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20 states demand secession from US

Texas now has over 51,000 signatures

Florida is over 15K

Louisiana at 24K

White House has to give a response for those that have over 25K.

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The petition to let Texas secede from the U.S. to be reviewed by the White House

Published on November 12th, 2012

Well, Texas, you have done it.
As of 3:40 p.m. ET, more than 25,000 Texans have already signed the petition on The White House website to let Texas peacefully secede from United States of America and “create its own NEW government.”

According to The White House, the petition must reach 25,000 signatures within 30 days in order to be considered.

“If a petition gets enough support, White House staff will review it, ensure it’s sent to the appropriate policy experts, and issue an official response,” explains the website.
The moment the soldier choses side, the Army dissolve. YOu cannot have an confederate soldier serving under a Union general or vice versa in the 1865 civil war, the command structure broken down and if you do not call it dissolve, i don't know what should they called.

Thats not how it works boss king.

Its called treason.

The military can only be dissolved if prevailing authorities agree and call for it to be dissolved.
WASHINGTON – At least 20 US states have filed petitions through the website of the White House to secede from the United States of America, following the re-election of President Barack Obama, Welcome to Examiner.com | Examiner.com reported on Tuesday. After the re-election, several petitions surfaced requesting the Obama administration to peacefully grant the applied state to withdraw from the United States of America in order to create their own government. Louisiana was the first state to file a petition followed by Texas.States with secession-related petitions on the White House website include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina and Tennessee.How would Old Glory look with 30 stars instead of 50? As far-fetched as it may sound, the White House might soon be forced by its own rules to examine the question.On November 7, the day after President Barack Obama was re-elected, the White House’s website received a petition asking the administration to allow Louisiana to secede.If 25,000 people sign the petition by December 7, it will “require a response” from the Obama administration, according to published rules of the White House’s online “We the People” program. The Louisiana petition has collected more than 12,300 signatures in four days. A separate effort from Texas has 15,400 supporters.Similar petitions from 18 other states began arriving on November 9, bringing the total — for the moment — to 20. The White House website publicly displays petitions that have attracted at least 150 signers. “Michael E” from the New Orleans suburb of Slidell penned the initial proposal — the website doesn’t provide last names — in which he asked the Obama administration to “[p]eacefully grant the State of Louisiana to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.”His entire petition consisted of excerpts from the Declaration of Independence.“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,” one portion read, “that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government.”“Micah H” from Arlington, Texas submitted the petition on behalf of the Lone Star State.“The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government’s neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending,” he wrote.Texas, he added, “maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world,” making it “practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union.”What began as a pair of parallel stunts appears to have gathered steam. Other than Louisiana and Texas, states with secession-related petitions pending on the White House website now include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina and Tennessee.Three states –Georgia, Missouri and South Carolina are each represented by two competing petitions.

20 states demand secession from US | The Nation
of course, but that's not the point of these petitions

how many idiots on here have to make rudimentary statements.

i think everybody knows these petitions are symbolic in nature to protest the current conditions in the u.s.
lets us all help bring "democracy" to America & help the states to get freedome from US Occupation...:)

P.S: is it tht US is now tasting her own medicine:D
how many idiots on here have to make rudimentary statements.

i think everybody knows these petitions are symbolic in nature to protest the current conditions in the u.s.

why are you so angry all the time?
First off if Texas ever seceded it will be a major crisis. The nation was founded upon the principles of a "perpetual union." And even Texas were secede peacefully the Federal government will not take it lightly. Our largest military bases are in Texas. Any president will ready a military invasion to reannex it. Lincoln set the precedence of what to do if a nation secedes. It will be crushed under military force.
First off if Texas ever seceded it will be a major crisis. The nation was founded upon the principles of a "perpetual union." And even Texas were secede peacefully the Federal government will not take it lightly. Our largest military bases are in Texas. Any president will ready a military invasion to reannex it. Lincoln set the precedence of what to do if a nation secedes. It will be crushed under military force.

exactly.....but this would be the last resort. CIA would kidnap the leaders and organizers, send in infiltrators to gather intel and internally attempt to disband any uprising/movements. as they do in other nations when they go after terrorists.
lets us all help bring "democracy" to America & help the states to get freedome from US Occupation...:)

P.S: is it tht US is now tasting her own medicine:D

What medicine? Do you see any American complain here about the petition? In fact, most have felt it is a good one and showcasing the freedom of speech available in this land.
What medicine? Do you see any American complain here about the petition? In fact, most have felt it is a good one and showcasing the freedom of speech available in this land.

have some dignity.

you people never stop strawmanning.

and there are limits on freedom of speech.

pathetic post.
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