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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

yes ,its possible. one by one i explain.first of all ,from paternal side i'm from dhakaia nabab family and all knows that nababs language is urdu.my grandmother's mother and her mother's mother both were urdu speaker.my grandmothers father was a army officer and a doctor on that era.now about my grandfather.by grandfather's side we're from nabab family true but we're originaly sayed from baghdad of iraq.and sayed's are all from iraq to east bengal .

they come here just during east india companies period,so arabic was there main language and all most all the sayed who are originaly of iraq know arabic /farshi.my mother's maternal grandfather know hindi,urdu,arabic,farshi.coz during that period they were compalsary and by heridatiary means we still save this practice among us. infact my maternal grandfather know hindi,english,urdu ,arabic reading and writing.so not for all but for us it is possible.arabic is li'll bit hard but hindi,bangla,urdu not at all.and the connection is by father side from father side i'm from a nabab family and from mother side from a landlord family . dighis,mango-garden,neel-kuthi of my maternal grandfathers family still on maskathia of rajsahi district .

This thread is not for introducing someone's family structure. But, from the very beginning you are trying to do so. Note that we all use a fictitious name to hide our real identity in the PDF. But, you are the one to tell your real name. What is there from Arabia or central asia? Many of the muslims' forefathers wre migrants from these countries during historical time, because they were very poor and destitute in their native countries. Do you see anybody rich in your neighbourhood to go to the middle-east to work?

Now, here you are shamelessly coming here with all your family background which we really do not have interest. When you want to marry write all those horse shits in a paper and submit it to your would be father-in-law. You are really a shameless person bragging here of your family background.

During the couse of more than 550 years of muslim rules in Bengal many soldiers, traders and poor fortune seekers from the muslim countries in the west of Bengal have come and domiciled in Bengal. The Nawabs of Dhaka also were like that. The 1st generation of this Khwaja family was a destitute person named Khwaja Ghani. He came to Dhaka from Delhi after the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, and started his trade in raw COW HIDES in Sylhet. Ghani became a rich man and he or his son bought zamindaries in Bengal.

The most famous child of this family is Salimullah. He was given the title of Nawab by the British Bengal govt. He also received a Sir title from the Raj. I have full respect for him and people like him. But, you are a guy who has no personal achievements to say of. So, you are here bragging about your language proficiency, which is very imperfect.

You should have studied the history of language in Bengal. Do you really know that until 1832 Farsi was the official language of even the British govt? If you knew you would not have come here to say about your family background and its relationship with Persian. Every literate person of those days, Muslim and Hindu, used to study Persian.

Like million other muslims of Bengal, my own grandfather used to know Arabic and Persian. But, by today's standard he can be regarded as an illiterate, because he did not read or write Bengali. by the same standard, all your ancestors during Bitish time were also illiterate and ignorant. Why do you brag about them?
i would be more happy if u say bangladeshi,because we may be bangladeshi not bengali . " We make fun to all our Syed relatives as they even dont know whether they are Shia or Sunni, but none speak Urdu or Farsi neither Arabic but all Bengalis" .now i'm realy confused what u are a sayed or what :rofl: people who dont repect their root but love to makes fun of it ,wht more i can say.however .yes about sylhet what u say true ,but noakhali !! it was a hindu ruled area and even now on no cow meat is available on hotels on noakhali,kumilla .so dont try to fool me.do u ever heard any dhakaia speak bangla or have you ever been on old dhaka?probably not or if you been there than you're not so clear about us.all the dhakaia family use just two language ,they are urdu as first tongue,dhakaia as second tongue.dont try to make others confused.and what is the problem of you if we use urdu/dhakaia? u have no right to force upon us.if you want ,then try this upon chittagongs tribal,if u succeed .... we have no problem with your forcing to speak in bangla.and if a family maintains its tradition ,then whats u'r problem ?problem with what? urdu,farshi or arabic? as a muslim to know arabic to read n understand quran our duty.and urdu our family tongue so we loved,love and will always love urdu and dhakaia.personaly i dont have problem with bangla ,but when u your self is not a dhakaia ,its useless to make u understand.so i have no problem wat u wanna think , mr xpert:rofl:

I agree with this NawabZada. Bangladeshis listen to renegade prince and mind your tongue, stop calling yourself bengali.
Yes, it was true then and now. The then Pakistani government took the initiative to change the script to synchronize all the languages of united Pakistan but due to low quality Muslims and Hindus, it wasn't done. As a result, Bangla language has made a chunk of Bangladeshi Muslim semi Hindu due to influence of Tagore and other Hindu writers. Bangladeshi Bangla once comprise of about 6000 Persian origin words alone but they are no longer being used in modern Bangla because of Hindu origin script(present script). I personally hate this script.

