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19th SAARC Conference in Islamabad 2016-News and Updates

This is Indus:

This is Ganges:

My friend, whole South Asia is poor. One good photo here, and one bad photo there don't make any of us developed countries. Unless we realize that we are wasting our precious resources because of our stupidity, we won't make any progress. Please don't be fooled by a beautiful image.
As I Said make a batti of Bhutan or even whole SAARC its a dead dead dead cow we are happy with CPEC and need to put all attention and sources energies on it, and water? stop it:lol:
What's the reality?
Russia not with you
China not with you
USA is neutral
Iran interesting in CPEC
Now sleep again keep dreaming fake sardar.
I am astounded at the title of thread, besharmi ki hudd paar kar li hai humne. 4 terrorists walked into a military camp killed 18 soldiers, and Indians are claiming humiliation of Pakistan.... I am in sheer disbelief.
As I Said make a batti of Bhutan or even whole SAARC its a dead dead dead cow we are happy with CPEC and need to put all attention and sources energies on it, and water? stop it:lol:
What's the reality?
Russia not with you
China not with you
USA is neutral
Iran interesting in CPEC
Now sleep again keep dreaming fake sardar.
Has any meeting happened with Russia or Iran since Uri attacks? Wait and watch till october, post the visit of Putin, lets talk about it.

Regarding China, its your ally not ours.

Regarding US, your long term ally has not sided with you either. I would say thats a win, that you have got your thousands killed in bhakti of US, have got your country in worst shape because of it. Making US do bewafai with you is more than enough here.

Me being fake or not but we very well know the history of Pakistan. Lol so refrain from it.
Hence proven who is more humiliated and running away. I must say say, Pakistan should not, never leave the SAARC but Everytime needs to press that Button, as you said, to see more of humiliation and fun indeed.

Seriously, we had enough of sad and formal type of forums in the world and considering the growing war hysteria, there is a need of fun and laughs and we offer our services. Let's press the button again and again and have some smiles. Sardar ji, we have been serious and enough tensed so have some fun don't take all this serious as well.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, That veto button no longer works...
I am astounded at the title of thread, besharmi ki hudd paar kar li hai humne. 4 terrorists walked into a military camp killed 18 soldiers, and Indians are claiming humiliation of Pakistan.... I am in sheer disbelief.
Hope you are not Sparky from 2010-2011 days.

I have to step in here. Sorry to say, but i could not disagree with you more. Let's for argument sakes say that Indian Army takes out 10 Pakistani Forward Posts which they definitely can. What's to stop PA Infantry Forward Units from doing the same on the Indian side? On a low level engagement, Pakistani Forward Units are equally as potent and can inflict the same damage on the Indian side as the Indian to the Pakistani side.

Long term solution is peace. These di** measuring contests of taking out 10 Pakistani Posts won't serve any purpose. Pakistan can do the same, and Pakistan Army can easily absorb the loss of 10 Posts and build 20 more. Both sides need to come together and hash out our problems.
And India needs to have the ability to pay and exact that price. We will lose posts and you will too, but if this blah blah of economy and size difference has any validity, India should be able exact an advantage in volume of response, and that has to be price to pay for assymentric warfare.
If there is infiltration, 10 posts around the area are fair game, if you chose to take out Indian posts, then another 10 posts. And yes it means a snowball effect to a scale where it makes it difficult for pakistan to sustain a dual. That is the price to pay for such actions, but then again we are bean counter, why should we lose our posts... 18 soldiers are dead and they wont come back by such actions, the budhi maa dialogue from terrible movies ... that is our chalta hai approach.

Pakistani establishment will continue to operate with impunity and historical evidence points to the same. After Salala, PA stood up to US, after uri, Indians wet thier pants... thats the difference.
Has any meeting happened with Russia or Iran since Uri attacks? Wait and watch till october, post the visit of Putin, lets talk about it.

Regarding China, its your ally not ours.

Regarding US, your long term ally has not sided with you either. I would say thats a win, that you have got your thousands killed in bhakti of US, have got your country in worst shape because of it. Making US do bewafai with you is more than enough here.

