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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

Over all comon Muslims were played in the hand of Hindus and Tagore loving Islamic named mushrik intellectual to preserve their interest. Mother tongue has nothing to do with it. I am personally fluent in Urdu and Bangla. I can personally conclude that with given time Urdu would have replace Bangla in East Pakistan.

But the real conclusion came about eventually in 1971.
So it has become "itee" (and a redundant argument actually) since then.
I maintain East Pakistan had greater affinity towards their ethnic identity than their nationalistic one. The Punjabis, Pakhtuns, Sindhis, Balochis, Kashmiris, Hazaras have never demanded their languages be the national languages of Pakistan. They have learned & adopted Urdu, & accept Urdu as their national pride. They proudly accept & speak Urdu today.

Bangladesh was never part of the original plan of Pakistan, & I wish Bangladesh had never been part of Pakistan in 1947. If 1971 had not happened in 1971, it would have happened later. It was never a feasible model having the East surrounded by enemy territory in all four directions, & being separated from it by 1500 miles.

Pakistan is a young country, it is still shaping itself up everyday. Even the US had a civil war in Gettysburg where the South wanted to separate from the North & form a separate nation. The Sindhi, 'Mohajir', Pakhtun, Balochi, Hazara, even the Punjabis have faced severe injustices in this country (sometimes more than the Bangla people), but there has hardly been any secessionist movements, on the same level as the Bangla people. The Bangla people let their justified grievances against W.Pakistan be exploited by India in 1969 & 1970 to become secessionist ones, & that is what caused trouble.

The Pakistani people brought the Musharraf dictatorship down a few years ago, they did not start the secessionist movement like the Bangla people did. The Pakistani people today, despite the various grievances they have had, have always thought of the importance of the country & their nationalistic identity over their ethnic one, this is the difference between the Bangla people & the Pakistani people. The Pakistani people have used legal means to empower themselves, they feel Pakistan is their country & they own a part of this country.

So basically it is the fault of those evil Bengalis because they refused to be kicked around like you kick others around. Got it. They should have enjoyed the rape, not prevent it. Those bloody Bengalis.

Btw, thanks for acknowledging that, that half-@ss Two Nation Theory is, well, half @ssed after all. I have a feeling, you probably didn't think it all the way through when you wrote:

'Bangladesh was never part of the original plan of Pakistan, & I wish Bangladesh had never been part of Pakistan in 1947. If 1971 had not happened in 1971, it would have happened later. It was never a feasible model having the East surrounded by enemy territory in all four directions, & being separated from it by 1500 miles.'

PS: Copied your post so you don't edit it later.
The poll is flawed, because the Muslim/Islamic identity is intertwined with the national Pakistani identity, it is not a distinct identity. Pakistan is the Islamic republic of Pakistan. And the other poll was comparing national identity to ethnic identity, not Islamic identity. Even your poll showed that only 10% of Pakistani put their provincial identity first. The fact that both the Pew Global & the Gallup poll shows 10-11% preference for provincial/ethnic identity shows that Pakistan consider their Muslim identity same as their national Pakistani identity.

ahaan....being muslim is not being pakistani....either you are bs ing here to us...or you genuinely dont know the difference...
addressing all the bangladeshi traitor is just like what some kind of brainwashed people (mujib's supporter) say about pakistan.they say that all the pakis are thieves ,criminals also said that people who support pakistan or pakistani people that is a crime.but not all of us like them.we create muslim league ,we create pakistan,then how can we wish to destroy it ?? it was mujib,india and their brainwashed student wings and indian trained "mukti".and this mukti was brutal more then anything.if mujib and his daughters political party not get support from india we would threw them out of our nation.and yes,we dont consider you our enemy but brothers but yes we hate bhutto,we hate yahya,muzib and india above all. and yes we respect jinnah.and what happened was not allah's but a traitor named mujib and his friend india's wish and conspiracy.and if we were traitors,indian agents ,we would never treat u'r people as our brother,we would never arise against india and muzibs perty.what we just need is to restore our brotherly relation ,coz it's not quaids dream but according to our islam ,all the muslims are brother.so why we hate each other instead of sorting problems . from my point of view for ones crime why would we punish others member of his/her family , they are innocent.so yes, I love pakistan and pakistany people xcept 71's war criminal from both side.coz crime is a crime,but for that innocents mustn't be punished.sorry ,if say something hursh or wrong

‎"The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy."