If we could have adopt Persian scripts then Bangladeshi Bangla would have been totally different(like Urdu and Hindi) from west Bengali Bangla and it would have been called "muslim Bangla". I am still for it and we are hoping that it will be done one day.

Low quality Hindus as opposed to rootless Bihari leftover, Eh Zakir? I wish at-least Pakistanis accepted you as Mohajirs in their country, sadly you had to stick to the country and people which you hated most! Poor people.
yes ,its possible. one by one i explain.first of all ,from paternal side i'm from dhakaia nabab family and all knows that nababs language is urdu.my grandmother's mother and her mother's mother both were urdu speaker.my grandmothers father was a army officer and a doctor on that era.now about my grandfather.by grandfather's side we're from nabab family true but we're originaly sayed from baghdad of iraq.and sayed's are all from iraq to east bengal .they come here just during east india companies period,so arabic was there main language and all most all the sayed who are originaly of iraq know arabic /farshi.my mother's maternal grandfather know hindi,urdu,arabic,farshi.coz during that period they were compalsary and by heridatiary means we still save this practice among us. infact my maternal grandfather know hindi,english,urdu ,arabic reading and writing.so not for all but for us it is possible.arabic is li'll bit hard but hindi,bangla,urdu not at all.and the connection is by father side from father side i'm from a nabab family and from mother side from a landlord family . dighis,mango-garden,neel-kuthi of my maternal grandfathers family still on maskathia of rajsahi district .

People should get these Sayeds, do a genetic study and show them that how much Baghdadi they really are! :lol:
Yes, it was true then and now. The then Pakistani government took the initiative to change the script to synchronize all the languages of united Pakistan but due to low quality Muslims and Hindus, it wasn't done. As a result, Bangla language has made a chunk of Bangladeshi Muslim semi Hindu due to influence of Tagore and other Hindu writers. Bangladeshi Bangla once comprise of about 6000 Persian origin words alone but they are no longer being used in modern Bangla because of Hindu origin script(present script). I personally hate this script.

If we could have adopt Persian scripts then Bangladeshi Bangla would have been totally different(like Urdu and Hindi) from west Bengali Bangla and it would have been called "muslim Bangla". I am still for it and we are hoping that it will be done one day.

You are wrong here, if they really wanted to do that, they would try to synchronize Sindhi script first because difference between Urdu script and Sindhi script is huge and you can use wikipedia to check this. West Pakistanis were facing superiority complex towards Bengalis and many Pakistanis regret today that they discriminated Bengalis.

Anyway, regarding Bengali script, it was a popular movement in 50s which shows Bengalis more considered it as a ancestral heritage than religious stuff and considered Persian script as alien culture.

And watch your mouth when you call people low quality or high quality.
To all those East Pakistanis and Bengalis that remained loyal to the Pakistan cause, my respect.

Showing respect is fine, but only respect won't help them to earn their ends meet, nor will it be a salvation for their miserable life in BD. Why not giving them Pakistani citizenship? Surely you can do this for people who show such loyalty towards Pakistan's cause. :coffee:

Stateless in Bangladesh and Pakistan

After independence of Bangladesh the flood gates of oppression opened wider, many thousands more Biharis were killed, all of their homes and businesses were confiscated, they were fired from their jobs, their bank accounts seized, their kids expelled from schools and they once more had to seek refuge. International Red Cross created camps to save them from total annihilation. Most did not want to live in Bangladesh, after the battering they had received. So half a million chose to leave for, what was left of their country, Pakistan.

Pakistan only accepted about one third of this population for repatriation, 250-300 thousand have been living as stateless people in Bangladesh for more than a quarter of a century. Their story of woes in Bangladesh is as cruel as it is long. (Read excerpts from “Internment Camps of Bangladesh”) (Read excerpts from “Biharis in Bangladesh”). These Stateless people continued returning to their country of citizenship by whatever means possible. At this time there are at least 100 thousand living in Pakistan who are not recognized as citizens of Pakistan. Urdu-speaking are a minority in Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan amended her citizenship act by ordinance (Read Pakistan’s constitution and amendment to citizenship act) ) to deny nationality of the remaining Stranded Pakistanis (Aka Biharis). Pakistan’s denial of nationality was without a reason, retroactive, and with out due process of law. This has never been challenged in a Pakistani court of law but is patently unconstitutional and illegal. Remember this minority is not guilty of or even charged with any offence in either country.​

Respect can only get you so far.
This thread is not for introducing someone's family structure. But, from the very beginning you are trying to do so. Note that we all use a fictitious name to hide our real identity in the PDF. But, you are the one to tell your real name. What is there from Arabia or central asia? Many of the muslims' forefathers wre migrants from these countries during historical time, because they were very poor and destitute in their native countries. Do you see anybody rich in your neighbourhood to go to the middle-east to work?

