Argument, Afghani's don't accept as a independent Nation , they don't accept Durand line as International Border , the whole world know about NDS and RAW axis and their work against Pakistan, Afghanistan literally kill our soldiers who are fencing the border , NDS is involved some of the most horrific terrorism acts in Pakistan, Afghans in Pakistan are living as illegal citizen , they don't follow or abide by the Law, they don't respect Jinnah , they don't respect our constitution , they abuse our Army by calling it Punjabi Army etc, They are in bed with a fascist state of India, Afghanis's have abused and spread fake lies about Pakistan throughout the world, anywhere if there is a Anti Pakistan protest you will find Afghani's among them .
In Pakistan they smuggle Guns and Drugs, They abuse young kids sexually , they live in towns but don't let anyone else go near them, their life style is dirty , they are mostly Criminals , they live in Pakistan but serve Afghanistan or Indian Interest , they don't respect our National Flag .

I can go on and on, Give me one Good reason to support Afghanis in Pakistan ? Don't say they are Muslims so , because we are not a Caliphate we are a Republic, we have a Border, Visa system and Constitution and if people who don't recognize our country, Attack our soldiers, kill our civilians, that Country is considered Enemy .
Which afghanis were you talking too? The puppet, alcoholics sitting in kabul or the local sheep herders that are struggling to feed their children?
. .

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