-- Surah Al-Hujurat [Qur'an-e-Kareem 49:10]
‎"The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy."

-- Surah Al-Hujurat [Qur'an-e-Kareem 49:10]

Yah, we followed the Quranic teachings throughout the 23 years of united Pakistan, but, in return, we were kicked around when claimed for the fair share of the wealth of the country. The result was the dismembering of Pakistan into two. So, why you guys did not teach the west Pakistani politicians about the Quranic teachings, too.
So basically it is the fault of those evil Bengalis because they refused to be kicked around like you kick others around. Got it. They should have enjoyed the rape, not prevent it. Those bloody Bengalis.

There was brutality on both sides. There were allegedly 1 million Biharis killed (by Mukti Bahini terrorists trained by India) in Bangladesh as well. But the problems did not arise in 1971, the problems started in end 1969 starting 1970 after Mujib won the elections, when India exploited the genuine grievances of the Bengali people, & converted them into secessionist ones, instead of looking to overthrow the government in West Pakistan, like the people of Pakistan overthrew the Musharraf regime a few years ago.

Btw, thanks for acknowledging that, that half-@ss Two Nation Theory is, well, half @ssed after all. I have a feeling, you probably didn't think it all the way through when you wrote:

What does the two nation theory have to do with this? The original 1940 resolution did not have Bangladesh as part of Pakistan. But it did become part of Pakistan (unfortunately) later, when Muslim majority areas would be part of Pakistan, & other ones would form India.

---------- Post added at 10:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 AM ----------

ahaan....being muslim is not being pakistani....either you are bs ing here to us...or you genuinely dont know the difference...

Pakistan is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, so it is the same in the eyes of the people. Plain & simple.
Well, I can see the Indians are acting like themselves, & trying to disrupt a genuine conversation here.
Well, I can see the Indians are acting like themselves, & trying to disrupt a genuine conversation here.

Bilal Bhai, I have mingle with Pakistanis a good part of my life(usa) since high school days. Perhaps, common language Urdu played a key role. I have nothing but good experience. 71 comes here and there but not a big deal anymore. From my personal experience(both side), I can conclude that Bangladeshi and Pakistani is ready to move forward and build a strong relation for greater good but like prior to 71 and now, India is playing a vital role to keep us apart. We know the reason yet we hopeless because they have agents working for them from Bd soil known as Awami league.
Bilal Bhai, I have mingle with Pakistanis a good part of my life(usa) since high school days. Perhaps, common language Urdu played a key role. I have nothing but good experience. 71 comes here and there but not a big deal anymore. From my personal experience(both side), I can conclude that Bangladeshi and Pakistani is ready to move forward and build a strong relation for greater good but like prior to 71 and now, India is playing a vital role to keep us apart. We know the reason yet we hopeless because they have agents working for them from Bd soil known as Awami league.

Thats plain dishonest. As a bengali culture hating non bengali, your attempt to whitewash the facts and blame the kaffir india is expected. In your posts you always call bengali traditions and people who follow rabindra sangeet etc (Rabindra was born and died in british india) as mushriks. However a large no of bengalis (and bengalis form a vast majority in BD, not arabs like you) would like to follow their traditions, speak bengali and write bengali and listen to rabindra sangeet. This has NOTHING to do with India, its a problem for bengalis. And the same problem existed before 1971 too, as the short, dark, non martial, hindu language speaking, hindu saree and dhoti wearing bengalis were not good enough. That issue is genuine, your whitewashing and bilal's thanking you does not help.