Me being fake or not but we very well know the history of Pakistan. Lol so refrain from it.
See! Now you start talking sense:lol: tired of useless Push Ups? USA and Russia are no one friends they sell and buy which favored their interests and take them both as your friends we happy with that:coffee: in short read the history of SAARC you can find out soon how it's useless to " Push " to force someone. Now sleep again till Uncle Sam and Russian China join SAARC.
It does look like that, given the levels of maturity of the administration of both Pakistan and India. And it will be a pity if SAARC comes to an end. In my opinion, with the wisdom born of hindsight, the original formation of the group was faulty; this was bound to happen.

Pakistan has no real place in any organisation for cooperation in South Asia since they have no interest in any cooperation whatsoever. The rest of the countries would do fine if Pakistan were removed from the organisation. BIMSTEC being called to the BRICS summit is a good move, having Afghanistan & Maldives attend as observers would pretty much bring everyone but Pakistan in.

I am astounded at the title of thread, besharmi ki hudd paar kar li hai humne. 4 terrorists walked into a military camp killed 18 soldiers, and Indians are claiming humiliation of Pakistan.... I am in sheer disbelief.

Point taken though the title is from an UK paper.
Kashmir and IWT has never been brought in SAARC . Although SAAC gets effected by bilateral relations in practice, but there has a long standing practice of only discussing multilateral treaties in SAARC.

Anyways, yes i also think that will be that will be the Pakistani response.
Discussing is irrelevant, the impact on those multilateral treaties is what is being talked about.

I have to step in here. Sorry to say, but i could not disagree with you more. Let's for argument sakes say that Indian Army takes out 10 Pakistani Forward Posts which they definitely can. What's to stop PA Infantry Forward Units from doing the same on the Indian side? On a low level engagement, Pakistani Forward Units are equally as potent and can inflict the same damage on the Indian side as the Indian to the Pakistani side.

Long term solution is peace. These di** measuring contests of taking out 10 Pakistani Posts won't serve any purpose. Pakistan can do the same, and Pakistan Army can easily absorb the loss of 10 Posts and build 20 more. Both sides need to come together and hash out our problems. I would rather we put the precious little money we have on our butter than buying thee expensive arms.
Well it will be a war of attrition. cost of maintaining & spending ammo on 10 posts might be nothing for pakistan or India but if it is spread across the LOC then it will be definite strain on budget. As you said, funds will be diverted from other critical projects of bread & butter which will lead to discontentment and who manages it with less damage to finance will have the bragging rights on the negotiating table.
The title is misleading...

India boycotted SAARC, because India was unhappy with Pakistan's policy on terrorists striking India, not because India wants to humiliate Pakistan.
Pakistan Humiliated by south Asian countries' boycott of summit

India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan cite regional interference as they pull out of what was set to be a historic meeting

Jon Boone in Islamabad and Michael Safi in Delhi

Wednesday 28 September 2016 14.59 BST Last modified on Wednesday 28 September 2016 16.19 BST

Four south Asian countries are to boycott what was set to be a historic regional summit in Islamadad in November, dealing a humiliating blow to Pakistan and isolating it diplomatically.

India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan all said they would pull out of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) meeting following a collapse in relations between Pakistan and India, the subcontinent’s nuclear-armed rivals.

Statements by the region’s foreign ministries echoed India’s criticism on Tuesday night, which blamed “increasing cross-border terrorist attacks and growing interference of the internal affairs of member states” for Delhi’s decision to boycott the conference.

Until recently, the prospect of the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Islamabad had been seen as a potentially highly symbolic step towards reconciliation between Pakistan and India.

The two countries, however, have been engaged interse exchanges following an attack on an Indian army base on 18 September that killed 19 soldiers, which Delhi has blamed on jihadis based in Pakistan. The raid took place in town of Uri near the line of control that divides the contested Himalayan territory of Kashmir.

Four days later, India denounced Pakistan at the UN as the host of the “Ivy League of terrorism”.

Islamabad says India has provided no evidence linking the attack either to militants based in Pakistan or to the country’s intelligence agencies, which have long been accused of complicity with anti-India jihadi groups.

Pakistan’s defence minister has even suggested that India itself carried out the attack to deflect attention from its ongoing struggle to quell popular disturbances in the Indian part of Kashmir.

Indian soldiers patrol near the line of control in Kashmir following the 18 September attack. Photograph: Mukhtar Khan/AP
Tensions have been fuelled by television networks and social media on both sides of the border, with some pundits appearing to relish the prospect of all-out nuclear war.