Now, here you are shamelessly coming here with all your family background which we really do not have interest. When you want to marry write all those horse shits in a paper and submit it to your would be father-in-law. You are really a shameless person bragging here of your family background.

During the couse of more than 550 years of muslim rules in Bengal many soldiers, traders and poor fortune seekers from the muslim countries in the west of Bengal have come and domiciled in Bengal. The Nawabs of Dhaka also were like that. The 1st generation of this Khwaja family was a destitute person named Khwaja Ghani. He came to Dhaka from Delhi after the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, and started his trade in raw COW HIDES in Sylhet. Ghani became a rich man and he or his son bought zamindaries in Bengal.

The most famous child of this family is Salimullah. He was given the title of Nawab by the British Bengal govt. He also received a Sir title from the Raj. I have full respect for him and people like him. But, you are a guy who has no personal achievements to say of. So, you are here bragging about your language proficiency, which is very imperfect.

You should have studied the history of language in Bengal. Do you really know that until 1832 Farsi was the official language of even the British govt? If you knew you would not have come here to say about your family background and its relationship with Persian. Every literate person of those days, Muslim and Hindu, used to study Persian.

Like million other muslims of Bengal, my own grandfather used to know Arabic and Persian. But, by today's standard he can be regarded as an illiterate, because he did not read or write Bengali. by the same standard, all your ancestors during Bitish time were also illiterate and ignorant. Why do you brag about them?
that means u wanna say ,person like dr sahidullah illiterate :rofl: typical bengali sentiment.listen i have no interest to tell my or our sayeds history but when one said ," how you connected ?" then again he said ," we dont want to know " ...this can bring only one meaning that either you are fools or simply sentimental . and all knows ," u can even teach a bird how to speak but impossible to make understand who are emotionaly fools." u said ,"The most famous child of this family is Salimullah. He was given the title of Nawab by the British Bengal govt. He also received a Sir title from the Raj. I have full respect for him and people like him. But, you are a guy who has no personal achievements to say of. So, you are here bragging about your language proficiency, which is very imperfect" this realy makes me laugh when i try to say before anyones asking. i just say,people like us like urdu... .dont teach me history of 1832 , i know everything of it. i explain clearly ," if any family maintain its tradition or any group of ethnicity maintains its tradition whats wrong on it ". be practical not emotional that would help you more child.
Showing respect is fine, but only respect won't help them to earn their ends meet, nor will it be a salvation for their miserable life in BD. Why not giving them Pakistani citizenship? Surely you can do this for people who show such loyalty towards Pakistan's cause. :coffee:

Stateless in Bangladesh and Pakistan

After independence of Bangladesh the flood gates of oppression opened wider, many thousands more Biharis were killed, all of their homes and businesses were confiscated, they were fired from their jobs, their bank accounts seized, their kids expelled from schools and they once more had to seek refuge. International Red Cross created camps to save them from total annihilation. Most did not want to live in Bangladesh, after the battering they had received. So half a million chose to leave for, what was left of their country, Pakistan.

Pakistan only accepted about one third of this population for repatriation, 250-300 thousand have been living as stateless people in Bangladesh for more than a quarter of a century. Their story of woes in Bangladesh is as cruel as it is long. (Read excerpts from “Internment Camps of Bangladesh”) (Read excerpts from “Biharis in Bangladesh”). These Stateless people continued returning to their country of citizenship by whatever means possible. At this time there are at least 100 thousand living in Pakistan who are not recognized as citizens of Pakistan. Urdu-speaking are a minority in Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan amended her citizenship act by ordinance (Read Pakistan’s constitution and amendment to citizenship act) ) to deny nationality of the remaining Stranded Pakistanis (Aka Biharis). Pakistan’s denial of nationality was without a reason, retroactive, and with out due process of law. This has never been challenged in a Pakistani court of law but is patently unconstitutional and illegal. Remember this minority is not guilty of or even charged with any offence in either country.​

