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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

I thought the name Pakistan was derived as explained by many from their provinces of Punjab, Afghan areas, Kashmir, Sindh and Balochistan.

Yes you are indeed right, but who told you Bangladeshis aren't (wannabe) Punjabi, Afghani, Kashmiri, Sindhi and Balochi! :P
Why didn't we keep the name East Pakistan since we led the movement and created Pakistan? I am curious. :undecided:

Even after partition this Province retained the name East Bengal for many years. Later, when I do not remember, the name was changed to east Pakistan. Before Pakistan Movement started in the sub-continent, Chodhury Rahmat Ali foresee two separate entities in the east and west. He named the east as Bangistan.

This Province was called Subeh Bangalah by the Delhi Mughals. Before that it was called Gaur. However, historians believe it was named as GHOR and was given by the Turkic Bakhtier Khilji. But, the local Hindus could not pronounce it properly, so the name changed to Gaur.

This Gaur was called Lakkhanabati before the muslim occupation. However, for the immigrant Muslims it was very difficult to pronounce. So, the name changed to Lukhnouti by the immigrant muslims.

This name has a historical background since the Mughal time. So, it was accepted by the people who inhabit it. By the way, I do not think if there were two separate muslim countries fornmed in 1947, the name would have been east Pakistan. Rather, it would have either been East Bengal or Bangladesh.

Pakistan Movement was a symbolic movement the purpose of which was to build one or two states in the muslim majority parts, as declared in the Lahore Resolution. This Resolution did not specify the name of the would be country. Before 1971 all the Bangali nationalist parties would say of Lahore Resolution to get Provincial autonomy or outright separation.
What was wrong with the name East Pakistan. Pakistan simply mean land of pure.

PAKISTAN. P stands for Punjab, A stands for Afghaniya (NW Frontier), K stands for Kashmir, I stands for Iran, S stands for Sindh, T stands for Turkey, A stands for Afghanistan, and N stands for baluchistaN. All together it is PAKISTAN. Trying to find a meaning of this word is a meaningless effort. The word is just a sound. with asymbolic meaning.

But, look, Punjab has been divided. Kashmir remains divided, and Iran/Turkey/Afghanistan also have no place in Pakistan. However, East Bengal was added to it.
. There was a proposal from WB state govt to GoI to remove the West part and rename our state as Bengal, they should once again take up the issue to GoI.

Until you west Bengals( well Indians) ever have the guts to do that pls don't bother to post stupid wannabe stuffs. You guys will always be " Ekdin bangali chilam re" which isn't the case with us. My favourite language is french, does that mean we'll name our place Frenchidesh? Haere......!
I thought the name Pakistan was derived as explained by many from their provinces of Punjab, Afghan areas, Kashmir, Sindh and Balochistan.

No it was not. It was just a stupid rumor spread later on to fulfill their quest for Kashmir.
Until you west Bengals( well Indians) ever have the guts to do that pls don't bother to post stupid wannabe stuffs. You guys will always be " Ekdin bangali chilam re" which isn't the case with us. My favourite language is french, does that mean we'll name our place Frenchidesh? Haere......!

What guts has to do with renaming the state? Most of the Bangladeshis love Urdu, so they should change the state language to Urdu, it's as simple as that.
^^^and where did you get that impression? Did you ever come to bangladesh? Do you know theres a term "Bhasha Shoinik"?
^^^and where did you get that impression? Did you ever come to bangladesh? Do you know theres a term "Bhasha Shoinik"?

That's why I said if we go by this forum, granted the forum is self-selective.
Pakistan did 3 big mistakes
1. they didn't give fair chance to east Pakistanis.
2. they underestimated India thinking it hasn't come out from shock of 1962. they forgot that Nehru was no longer alive and his ambitious,cunning daughter had come to power.
3. they didn't provide enough fighter planes to eastern command of Pakistani air force. only 1 squadron of f 86 was deployed in east Pakistan. this ensured indian air Superiority in war.
Even after partition this Province retained the name East Bengal for many years. Later, when I do not remember, the name was changed to east Pakistan. Before Pakistan Movement started in the sub-continent, Chodhury Rahmat Ali foresee two separate entities in the east and west. He named the east as Bangistan.

East Bangal was re-named as East Pakistan in 1956 when the first constitution came into being. At that time AL was in power both in the centre and in the Province.
I never been to Bangladesh, but if we go by this forum, you guys don't sound Bengali at all. You should name your country Pakistan or Bangistan(as proposed historically). There was a proposal from WB state govt to GoI to remove the West part and rename our state as Bengal, they should once again take up the issue to GoI.

Yes Urdu/Hindi is easy if you know Bengali, as both were evolved from Prakrit. So Bangladeshis already have an advantage in learning Urdu.

I was expecting someone to say something like this and it happened just like I thought it would. I knew someone would say that we don't sound Bengali. Just because we show any slight support, or even neutrality to anything Pakistani.. that means we are not Bengali or don't sound Bengali.

Also, by all means, please name your state whatever you like. Just don't try and dictate about whether we are Bengali or not based on our choices, both personal and/or official.

Yes you are indeed right, but who told you Bangladeshis aren't (wannabe) Punjabi, Afghani, Kashmiri, Sindhi and Balochi! :P

Like I already said, mentioning anything that shows Bangladeshis showing anything that is connected to Pakistan automatically makes us less Bengali and "wannabe" Punjabis, Afghanis, Kashmiris, Sindhis and Balochis right? I don't understand why some people think that being Bengali, or Bangladeshi to be exact, means being totally against anything Pakistani in any sense. Not you Abir, but people in general.
^Relax, I was just having fun.

However some Bangladesh posters, not you in particular, seems to me are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
^Relax, I was just having fun.

However some Bangladesh posters, not you in particular, seems to me are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

Still you have nothing to say about us in general, but your very personal opinion. This is my Bangladesh: I will love it, or I will hate it (if I really can), it's my prerogative. But it's true that we find the maximum peace here. And that is the spiritual peace.

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