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20+ Pakistani Soldiers killed in Suicide attack in North Waziristan.

These attacks are mostly by TTP which is backed by CIA (By training in Afghanistan and proving them money and weapons).....you will see mostly such kind of attacks, they have linked to N.Waziristan....these are tactics that CIA doing to bring anger in Pak Army to attack on North Waziristan.....
These attacks are mostly by TTP which is backed by CIA (By training in Afghanistan and proving them money and weapons).....you will see mostly such kind of attacks, they have linked to N.Waziristan....these are tactics that CIA doing to bring anger in Pak Army to attack on North Waziristan.....

Whatever happens, its the CIA...!!
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These scum bags are against any development in the area, those killed were not regular PA soldiers but Tochi scouts assigned to protect the FWO personal.

Death toll from Miramshah suicide attack reaches 22 | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

See..i wasnt wrong all along..
Most of these incidents aint 'le islamic terrorism''.
Its 'tribal terrorism' for reasons if their own.
Many tribes are against any development in their area...heard this myself from an 'Afridi'
"Jabb road ataa hay to saath dandaa aata hai''
Means...when road comes,along comes more rule of the law and we dont want that....

So its tribal mentality at play here than any terrorism for shariah law.
Such statements help spare you from passports. Your nationality can be easily distinguished by the amount of delusion you carry. You, sir, are a textbook pakistani.

And i'm sure text book Bhartis thinks...Sunny Deol was the greatest warrior that ever walked....err on a film set. !!
The patheticism, the useless almost non-existant response we see whenever such an attack takes place on our heroes (our Pak fauj jawans) really dampens any hope I have of seeing this militancy quashed. I mean just look at the lack of response here. North Waziristan was never a real threat to Pakistan... the real issue was within South Waziristan which is a TTP bastion. From there this ragged bunch of terrorists have expanded all over Pakistan and now have a foot in tirah (mamozai mainly) where fighting continues between the army/ansarulislam/tribal militia and the TTP/LI

Today an average fighter for the Taliban is being paid Rs 20,000 monthly while the average policeman recieves barely half that figure.

I don't know if anyone notices but for the past few days we Pakistanis have been braving almost constant bombings and attacks. I haven't heard of even one arrest regarding these but boy are we good at running after innocent people. We blew it in FATA. I really hope Imran Khan comes and repeals the black law-the notorious collective responsibilities act.
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Its really intresting to think about the intellentia and political class and Army of Pakistan, in spite of such a huge number of casusalities, Army still think India is the enemey no 1 for them??...Which world you guys are living in?...Every month if you go by the PDF posts only...so many soldiers of your army is assasinated....What is the step taken by GOV or Army to prevent it? Any plan that includes political or military??...Even surprisingly, there is not much refreshing ideas are not floating around in posts in PDF too...the only thing that happens is that some Pakistan posters just shower unnecessary ego to their own support and in between it ...indian posters like me ...just try to troll in between...:azn:

So i would like to from senior member of PDF to put some sincere post about how to address this situation politically, diplomatically and militarily in a certain time frame so that a genuine discussion can happen...

Oye senseless arm chair General, Where Pakistan Army consider India it's enemy number.1?

I urge you to read PA policy about who they think their enemy no.1.

and all the base less rants, How much American Army faired in afghainstan? How much their strategies worked their? In the end they had to lick their own spit by by negotiating with Talibans.

Mountain warfare with tribals in not a joke where many bad guys dies so easily. Strategies and Policies are already in place. It's just you people don't have a habit of researching before opening your mouth
The patheticism, the useless almost non-existant response we see whenever such an attack takes place on our heroes (our Pak fauj jawans) really dampens any hope I have of seeing this militancy quashed. I mean just look at the lack of response here. North Waziristan was never a real threat to Pakistan... the real issue was within South Waziristan which is a TTP bastion. From there this ragged bunch of terrorists have expanded all over Pakistan and now have a foot in tirah (mamozai mainly) where fighting continues between the army/ansarulislam/tribal militia and the TTP/LI

Today an average fighter for the Taliban is being paid Rs 20,000 monthly while the average policeman recieves barely half that figure.

I don't know if anyone notices but for the past few days we Pakistanis have been braving almost constant bombings and attacks. I haven't heard of even one arrest regarding these but boy are we good at running after innocent people. We blew it in FATA. I really hope Imran Khan comes and repeals the black law-the notorious collective responsibilities act.
Dude, the dearest thing to a normal human is his life, when a brainwashed idiot has lost all the morals, ethics and even value of his own life, there is no stopping him or them.....these culprits are embedded in some part of the society and it's not an easy task to weed them out. It's a pain staking work but worth the effort at the end.....Swat being a prime example. !!
Hmm...last week attack on Indian jawans and this week attack on pak jawans!!? Something going on maybe? :fie:
outside forces trying put us against each other?

may god bless these men and grant them a high place in jannah
The patheticism, the useless almost non-existant response we see whenever such an attack takes place on our heroes (our Pak fauj jawans) really dampens any hope I have of seeing this militancy quashed. I mean just look at the lack of response here. North Waziristan was never a real threat to Pakistan... the real issue was within South Waziristan which is a TTP bastion. From there this ragged bunch of terrorists have expanded all over Pakistan and now have a foot in tirah (mamozai mainly) where fighting continues between the army/ansarulislam/tribal militia and the TTP/LI

Today an average fighter for the Taliban is being paid Rs 20,000 monthly while the average policeman recieves barely half that figure.

I don't know if anyone notices but for the past few days we Pakistanis have been braving almost constant bombings and attacks. I haven't heard of even one arrest regarding these but boy are we good at running after innocent people. We blew it in FATA. I really hope Imran Khan comes and repeals the black law-the notorious collective responsibilities act.

money and religion..the two best tools to brainwash people...
May be its Taliban's warm wel come to Mushy. RIP. As usual as i earlier mentioned Pakistani people's reluctance to ignore threads like these is more dangerous which depicts very dangerous trend.
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These attacks are mostly by TTP which is backed by CIA (By training in Afghanistan and proving them money and weapons).....you will see mostly such kind of attacks, they have linked to N.Waziristan....these are tactics that CIA doing to bring anger in Pak Army to attack on North Waziristan.....

ya before you people claimed it was India now CIA,...next who?
You dont need to 'brain wash' a tribal to make him go kill somebody.

So according to you this is endemic to their (tribal) culture or ethos itself? The tribal regions seem to be more dead set for the establishment of theocratic rule. What would you attribute this sort of ant-state mentality to?
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