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20 states demand secession from US

Of course, it is the Pakistani version of PressTV. :lol:

dude, just got back from the PKKH threat, it's quite funny, since when did we have 51 states to split......?
Maybe he counted Pakistan as well, i have no idea :)
dude, just got back from the PKKH threat, it's quite funny, since when did we have 51 states to split......?
Maybe he counted Pakistan as well, i have no idea :)

Like I said, the whole world sees them for the idiots they are, but the real danger is in rubbish like this continuing to keep the domestic population in the required state of ignorance and fear.
About Us : Republic of Lakotah – Mitakuye Oyasin
During the week of December 17-19, 2007, we traveled to Washington DC and withdrew from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law.
Counting Coup – Lakota Citizens Stop US Helicopters from Landing at Wounded Knee : Republic of Lakotah – Mitakuye Oyasin
The "news" is FALSE.

Private citizens have the right to petition the White House directly, but that does not make the STATE in which the person resides a party to the petition. It is a blatant LIE to claim what the article is basing its premise on.

what are you afraid of VCheng, where does democracy and freedom of speech go,, looks like you want the state to have absolute power on the individual,, and the individual not to have any say in matters that effect his/her life.

and Tamil Nadu, Shasan says,, don't worry Shasan imperialist grab more land, they don't give an inch away, same for US, the article tells us about how Americans are thinking, not what they have acheived
what are you afraid of VCheng, where does democracy and freedom of speech go,, looks like you want the state to have absolute power on the individual,, and the individual not to have any say in matters that effect his/her life.

and Tamil Nadu, Shasan says,, don't worry Shasan imperialist grab more land, they don't give an inch away, same for US, the article tells us about how Americans are thinking, not what they have acheived

I have nothing to worry about, since it is the very exercise of the freedom to petition that is evidence of a strong and secure democracy.

Since my previous posts to the contrary were deleted, I will now proceed to commend PKKH's wonderful insights, and congratulate Def Pk on their official association with such a brilliant group! :D

Of course, the moderator did well by deleting certain posts but left the blatant lie in the title of the thread intact.

Well done Sir! :D
Besides they are the ones who put word in small groups minds to break up from your land and ask freedom eg. Balouchistan, Kurdistan...

karma really is a *****...

Taxes wanting freedom is nothing new...It has been going on for sometime now...in fact 3 of the states had already been thinking of this step...Though am surprised it went up to 20...Just shows Americans are ALSO not in support of what America is doing..

I wonder why other countries are not trying to destabize America. I mean we could fund groups, train them, create movements, spread constant propaganda. So much could be done with money.
I wonder why other countries are not trying to destabize America. I mean we could fund groups, train them, create movements, spread constant propaganda. So much could be done with money.

They are trying. They fail.
Latest from: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions

Only Louisiana's petition has over 25,000 signatures on it as of this morning. I wonder how many of them are US citizens, given that any hero with an internet connection anywhere in the world can click and get counted.
Looked up the whitehouse petition site and the people have more pressing needs than think about secession - "Not to allow the FDA to regulate Premium Cigars" got 32,000 votes. :lol:
This thread still running despite me making it clear how impossible succession is. Who do I bother with these people?? :disagree:
Looked up the whitehouse petition site and the people have more pressing needs than these petitions for secession - "Not to allow the FDA to regulate Premium Cigars" got 32,000 votes. :lol:

Of course.

The people will need those cigars to celebrate the secession parties, right? Somebody has to be ready to sell those, so it is best to get the FDA out of the picture.

Wait a minute, would the FDA still exist then? May be not!

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