Respect can only get you so far.
one correction abir,bd has give full citizenships to all biharis here,now they are the part of bd
People should get these Sayeds, do a genetic study and show them that how much Baghdadi they really are! :lol:
well its a good idea :lol: ... :lol:yes brother many mixes occured but ,some xceptionals stills are.and what you say if any branch recorded their all family tree ,history. from physical structure to speaking style,food havit when you find different ,what to say...
that means u wanna say ,person like dr sahidullah illiterate :rofl: typical bengali sentiment.listen i have no interest to tell my or our sayeds history but when one said ," how you connected ?" then again he said ," we dont want to know " ...this can bring only one meaning that either you are fools or simply sentimental . and all knows ," u can even teach a bird how to speak but impossible to make understand who are emotionaly fools." u said ,"The most famous child of this family is Salimullah. He was given the title of Nawab by the British Bengal govt. He also received a Sir title from the Raj. I have full respect for him and people like him. But, you are a guy who has no personal achievements to say of. So, you are here bragging about your language proficiency, which is very imperfect" this realy makes me laugh when i try to say before anyones asking. i just say,people like us like urdu... .dont teach me history of 1832 , i know everything of it. i explain clearly ," if any family maintain its tradition or any group of ethnicity maintains its tradition whats wrong on it ". be practical not emotional that would help you more child.

See, Sohrawardy who was a Iraqi too. But he belonged here, worked for the people here and died for the people here. So once he died, still saluted and revered by the people here. But look at Iskendar Mirja. He thought his soul belonged to West Pakistan or somewhere else. After his death his corpse could not find a place neither in East or West Pakistan. People spit on him.

Try to honor yourself, honor the land you belong and honor the people who you live with.

Its foolishness to show allegiance to a land or community which your forefather deserted. You are a traitor/deserter to your previous land. Dont try the same luck to the land where you belong now. You will loose everything.

There is nothing wrong in maintaining your familly tradition, the way I as sylheti speaks sylheti in my home. But calling "Pakistan Zindabad" etc. gives a false impression if you yourself maintain a BD citizenship.
that means u wanna say ,person like dr sahidullah illiterate :rofl: typical bengali sentiment.listen i have no interest to tell my or our sayeds history but when one said ," how you connected ?" then again he said ," we dont want to know " ...this can bring only one meaning that either you are fools or simply sentimental . and all knows ," u can even teach a bird how to speak but impossible to make understand who are emotionaly fools." u said ,"The most famous child of this family is Salimullah.

He was given the title of Nawab by the British Bengal govt. He also received a Sir title from the Raj. I have full respect for him and people like him. But, you are a guy who has no personal achievements to say of. So, you are here bragging about your language proficiency, which is very imperfect" this realy makes me laugh when i try to say before anyones asking. i just say,people like us like urdu... .dont teach me history of 1832 , i know everything of it. i explain clearly ," if any family maintain its tradition or any group of ethnicity maintains its tradition whats wrong on it ". be practical not emotional that would help you more child.

Do not try to be someone of another country where you yourself are regarded as MISKIN.
one correction abir,bd has give full citizenships to all biharis here,now they are the part of bd

To all those East Pakistanis and Bengalis that remained loyal to the Pakistan cause, my respect.

First thing not everyone got the citizenship and they got it too late, they were kept waiting 37 years to get open heart welcome for Pakistan but in the last who cared for them the same Bengalis. Pakistan only remember their 1971 sorrow and nobody in Pakistan want to discuss their sorrow from 1971-present.

In Pakistan every one cares that Muhajir population should not increase otherwise MQM will get more votebank. In 1993, MQM and Nawaz Sharif tried to settle them in South Punjab and all Saraikis came on road against that move. Benazir Bhutto even tried to deport those Bihari who illegally entered in Pakistan after escaping bullets of Indian and Pakistan army.

What is status of Biharis in Pakistani heart, to use them only as a propaganda tools against India and Bangladesh otherwise we don't care about them.
well its a good idea :lol: ... :lol:yes brother many mixes occured but ,some xceptionals stills are.and what you say if any branch recorded their all family tree ,history. from physical structure to speaking style,food havit when you find different ,what to say...

Is your name Naved hritom ??

and your facebook status today -

Well, you are a medical student and accidentally i found you while browsing fb............. We got some mutual friends.......................

Some people in my country are really insane!

I can understand those who believe in Khilafah and doesnt believe in national boundaries among Muslims. I respect them.

But why do you have this special love for Pakistan and hatred for your land??
^^^That guy must really hate the AL and vice versa :lol:

But I agree, he's getting kinda extreme...
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