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1971 War - The Untold Story - EXPOSING Propanganda and the telling the truth

Wasn't it Reply to Operation Gibraltar???? Pakistan hatched a plan to break kashmir thru Op Gibraltar
Wasn't it Reply to Operation Gibraltar???? Pakistan hatched a plan to break kashmir thru Op Gibraltar

@ Yes it was 100% true but Pakistan failed as because by this time Indian Military has became a formidable force with the help of America. Infact what I heard it was basically Butto who planned this plan "Operation Gilbralter" for the capture of Kashmir. It had been many a time proved that Butto was always optimistic without realisation of ground capabilities. It was he who convinced Ayub to go for an all out war with India.

@ About the Eastern Front, it was completely neglected for which they had to pay for it.

@ According to my assessment, had Pakistan not gone for war with India in 1965 Pakistan could had been much more stronger in all aspects.

@ In those days India was no match with Pakistan in all aspects in the world arena. India had to look up to see Pakistan in the true sense. About the economy and development of East Pakistan it was unthinkable.
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@Md Akmal

Agree with you.... No matter what this person (Hamid) blaber, but the truth is Pakistani ppl shown racism against Bengali Muslim... They felt them shelve superior coz they are fair skin,..... My few relatives were in Bangladesh, No one can know Better than Us.... This person here is lying... My grandfather's cousin were a doctor/professor , he was killed by retreating army....

When Dhaka fall, the whole idea was to kill all intellectual of Bangladesh so that this nation shall never come up on its leg...

Ask any Bengali, he will tell you the true story.... Its 30 year old story only, ppl have not forgotten it...
In one of the videos he says how "Pakistani destroying the infrastructure in East Pakistan" was a propaganda created and fanned by RAW and India. Yet he boasts about how during the defense of Khulna when the Pakistan army could not hold back the Mukti Bahini and Indian offence, they decided to burn down the paper factory in Khulna, so that it doesn't fall into the hands of army. Wonder what strategic capabilities the paper factory would have provided to the enemy forces:rolleyes: Wait forgot to take into account the paper planes that the enemies would have made using the paper from the factory to bomb Pakistani forces in East Pakistan:hitwall:

Rest of the video seems like a rant. He was trying to debunk the Indian Propaganda but ended up pissing propaganda of his own. You cant counter propaganda with bullshyte and then try and take the moral highground :disagree:

Also who is this Zaid Hamid fella? Seems like he has good following in Pakistan. Sad part is he is very good speaker, only if he used his ability to educate more people, not expedite the brain washing process of Pakistani youth.

Sorry if i offended anyone, just my 2 cents. :cheers:
People of kashmir wanted to be with Pakistan, who cares whats the ruler wanted, thats what modern democracy you so proudly claim it to be asks for isn't it? the scale on which the subcontinent was divided was simple, muslim majority areas should go to Pakistan and vice versa, kashmiries voted for Pakistan but you wrongly claimed it and because of that all this has started. If only you had followed the british partition method, the kashmir issue would have been solved right there. Just because a tyrant raja asked for it you invaded kashmir. your logic is flawed by birth in this case.

About east Pakistan i did not agree with your firends views. You started this convo by saying this
why suddenly supporting his point of views? are you not sure yourself? :azn:
Incorrect. The formula agrees between mountbatten, Jinnah & nehru was that secession by the rulers to India or to Pak will be the yardstick for princely kingdoms. Jinnah himself agreed to those principles.
1971 WAR
An excellent WAR
a salute to our Amar jawans

thanks to our friend Soviets

Zaid Hamid, i like this guy
he is the one who always trying to convince something which is not true

@pakistani friends
u guys shud watch his videos abt the Hindu+Zionism,US-WOT ,Nuclear pak, etc
in some of his videos he tells and compares India-pakistan migration with Mecca-Madina migrations or something like tht and also something abt Ally bet Israel and Mushrik of mecca .
his dreams of pakistani flag in Red Fort by removing our tricolor (Dwaj) , Radio pakistan- Delhi(lolz) , destruction of Israel-America-India ,etc

i often watch such videos of him u know when i get bored with English movies and television serials (just kidding)
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Originally Posted by JonAsad View Post
People of kashmir wanted to be with Pakistan, who cares whats the ruler wanted, thats what modern democracy you so proudly claim it to be asks for isn't it? the scale on which the subcontinent was divided was simple, muslim majority areas should go to Pakistan and vice versa, kashmiries voted for Pakistan but you wrongly claimed it and because of that all this has started. If only you had followed the british partition method, the kashmir issue would have been solved right there. Just because a tyrant raja asked for it you invaded kashmir. your logic is flawed by birth in this case.