Here's the REALITY

You are an urdu speaker in BD
Bilal is an urdu speaker in Pakistan

First you sort out your identity issues in your own countries, before claiming to represent bengalis and punjabis and whitewashing the countless dead from 1971. Blaming India a typical trick to blame the kaffir, something ingrained in your childhood indoctrination.
There was brutality on both sides. There were allegedly 1 million Biharis killed (by Mukti Bahini terrorists trained by India) in Bangladesh as well. But the problems did not arise in 1971, the problems started in end 1969 starting 1970 after Mujib won the elections, when India exploited the genuine grievances of the Bengali people, & converted them into secessionist ones, instead of looking to overthrow the government in West Pakistan, like the people of Pakistan overthrew the Musharraf regime a few years ago.
You mean to say that the evil Bharatis somehow convinced Yahya Khan and his sidekick, Bhutto, to deny Mujib his constitutional right to be the head of Pakistan, and then, even in spite of severe provocation, when that bloody Mujib, like a pansy, ended up demanding a mere autonomy, not secession, those Bharatis again convinced the dynamic duo to massacre the AL members, and then the Hindus, so that those Bengalis are forced to start demanding secession after all.


What does the two nation theory have to do with this?
Just as I thought. Didn't really think it through. Innit?

The original 1940 resolution did not have Bangladesh as part of Pakistan. But it did become part of Pakistan (unfortunately) later, when Muslim majority areas would be part of Pakistan, & other ones would form India.
I'm going to bet both my testicles that you haven't read Lahore Resolution, or if you have read it, it flew right above your head. Here's an excerpt (Para 3 of the Resolution):

'Resolved that it is the considered view of this Session of the All-India Muslim League that no constitutional plan would be workable in this country or acceptable to the Muslims unless it is designated on the following basic principle, viz. that geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be so constituted with such territorial readjustments as may be necessary, that the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in a majority as in the North-Western and Eastern Zones of India should be grouped to constitute "Independent States" in which the Constituent Units shall be autonomous and sovereign'

No. I take that back. You are correct. It doesn't say Bangladesh. It says 'Eastern Zones of India'. Silly me.
You mean to say that the evil Bharatis somehow convinced Yahya Khan and his sidekick, Bhutto, to deny Mujib his constitutional right to be the head of Pakistan, and then, even in spite of severe provocation, when that bloody Mujib, like a pansy, ended up demanding a mere autonomy, not secession, those Bharatis again convinced the dynamic duo to massacre the AL members, and then the Hindus, so that those Bengalis are forced to start demanding secession after all.


Where have I said it was not the fault of Bhutto & Yahya Khan. I just said that the Bhartis exploited the genuine grievances of the Bengali people in 1969 & 1970, & converted them into secessionist ones.

I'm going to bet both my testicles that you haven't read Lahore Resolution, or if you have read it, it flew right above your head. Here's an excerpt (Para 3 of the Resolution):

It said independent states, it didn't say "an independent state". Just look at the name "Pakistan" which was proposed at the time: P-Punjab, A-Afghania (NWFP), K-Kashmir, S-Sindh, tan-Balochistan. Bangladesh was not supposed to be a part of Pakistan, it only joined at the end. That did not mean Bangladesh was not fighting for independence, but it was not part of Pakistan's masterplan until the end.
You mean to say that the evil Bharatis somehow convinced Yahya Khan and his sidekick, Bhutto, to deny Mujib his constitutional right to be the head of Pakistan, and then, even in spite of severe provocation, when that bloody Mujib, like a pansy, ended up demanding a mere autonomy, not secession, those Bharatis again convinced the dynamic duo to massacre the AL members, and then the Hindus, so that those Bengalis are forced to start demanding secession after all.


Just as I thought. Didn't really think it through. Innit?

I'm going to bet both my testicles that you haven't read Lahore Resolution, or if you have read it, it flew right above your head. Here's an excerpt (Para 3 of the Resolution):

'Resolved that it is the considered view of this Session of the All-India Muslim League that no constitutional plan would be workable in this country or acceptable to the Muslims unless it is designated on the following basic principle, viz. that geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be so constituted with such territorial readjustments as may be necessary, that the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in a majority as in the North-Western and Eastern Zones of India should be grouped to constitute "Independent States" in which the Constituent Units shall be autonomous and sovereign'

No. I take that back. You are correct. It doesn't say Bangladesh. It says 'Eastern Zones of India'. Silly me.

Where does the 1940 Lahore Resolution statement even say East Pakistan would be a part of West Pakistan, & both would be one nation?
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