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2011 - UFO , Al Aqsa Mosque , 3 prespective close up


Sep 8, 2009
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Very strange. The speed with which it flew off was unbelievable. It could be a well planned hoax though. Can't say much.
Well its a footage shot form three different angles, quite an impressive video

The video hoax you posted is a fake one lol

YouTube - UFO - OVNI - UFO in Jerusalem - Last shot - New Analysis

Here is the super close up , which matches the 3 videos from distance !!!

And if you look below you can see the moving cars, the people , and also you see the lightening burst/discharge consistent with the other 3 videos -

a) 0:09 you see flickering lights beyond the horizon top right
b) 0:22--0:26 you can see cars below driving
c) As the spacecraft/ufo appoaches the the teample.mosque its illuminates its surrounding

Then the electrical discharge around the surrounding area of dome , which reflects and illuminates the area around the craft ...

The video also then is checked with different scientific video tools to determine there indeeed something was there - and you can see something was there

The video that is well used as hoax claim is the only one that is not consistent with the three videos

(a) - becasue that one does have any light discharge
(b) the alien craft never is directly on top in origional videos but around the region

Why would someone do it well simple to discredit valid 4-5 videos on net on real incident

This time I think evidence is too good to be overlooked - beyond doubt

It can be argues ok the 1 particular video that is being used to discredit has issues but who knows may be FBI/Gov created it to divert public attention :P

Remember we live in a world where every thing is a weather ballon
even if military pilots see and report it
The evidence in the three distance videos and close up video with video analysis is just too great to discredit
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is there any clue the scientists of Earth have got about the origin or tech of these astonishing things?
Well at moment

Lets imagine if we went to a animal reserve

How would be explore , the creatures

a) From Safari Van , inside the van protected from lions in jungle
b) We would get close very close but with out effecting the
habitat of the creatures who we might be examining
c) We could kill any lion or zebra or elephant if we saw them
but we don't we observe the habitat for year and years.
Just becasue we have superior technology does not
means we go and destroy every single animal in forest

Secondly - how do they view us from above ?

Simple: They view , we are intelligent , we build objects that give off light
and we have mastered the art of flying in air just like them so they know
we are capable of investigating

They probbly see that places close to water , these strange creatures seem to grow, and during rush hours cars flow in roads just like blood flows in veins countless items moving along roads and then things get blocked

Which gives rise to question:

Why not just land and just end with it , well if we look at our own experience with Lunar Landings , humans for years kept going close to moon and just flying in circle and then taking picture for research. Even in mars we sent in probes for research purpose - simply by observing from far above you have minimum risk

If they decided to choose religious site as example to show themselves may be its a less fearful approach or disclosure look we are here we are not here to harm anyone.

We just want you to acknowledge us and respond -

This is the frist Radio Contact from another galaxy
(The wow message 1977) -


YouTube - The WOW Signal

When a response actually appeared on Local Earth Listening devices

One thing is for sure, we don't have any technology that can move that fast
^^ Only in Roswell New Mexico

Puerto Rican are crazy about UFOs as well. They have streets and highways named after UFOs.
This is what Quran has to say about aliens.

"And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the living creatures He has scattered through them." (42.29)

"The seven heavens and the earth, and beings therein, declare his glory." (17:44)

These verses indicate that there is life in some form or other planets in the galaxies. Until scientific means become more sophisticated to make this discovery, this Quranic statement will remain an unfulfilled prophecy.

What the Quran says about Life in Space

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