About east Pakistan i did not agree with your firends views. You started this convo by saying this
why suddenly supporting his point of views? are you not sure yourself?

Was it the Mountbatten Plan??? I can say the same People of NWFP and FATA wanted to be with Indian Part, who care what There ruler want... :P ?? The lines are drawn, better you enjoy your part, We will enjoy our part...

Dont try to do Gibraltar on us, We may response back with better plans...
In one of the videos he says how "Pakistani destroying the infrastructure in East Pakistan" was a propaganda created and fanned by RAW and India. Yet he boasts about how during the defense of Khulna when the Pakistan army could not hold back the Mukti Bahini and Indian offence, they decided to burn down the paper factory in Khulna, so that it doesn't fall into the hands of army. Wonder what strategic capabilities the paper factory would have provided to the enemy forces:rolleyes: Wait forgot to take into account the paper planes that the enemies would have made using the paper from the factory to bomb Pakistani forces in East Pakistan:hitwall:

Rest of the video seems like a rant. He was trying to debunk the Indian Propaganda but ended up pissing propaganda of his own. You cant counter propaganda with bullshyte and then try and take the moral highground :disagree:

Also who is this Zaid Hamid fella? Seems like he has good following in Pakistan. Sad part is he is very good speaker, only if he used his ability to educate more people, not expedite the brain washing process of Pakistani youth.

Sorry if i offended anyone, just my 2 cents. :cheers:

@ Actually here he was trying to defendant the Pakistani side as because there were so many propaganda about the Pakistani's genocide, rape and other matters.

@ In the true sense in the battles of East Pakistan, Pakistan Army was not totally defeated rather it was forced on them to surrender. The Indian Army fought with them few battles like Hilli,Kamalpur and Khulna where there was lot of Indian caulties. Since than the Indian decided to by-pass the Pakistani strong holds and move towards Dhaka and they became successful.

@ The killing of Biharis and West Pakistanis in the East Pakistan never came in the world media. Yes we saw it in our eyes but it was so merceless we could not imagine. Now once we add all the killing of Behares and non-Bengalees through out East Pakistan it was no less than a real genocide. It was infact a total annihilation of non-Bengalees what we now term as "ethnic cleancing". About the killing of Behares what Zahid said it is a fact. Now, if you add all these figures than it is closer to 4/5 lacs. These killing were started much before 25 March 1971. In almost all the industries the Bihares were killed.

@ About the killing of Pakistan Army, how many they have killed ? Yes, during the initial days they killed indiscrimately, they killed the Bengalee Police, EPR and East Bengal soldiers during the dis-armament process. Soon it was stopped. Later they used to killed only those who were directly involved with the struggle. I know there were many many police who joined the Pakistani police.All the govt officials joined and collaborated with the Pakistani Forces. The killing of 3 millions and raping of 2 lacs it is a clear cut propaganda.
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@ Actually here he was trying to defendant the Pakistani side as because there were so many propaganda about the Pakistani's genocide, rape and other matters.

@ In the true sense in the battles of East Pakistan, Pakistan Army was not totally defeated rather it was forced on them to surrender. The Indian Army fought with them few battles like Hilli,Kamalpur and Khulna where there was lot of Indian caulties. Since than the Indian decided to by-pass the Pakistani strong holds and move towards Dhaka and they became successful.

