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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

1947 and 1971 both were the event that should happened and Bangladesh and Pakistan are the result of that event .

brother, there is no similarity between 1947 & 1971. & nor Pakistan was result of 47, Pakistan is ideology & so Pakistan is more than 1000years old, perhaps when Muhammad Bin Qasim enter the Sindh territory. 1947 was British leaving subcontinent leaving 2 countries indepandant. 1971 happen when some countries meddled in one other soveriegn country's internal affairs & break it up with the help of local paid collaborators. Btw today both countries are indepandant soveriegn countries free from each others matters. Good Luck & a very happy indepandance, may your country prosper in all fields.:cheers:
Why not...Today's Bangladesh Independece is very much owe to the Pakistan movement itself, The equation is so simple.

"If their is no Pakistan in the first place, their is no Bangladesh of today either"

Little knowledge in History and you would have known that the movement that materialized as Pakistan movement started in part of Bengal which today is called as Bangladesh. It's another issue that the movement later on hijacked by folks from Aligarh.
Little knowledge in History and you would have known that the movement that materialized as Pakistan movement started in part of Bengal which today is called as Bangladesh. It's another issue that the movement later on hijacked by folks from Aligarh.

Oh…U Ignorant!! What they have in Bengal is not Pakistan Movement but “Bengali Muslim Identification” one to secure their rights from sheer Bengali Hindus in United Bengal which was divided by Brits in 1905 and nothing else.

The Pakistan Movement or Tehrik-e-Pakistan (Urdu: تحریک پاکستان) refers to the independence movement of Pakistan from the British Indian empire and its emergence as a sovereign country. It has its origins in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh (present day Uttar Pradesh). Muslims there were a minority, yet their elite had a disproportionate amount of representation in the civil service and overall influence. The idea of Pakistan began from this part of Northern India, from the elite of this region to popular following and then onwards to the rest of India.
Encyclopedia of Canada's peoples - Google Books

It only becomes Pakistan Movement When in 1930 IQBAL gave his famous Khutab-e-Allahbad.

I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India.
^ Sir Muhammad Iqbal’s 1930 Presidential Address, from Columbia University site

Don’t put yourself into someone’s *** unless you are a ****.
Oh…U Ignorant!! What they have in Bengal is not Pakistan Movement but “Bengali Muslim Identification” one to secure their rights from sheer Bengali Hindus in United Bengal which was divided by Brits in 1905 and nothing else.

The one who is ignorant is you. Bengali Hindus were minority in united Bengal, they didn't oppose the partition rather asked for it in 47 as they were afraid of losing the political clout in united Bengal.

Brits divided Bengal for different reasons altogether, I can't spoon feed you, internet is good source of information.

What they have in Bengal is not Pakistan Movement but “Bengali Muslim Identification”

You got it right, and that movement would have given birth to Bangladesh anyway. West Pakistanis had no contribution to the movement, all they offered to Bangladeshis was yet more suffering and more struggle to achieve their goal. In a way Pakistan only prolonged the creation of Bangladesh.

The Pakistan Movement or Tehrik-e-Pakistan (Urdu: تحریک پاکستان) refers to the independence movement of Pakistan from the British Indian empire and its emergence as a sovereign country. It has its origins in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh (present day Uttar Pradesh). Muslims there were a minority, yet their elite had a disproportionate amount of representation in the civil service and overall influence. The idea of Pakistan began from this part of Northern India, from the elite of this region to popular following and then onwards to the rest of India.
Encyclopedia of Canada's peoples - Google Books

It only becomes Pakistan Movement When in 1930 IQBAL gave his famous Khutab-e-Allahbad.

I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India.
^ Sir Muhammad Iqbal’s 1930 Presidential Address, from Columbia University site

It only proves North Indian Muslims had no regard for Bengali Muslims, rather they wanted to secure a nation only for themselves.

However Muslim League was founded in Bengal and also the movement for separate Muslim nation(or a separate Bengali Muslim nation as you might want to say it) was started in Bengal.

Don’t put yourself into someone’s *** unless you are a ****.

