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2,350 or 3,500 - How Many Nukes Warheads Does China Have?

That does not matter. No country is willing to get wiped out while helping another. France is not going to help the US in a MAD scenario. Why should they? It's not likely those nukes are going to make a difference.
In a MAD scenario only 2 countries are going down, others do not have to get involved.
You only need enough for 1 nuke war, because you are done after that anyway.

It seems like your Netherlanders are so good to the Chinese or you have another reason to tell???

The nuclear weapons as I know is not only to destroy a country's major enemies but also any forces that could harm them after the MAD.

so i think the Chinese are not stupid but very sure that they would drag every ones else down to the hell with them if China don't exist anymore! and I think the US or any nucleated countries have the same though like China either!?
The nuclear weapons as I know is not only to destroy a country's major enemies but also any forces that could harm them after the MAD.

so i think the Chinese are not stupid but very sure that they would drag every ones else down to the hell with them if China don't exist anymore! and I think the US or any nucleated countries have the same though like China either!?
It makes no sense for China to launch unprovoked nuclear attack in an expanded nuclear war because "maybe" the scavengers might invade for the spoils. This does not make sense because China would be a nuclear wasteland and would probably still have the ability to land at least a handful of nukes on those scavenger countries. Today, there is UTTER TERROR when even threat of 1 single nuclear warhead is possible.

In no situation would any nuclear power endanger themselves by sticking their nose into a nuclear war they were not already part of. That would be suicide and absolutely moronic to the extreme. Nor would any nuclear power, with the possible exception of the United States, launch an unprovoked nuclear attack on hostile non-nuclear countries, not involved in the war. It defies logic and is simply absurd. There was only 1 time in history that this was remotely possible and it was during the Cold War between the USSR and USA. That time has long past and in today's world, it will never happen, except in the case of nuclear attack on the Anglo-American alliance, who would protect each other with nukes. All other countries would be on their own.
It seems like your Netherlanders are so good to the Chinese or you have another reason to tell???

The nuclear weapons as I know is not only to destroy a country's major enemies but also any forces that could harm them after the MAD.

so i think the Chinese are not stupid but very sure that they would drag every ones else down to the hell with them if China don't exist anymore! and I think the US or any nucleated countries have the same though like China either!?
My post was a reply to ChineseTiger, who seems to believe that more is better.
My logic is very simple:
1. In a MAD scenario there is nothing left after the MAD exchange. So why bother who is going to attack you after that. There is nothing left to attack but nuclear waste land, no population which is not doomed anyways.
2. The bigger the nuclear stockpile the harder it is to keep track and maintain it. And off course the more it is going to cost doing so.
3. For detterence it suffice to have just enough so nobody is willing to pay the price attacking you.

This logic is not that hard to follow is it?
Why waste resources that can surely be put to better use than just having a nuclear stockpile as big as possible?
If point 3 is met. do you really want more nukes and why?

As for the bolded part, why bother if there is nothing left to harm?

Please tell me the logic of having 100000 nukes is 500 are enough to detter anyone in attacking you.
How many locks do you have on your door? I suppose only just enough to keep unwanted guests outside and not 1000 just because you can put it on your door.

Maybe we Dutch can invade China after an MAD exchange and occupy those wonderfull nuclear wast land, polluted water supplies and burned down cities :devil:
Whether you have 400 or 3000, you have enough. Building large numbers is a waste as one never gets to use them.
Yes,it's wate for china since wo never get to use them,so my question is why you India build them,will you get to use them and aim at whom?or,they are not enough then how much is?
Yes,it's wate for china since wo never get to use them,so my question is why you India build them,will you get to use them and aim at whom?or,they are not enough then how much is?

Probable the same as CT and DT, they think it's a d*ck measuring contest.
And because it's a democracy the politicians who pull it off get electional brownie points.
Probable the same as CT and DT, they think it's a d*ck measuring contest.
And because it's a democracy the politicians who pull it off get electional brownie points.

Who cares who has bigger dong? :lol:

China makes sure it always has with 3000 nukes available in its stockpile, so she does have enough firepower to blast anyone who can potentially cause the threat to her during the MAD.

You guys don't like it, but this is the reality.
Who cares who has bigger dong? :lol:

China makes sure it has always with 3000 nukes available in its stockpile so she does have enough firepower to blast anyone who can potentially cause the threat to her during the MAD.

You guys don't like it, but this is the reality.

in a MAD scenario, the thing to do is to 100% make sure that the enemy will be down and stay down as punishment for attacking you. 1000 warheads on a few hundred ICBMs is necessary just to cripple USA and Russia alone. At least 400 warheads must land to eliminate 80% of US industry and 60% of US population. Russia is more spread out, so 600 is necessary. To cripple India, we need even more.