@ The killing of Biharis and West Pakistanis in the East Pakistan never came in the world media. Yes we saw it in our eyes but it was so merceless we could not imagine. Now once we add all the killing of Behares and non-Bengalees through out East Pakistan it was no less than a real genocide. It was infact a total annihilation of non-Bengalees what we now term as "ethnic cleancing". About the killing of Behares what Zahid said it is a fact. Now, if you add all these figures than it is closer to 4/5 lacs. These killing were started much before 25 March 1971. In almost all the industries the Bihares were killed.

@ About the killing of Pakistan Army, how many they have killed ? Yes, during the initial days they killed indiscrimately, they killed the Bengalee Police, EPR and East Bengal soldiers during the dis-armament process. Soon it was stopped. Later they used to killed only those who were directly involved with the struggle. I know there were many many police who joined the Pakistani police.All the govt officials joined and collaborated with the Pakistani Forces. The killing of 3 millions and raping of 2 lacs it is a clear cut propaganda.

I was not trying to trash his effort, i just found his claim of Pakistani army not destroying East Pakistani infrastructure and then boasting about the burning down of Khulna paper factory contradictory, which i quoted.

Also he claims to know exactly how many Indian and Muktibahini soldiers were present ( 400,000) yet he gave a vague figure of Pakistani army to be around (40000) max, to come to the magical ratio of 1:10 which is like an urban legend. Coincidence? i don't think so when its a known fact that there were at least 60,000-70,000 POWs.

I have no authority or knowledge for that matter on how many got killed and looted in that war, from what i saw in the video i found these things contradictory and his effort a mere counter-propaganda.
@ I also agree with you. During the tenure of Ayub Khan sometimes in the central annual budget of Pakistan, the budget allocation for East Pakistan was greater than even from West Pakistan.

@ The economic exploitation of Wast Pakistan from East Pakistan propagated by Awami Leaque was a total farce. The per capita and economic growght of Pakistan was was far better. In those days the ecomony of united Pakistan was considered as a "Nomuna" in the Third World Countries. But ofcourse there were some exploitation by the West Pakistanis.

@ In those days we could really boast that we were real independent except some little bit exploitation. And now, can we say that we are real independent ? Only dancing with Tagore's song, "Purbo degante surju otheche ruto lal ructo lal !!!"

@ In fact it was the "drama for the struggle of Independent State which was already Independent for the interest for someone elses".

YOu are totally misinformed.
In 1947 per capita income of West Pakistan was 324 rupees and East Pakistan was 310 rupees. By 1960's the per capita income gone down to as low as 250 rupees in east pakistan yet was increasing in west pakistan. After ayubs economic propulsion West Pakistn's GDP rose to as high as 550 rupees and east Pakistan could only get to the level on pre 1947 level and it was 314 rupees.

Ayub did not allocate more for East Pakistan but Yahia did in 1970 and it was too late to avert the fall out of 1971.
@ Actually here he was trying to defendant the Pakistani side as because there were so many propaganda about the Pakistani's genocide, rape and other matters.

@ In the true sense in the battles of East Pakistan, Pakistan Army was not totally defeated rather it was forced on them to surrender. The Indian Army fought with them few battles like Hilli,Kamalpur and Khulna where there was lot of Indian caulties. Since than the Indian decided to by-pass the Pakistani strong holds and move towards Dhaka and they became successful.

@ The killing of Biharis and West Pakistanis in the East Pakistan never came in the world media. Yes we saw it in our eyes but it was so merceless we could not imagine. Now once we add all the killing of Behares and non-Bengalees through out East Pakistan it was no less than a real genocide. It was infact a total annihilation of non-Bengalees what we now term as "ethnic cleancing". About the killing of Behares what Zahid said it is a fact. Now, if you add all these figures than it is closer to 4/5 lacs. These killing were started much before 25 March 1971. In almost all the industries the Bihares were killed.

@ About the killing of Pakistan Army, how many they have killed ? Yes, during the initial days they killed indiscrimately, they killed the Bengalee Police, EPR and East Bengal soldiers during the dis-armament process. Soon it was stopped. Later they used to killed only those who were directly involved with the struggle. I know there were many many police who joined the Pakistani police.All the govt officials joined and collaborated with the Pakistani Forces. The killing of 3 millions and raping of 2 lacs it is a clear cut propaganda.