Some Indian hawks have demanded retaliatory attacks against suspected militant camps in Pakistan, but Modi has sought to punish Islamabad with steps that fall short of military means.

His strategy is, however, far tougher than the relative restraint shown by previous Indian governments during earlier crises, such as that prompted by the four-day assault on Mumbai by Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba in 2008.

In recent weeks, Modi has publicly backed separatist rebels in the restive Pakistani province of Balochistan, a move that has infuriated Islamabad. He has also questioned a key cross-border river treaty and vowed to orchestrate Pakistan’s diplomatic isolation.

That promise became reality on Wednesday when it became clear four out of SAARC’s eight members would not attend the summit, which it is Pakistan’s turn to host.

Afghanistan’s foreign ministry, which has long accused Pakistan of supporting the Taliban-led insurgency, was most stinging in its criticism, denouncing “the increased level of violence and fighting as a result of imposed terrorism on Afghanistan”.

Nine months ago, hopes were high for a rapprochement between India and Pakistan following Modi’s surprise visit to Lahore on Christmas day, the first time an Indian leader had set foot in Pakistan since 2004.

Pakistan’s prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, welcomes his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi to Lahore in December 2015. Photograph: PIB/AFP/Getty Images
His Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, won a landslide election victory in 2013, determined to end the decades’ long standoff and open up trade.

“But Pakistan has a tremendous capacity to withstand coercion and a mindset that wants eternal confrontation with India that is too deeply entrenched,” he said.

On Monday, Modi ordered water officials to step up efforts to divert a greater share of the three rivers the countries share under the Indus treaty, a 1960 agreement that has survived their subsequent conflicts.

“Blood and water cannot flow together,” Modi said, a rare invocation of India’s power to meddle with the Indus river system, which flows downstream into Pakistan and provides water to 65% of the country’s landmass.

Himanshu Thakkar, the coordinator of the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People, said it would take up to a decade to build dams capable of reducing the flow to Pakistan.

“But it sends a signal, and that signal will have an impact,” he said. “If India builds projects to store water from its entitlement, it will provide a means for India to control water flow to Pakistan, even temporarily.”

On Tuesday, Pakistan complained to the World Bank, which brokered the original treaty, urging it to prevent India from starting construction work on the Neelum and Chenab rivers.


@nair @Joe Shearer @MilSpec

I think this is the end of SAARC as we know it.

This conference has been cancelled 4 time before due to Indian absence. Its normal...nothing special. Just ignore this news.
oh so this is what Modi meant when he said he will isolate Pakistan
his effort bear fruits now Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan will not attend SAARC meetings
Modi ko apni auqaat :rofl::rofl: pata :rofl::rofl: chal gye
:rofl::rofl::rofl: ke wo kin countries :rofl::rofl: pe :rofl::rofl: depend ke sakta hay :rofl::rofl::rofl:
oh my God me to mer gya :rofl::rofl: aaj has has ke
oh so this is what Modi meant when he said he will isolate Pakistan
his effort bear fruits now Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan will not attend SAARC meetings
Modi ko apni auqaat :rofl::rofl: pata :rofl::rofl: chal gye
:rofl::rofl::rofl: ke wo kin countries :rofl::rofl: pe :rofl::rofl: depend ke sakta hay :rofl::rofl::rofl:
oh my God me to mer gya :rofl::rofl: aaj has has ke
sara kala raaal ka ikk pasa..................chaloo khosh raan sara kaalaa
Whichever way you put it, the fact remains that it is a diplomatic humiliation for Pakistan. It also separates anti-Pakistani countries (Bangla Desh, Afghanistan & Bhutan) from those that are at least neutral towards Pakistan (Nepal, Sri Lanka & Maldives). You may also say that it exposes the weakness of our foreign policy.

That is something that is difficult for majority to perceive. The brazen dismissal of the piece, that too a non-subcontinental OP, shows either the immaturity or the deeper malaise afflicting the majority today.

What most are missing is that at the end of the day, it is a matter of perception. And with Afghanistan toeing a line wherein it is increasingly adapting a position opposite to Pakistan under a leadership which was seen basically as all but Pakistan protege, should indicate the general turn of things, especially with the US still involved in Afghanistan.

Anyways, it is difficult to make people see things they do not want to see, or are hesitant to see.

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