3000 nuclear warheads is just the start of MAD.
in a MAD scenario, the thing to do is to 100% make sure that the enemy will be down and stay down as punishment for attacking you. 1000 warheads on a few hundred ICBMs is necessary just to cripple USA and Russia alone. At least 400 warheads must land to eliminate 80% of US industry and 60% of US population. Russia is more spread out, so 600 is necessary. To cripple India, we need even more.

3000 nuclear warheads is just the start of MAD.

India has a comparable number of population with China, and i am afraid after the MAD, we will have to fight with them with stick and stone. :sick:
My post was a reply to ChineseTiger, who seems to believe that more is better.

Don't worry, the CCP will never recruit him to its members, he is just a very naive or kiddy Chinese, so whatever you trick him here won't harm CCP or the whole China! Just keep joking him for fun instead of taking him so seriously! :lol:

My logic is very simple:
1. In a MAD scenario there is nothing left after the MAD exchange. So why bother who is going to attack you after that. There is nothing left to attack but nuclear waste land, no population which is not doomed anyways.

NO!!! you are not so right, who can guarantee that after the MAD scenarios there are nobody alive!? If you though that way then I am surely you don't know about the thing you are talking about, so you don't have to lecture us anymore?

2. The bigger the nuclear stockpile the harder it is to keep track and maintain it. And off course the more it is going to cost doing so.

Agree, but if that is the backbone of a country security, China's surviving; would they dare not to do so? Remember China Geo-political is very complex and this country is always in risks of many potential conflicts!

3. For detterence it suffice to have just enough so nobody is willing to pay the price attacking you.

This logic is not that hard to follow is it?
Why waste resources that can surely be put to better use than just having a nuclear stockpile as big as possible?
If point 3 is met. do you really want more nukes and why?

Nobody can guarantee anything, there are so many crazy evil souls in this world these days, so country like China have to choose the best way to defense herself the most! It is a reasonable, isn't it!?

As for the bolded part, why bother if there is nothing left to harm?

As I said above, there will be something left to harm, not "everybody will die" right away after the MAD, China has many infrastructures that can save some of millions of her people during the nuclear exchanges, plus there are over 60 millions Chinese living abroad. What would people will do to the Chinese after China having no more power to defense? For example if a nuclear war between China and USA happens, as your logic the Russian or other countries like Japan or India would not step into the conflict so China and USA will not try to destroy those countries, but after the MAD both USA and China will be powerless, Japan and India hate China deep in its blood so could you guarantee that they will not make a revenge on China? Even the Russian? 1 more thing, China is a huge country with so many resources, even after the MAD there are just the nucleated infected lands but I bet you people still want to occupy it. Nuclear radiation will gone by times not stay there forever, resources such as oils, coals, golds, metals,diamonds, rare earth materials are hidden under the grounds, it is not affected or destroyed anything by the MAD? So who would be so stupid that they never pay any of their greedy to those resources? So China have to make sure when she die every potential robbers would die with here either. That is a very reasonable though and I think most of human will do the same. What would you do at your last minutes of life after being stabbed through the heart by robbers and you have your gun with you at that time? Don't you say you just going to shoot the one who stabbed you but not his men?

Please tell me the logic of having 100000 nukes is 500 are enough to detter anyone in attacking you.
How many locks do you have on your door? I suppose only just enough to keep unwanted guests outside and not 1000 just because you can put it on your door.

Again, as I said above, people will do whatever they could to security their live, whatever a sufficient nuclear stockpiles are enough to protect a country, she will do. You cannot reason me that way using "locks" and "doors", because it is so illogical while we talking about the topic here, the nuclear exchanges!?

Maybe we Dutch can invade China after an MAD exchange and occupy those wonderfull nuclear wast land, polluted water supplies and burned down cities :devil:

yeah...I know you hope so and are planning so!? :lol:

Anyways, I have 2 though about you:

1 is that you are a very naive person who view things too simple. You are also a very love peace person who is trying his best to prevent the nuclear expansion around the world.

2 is you are a very cunning manner, all you want is to trick the Chinese to follow your false ideas, so China will cut down its nuclear stockpiles to make your cunning westerners feel safer tomorrow!?