Nobody denied killing of Biharis and most of the Rajakars came from that community too. Just search for the killing in Chittagong where Biharis just called the people out from their home and killed them with butcher knifes and dropped them from hill top. When you live in a land as a immigrant and go against the people of that land then there must be some repercussion. You cant control the angry mob. Thats how it is. It was the responsibilty of the Pakistan Army for putting the people against each other.
There were quarter million non bengalis died in addition to 1.5 million benglais in the war and responsiblity lies to then Army ruler.
"Indian and Muktibahini soldiers were present ( 400,000) yet he gave a vague figure of Pakistani army to be around (40000) max, to come to the magical ratio of 1:10 which is like an urban legend. Coincidence? i don't think so when its a known fact that there were at least 60,000-70,000 POWs."

the indians included civilians in the "POW" figure there were only 55,000 army regulars in EP. I think the Indian "official history" for 1971 gives these figures.

wrt to anti-terror operations, Md Akmal is exactly right, after initial chaos discipline was restored to a great degree.

as for the terror it was indian planned and in many cases BSF disguised as locals carried out the atrocities.
"Indian and Muktibahini soldiers were present ( 400,000) yet he gave a vague figure of Pakistani army to be around (40000) max, to come to the magical ratio of 1:10 which is like an urban legend. Coincidence? i don't think so when its a known fact that there were at least 60,000-70,000 POWs."

the indians included civilians in the "POW" figure there were only 55,000 army regulars in EP. I think the Indian "official history" for 1971 gives these figures.

wrt to anti-terror operations, Md Akmal is exactly right, after initial chaos discipline was restored to a great degree.

as for the terror it was indian planned and in many cases BSF disguised as locals carried out the atrocities.

Army 54,154
Navy 1,381
Air Force 833
Paramilitary including police 22,000
Civilian personnel 12,000
Total: 90,368

This is the break up of POW as declared by Pakistan(HRC commission).
the indians included civilians in the "POW" figure there were only 55,000 army regulars in EP. I think the Indian "official history" for 1971 gives these figures.

wrt to anti-terror operations, Md Akmal is exactly right, after initial chaos discipline was restored to a great degree.

as for the terror it was indian planned and in many cases BSF disguised as locals carried out the atrocities.

@ As per my conclusion it is around 46,000 after reading the book"The Betrayel of East Pakistan". I have also gone through on the book of Siddique Saleh,"Witness to Surrender". The Indian books cannot be relied as because they are most likely to increase the number.

@ The Pakistan Army had only 3 Infantry Divisions. Out of this the two Division which they hurriedly brought on March/April 1971 through PIA via Ceylon did not have the heavy equipments like tank, Artillery guns, engineer equpments/vechiles. Pakistan Army had only one Tank/Armoured Regiment that two was located at Rangpur. Out of these one Squadren of Tank were kept at Chittagong for annual firing practice from the very existance. 3xtanks were at Dhaka. Pakistan Army had only 6x Field Artillery Regiments each consisting 18 guns. They did not had any heavy Artillerry units. Pakistan Army did not had any radar for early warning. They had one at Dhaka that too was shifted to West Pakistan during the month of November 1971.

@ Besides the regular Army they brought many scouts, Rangers, West Pakistani Police, Industrial Security Guards and many local Bahares were also enrolled as Mujahids. So, in the true sense the figure of Pakistani regular troops was mush less. Moreso, within this 92,000 troops there were lot of civilians also.

@ Pakistan brought this Army to fight for the insurgents and not for conventional war. Even though they fought bravely in the Eastern Sector. Pakistan' s restoration of Law and Order situation within the East Pakistan was very quick and praiseworthy.

@ Pakistan Army had to fight against the insurgents under these odd situation. And their achievement was prety good. During the last stage of the insurgency the people were thinking even to fall back and surrender. But the situation change the moment India signed a defence and friendship pact with USSR on 20 August 1971. After that India used to help the "Mukties" whole heartedly. India got lot of armament from USSR.
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