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2 Saudi Border Guards Killed at Yemeni Border

even if they have, what can you do????????

Crush the degenerates like ants which we did in 2009 and 2010.

KSA is not a country were rag-tag militias have any chance of succeeding unlike certain other failed countries in the region and some a bit outside of it.

Inna Lillah e wa inna ilaihe raajeon...Rest in peace...

Thank you 7abibi.
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Crush the degenerates like ants which we did in 2009 and 2010.

KSA is not a country were rag-tag militias have any chance of succeeding unlike certain other failed countries in the region and some a bit outside of it.

Thank you 7abibi.
From my humble research, the conflict of 2009/10 was indecisive(as per wiki). Saudi barely managed to expel them from their territory and that too with overwhelming force ratio( like 1 to 5) and complete air power. And even then the kill ratio is almost same, 133 saudis plus around 150 yemenis versus 283 houthis( all data as per wiki) But this didnt had any kind of strategic impact on houthis what so ever as they have been steadily growing their power in yemen. Soo will you plzzzzzz elaborate how your country "crushed" the houthis??????

Crush the degenerates like ants which we did in 2009 and 2010.

KSA is not a country were rag-tag militias have any chance of succeeding unlike certain other failed countries in the region and some a bit outside of it.

Thank you 7abibi.
Be clear,,,,are you referring to pakistan???????
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Ordinary soldiers are always victims . No matter where they are from .

Rest in peace .
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@Arabian Legend @JUBA @Yzd Khalifa

Time for you guys to deal with another ignorant. Not going to bother today.:omghaha::sarcastic::laughcry:
i see,,,, its your habbit to run away rather then answering,,,(you also didnt answere me in another bashar al assad related thread),,,,,,,,,,,,you only answere when there is some knowledgeless person there so as to portray yourself as some one extremely knowledgeable,,,,

I read few minutes ago that 2 saudi border guards were shot in a new border incident today.
yup,, the houthis are out at them it seems,,,
Gunmen kill Saudi guard near Yemeni border, wound another - Latest - New Straits Times

Since when are you knowledgeable? You can't probably even count to 10 in Arabic. Just another Pakistan that is trying to act more Middle Eastern than the Middle Easterners themselves. Pathetic.

Tell me why I should waste my time with a troll like you? Just look at your avatar. Enough said.

Lastly I don't have anything to prove to you.
i see,,,, its your habbit to run away rather then answering,,,(you also didnt answere me in another bashar al assad related thread),,,,,,,,,,,,you only answere when there is some knowledgeless person there so as to portray yourself as some one extremely knowledgeable,,,,

yup,, the houthis are out at them it seems,,,
Gunmen kill Saudi guard near Yemeni border, wound another - Latest - New Straits Times
I'm not sure of houthis being behind this because houthis are already busy with fights around sanaa. Maybe some drug smugglers/gangs again?

Since when are you knowledgeable? You can't probably even count to 10 in Arabic. Just another Pakistan that is trying to act more Middle Eastern than the Middle Easterners themselves. Pathetic.

Tell me why I should waste my time with a troll like you? Just look at your avatar. Enough said.

Lastly I don't have anything to prove to you.
when did i tried to act like that????????


Since when are you knowledgeable? You can't probably even count to 10 in Arabic. Just another Pakistan that is trying to act more Middle Eastern than the Middle Easterners themselves. Pathetic.

Tell me why I should waste my time with a troll like you? Just look at your avatar. Enough said.

Lastly I don't have anything to prove to you.
no one can force anyone here dear,,,,its an open forum
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Since when are you knowledgeable? You can't probably even count to 10 in Arabic. Just another Pakistan that is trying to act more Middle Eastern than the Middle Easterners themselves. Pathetic.

Tell me why I should waste my time with a troll like you? Just look at your avatar. Enough said.

Lastly I don't have anything to prove to you.
and when does counting in arabic became a standard for knowledge????

Then why are you trying to act more knowledgeable about something that you have no clue about other than reading the English Wikipedia page?
then you tell me dear,,, thats what this forum is about,,,,
as you know youtube is banned in pakkistan, so i can just see blank space in your post,,,,,,plz post your intended video in a way i can access it,,,,,,

PressTV is accusing us of committing war crimes against Hauthi Shia Terrorists. Calling upon arms embargo on KSA.

@Arabian Legend @JUBA @Yzd Khalifa

Time for you guys to deal with another ignorant. Not going to bother today.:omghaha::sarcastic::laughcry:

There is no point for repeating a broken record. History speaks for itself.

They won't stand another chance if they try to provoke us once more, given the fact that they no longer have enough money and weapons to make another episode of savagery.
. . .

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