......but trust me my friend, I don't think China is stupid to listen to any words you are telling them here, they will not buy your tricky suggestions......and yeah I think Netherlands will be "safe" if China is going to have nuclear exchanges with her arrogant opponents......after the MAD Netherlands can occupy China and make yourself a new nation! :devil:

....as I known your Netherlanders are very love the Chinese right, your congress senate once called the Chinese "slip eyes" and appealed to boycott the Chinese in his country!? We know you only want "good things" to the Chinese, that is why China have to prepare for MAD as best as she can! :lol:

India has a comparable number of population with China, and i am afraid after the MAD, we will have to fight with them with stick and stone. :sick:

hihi such a creative though :lol:

hey but have you forgot your close friend Japanese and Korean, also your long time brother Vietnamese who are dreaming and appealing to split China to pieces everyday!The Vietnamese and Filipinos are having wet dream to create a second "The rape of Nanking" to China, as a Chinese what do you think? :lol:
hihi such a creative though :lol:

hey but have you forgot your close friend Japanese and Korean, also your long time brother Vietnamese who are dreaming and appealing to split China to pieces everyday!The Vietnamese and Filipinos are having wet dream to create a second "The rape of Nanking" to China, as a Chinese what do you think? :lol:

China has reserved many SRBMs/IRBMs with nuclear warheads for these nations.

During the exchange of MAD with US, we will make sure that all hostile nations surrounding us will get nuked into the stone age.

But India has huge population like us, so there would still be hundred of million remaining population after the MAD for both side.

Therefore the war with stick and stone could likely be happening. :rolleyes:
China has reserved many SRBMs/IRBMs with nuclear warheads for these nations.

During the exchange of MAD with US, we will make sure that all hostile nations surrounding us will get nuked into the stone age.

But India has huge population like us, so there would still be hundred of million remaining population after the MAD for both side.

Therefore the war with stick and stone could likely be happening. :rolleyes:

If you nuke all the hostile nations surrounding you then what will be left of China ??
US attacked NATO and US bombs i.e. 13000-15000 bombs drop on China.
Russia attacked another 22000 bombs drops on China.
India attacked another 200-300 bombs drops on China.

so that makes 13000+22000+200=35300 bombs dropped on China....What will be left of China If 35300 bombs are dropped ??
But why should you be worried... you are chilling your @ss in some foreign country while advocating China to bomb others and ultimately get bombed to pre-stone age... wonder If the sun will ever rise in China after 35300 Nuclear bombs are dropped there... :lol:
China has reserved many SRBMs/IRBMs with nuclear warheads for these nations.

During the exchange of MAD with US, we will make sure that all hostile nations surrounding us will get nuked into the stone age.

But India has huge population like us, so there would still be hundred of million remaining population after the MAD for both side.

Therefore the war with stick and stone could likely be happening. :rolleyes:

If you nuke all the hostile nations surrounding you then what will be left of China ??
US attacked NATO and US bombs i.e. 13000-15000 bombs drop on China.
Russia attacked another 22000 bombs drops on China.
India attacked another 200-300 bombs drops on China.

so that makes 13000+22000+200=35300 bombs dropped on China....What will be left of China If 35300 bombs are dropped ??
But why should you be worried... you are chilling your @ss in some foreign country while advocating China to bomb others and ultimately get bombed to pre-stone age... wonder If the sun will ever rise in China after 35300 Nuclear bombs are dropped there... :lol:
If you nuke all the hostile nations surrounding you then what will be left of China ??
US attacked NATO and US bombs i.e. 13000-15000 bombs drop on China.
Russia attacked another 22000 bombs drops on China.
India attacked another 200-300 bombs drops on China.

so that makes 13000+22000+200=35300 bombs dropped on China....What will be left of China If 35300 bombs are dropped ??
But why should you be worried... you are chilling your @ss in some foreign country while advocating China to bomb others and ultimately get bombed to pre-stone age... wonder If the sun will ever rise in China after 35300 Nuclear bombs are dropped there... :lol:
>>35300 nukes
>>everyone get affected
>>whats left of the world is what you should be asking
If you nuke all the hostile nations surrounding you then what will be left of China ??
US attacked NATO and US bombs i.e. 13000-15000 bombs drop on China.
Russia attacked another 22000 bombs drops on China.
India attacked another 200-300 bombs drops on China.

so that makes 13000+22000+200=35300 bombs dropped on China....What will be left of China If 35300 bombs are dropped ??
But why should you be worried... you are chilling your @ss in some foreign country while advocating China to bomb others and ultimately get bombed to pre-stone age... wonder If the sun will ever rise in China after 35300 Nuclear bombs are dropped there... :lol:

Right now, both US and Russia don't have some 10,000 functional nukes in their inventory.

And they couldn't drop all their nukes on China since USA and Russia are so afraid of getting backstabbed by each other.

When China and US do exchange in a MAD, then both would send there remaining nukes to Russia, then Russia would nuke everyone in response including India.

This is the real scenario of MAD.
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