Is that an insult? Sounds funny and incoherent anyway.
The one who is ignorant is you. Bengali Hindus were minority in united Bengal, they didn't oppose the partition rather asked for it in 47 as they were afraid of losing the political clout in united Bengal.
Brits divided Bengal for different reasons altogether, I can't spoon feed you, internet is good source of information.
You got it right, and that movement would have given birth to Bangladesh anyway. West Pakistanis had no contribution to the movement, all they offered to Bangladeshis was yet more suffering and more struggle to achieve their goal. In a way Pakistan only prolonged the creation of Bangladesh.
It only proves North Indian Muslims had no regard for Bengali Muslims, rather they wanted to secure a nation only for themselves.

However Muslim League was founded in Bengal and also the movement for separate Muslim nation(or a separate Bengali Muslim nation as you might want to say it) was started in Bengal.
Is that an insult? Sounds funny and incoherent anyway.

You have clearly off balance and off Target, You first started with ML inception and after my argument turnaround to 47.

You say first, folk of Agra hijacked the movement and than to say they have no remorse for bengalis by offering first subcontinentel wide Muslim country.

All your above quotes suggests that Bengali Muslims treacherously involved in Pakistan Movement just for their vested interests (For Partition of India) and once they got their desired results from the help of North Indians they splits their own way.

Its an insult to Bengali contribution in Pakistan movement and their just regards for today's Pakistan in today's time as well.

You been clearly marked wrong footed and their is no way to linger on to a troll with you for any meaningful debate.
You have clearly off balance and off Target, You first started with ML inception and after my argument turnaround to 47.

You say first, folk of Agra hijacked the movement and than to say they have no remorse for bengalis by offering first subcontinentel wide Muslim country.

No one has offered them anything, rather they made Pakistan possible.

All your above quotes suggests that Bengali Muslims treacherously involved in Pakistan Movement just for their vested interests (For Partition of India) and once they got their desired results from the help of North Indians they splits their own way.

Bengali Muslims started the movement, they can't be treacherously involved in something which has been started by themselves.

Its an insult to Bengali contribution in Pakistan movement and their just regards for today's Pakistan in today's time as well.

Good, atleast you acknowledged their contribution. Next time don't come up with silly comments like Bangladeshis has their country because of Pakistan, when people from present day Pakistan didn't have much contribution to Pakistan movement at all.

You been clearly marked wrong footed and their is no way to linger on to a troll with you for any meaningful debate.

Ad hominem.
Next time don't come up with silly comments like Bangladeshis has their country because of Pakistan
If you'r going through Hell...Just Keep Going
If Mujib die a natural death the picture is more clear in Pak-Bangla relations, but unfortunately for Pak-Bangla relations he was murdered in cold blood and the matter becomes more complicated since than as AL squarely blames Pakistan and its agents for all this and continue to hijack all venues of cooperation between both of these countries successfully in the minds of ordinary Bangladeshis.

Although I am going off-topic, A theory exists that it was in fact RAW and KGBs plan to have him assassinated.That is because of the fact he was moving towards normalizing relations with Pakistan.Such as defying Indian wishes to attend the OIC meeting.
The other factor was that he was a capitalist.And if I am not wrong, his rakhkhi bahini were purging the socialists-the pro moscow elements.So probably that prompted the KGB to get involved and stage the coup.This is according to a former KGB agent Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov.

This came out a few years back in the largest national daily of Bangladesh-Prothom alo.Although no concrete evidence is available for this theory.If I recall,even the daily mentioned it was a theory, not fact.
Our 1971 debacle

The writer is chief executive officer of Bank Alfalah sirajuddin.aziz@tribune.com.pk

December is cold. Its nights are long and the days are sun-starved. Every December, since 1971, I get into an unexplainable mood of depression. That year, I had stepped into my teens and was like any other young lad, passionately in love with my beloved country, Pakistan. It was during this time that my ‘ideals of Pakistan’ being a ‘citadel of Islam’ were crushed to a cold death. The unnecessary war of December 1971 with India, saw the dismemberment of the then, largest Islamic state and the event heralded in me, a new awakening — religion was not a binding force, anymore! The youthful and emotional ‘idealism’ of a unified, single Ummah caved into a dismal pit of anger and denial.

Asghar Khan in his book, We Have Learnt Nothing From History aptly remarks, “The verdict of the electorate (1970 elections) was unexpected and baffled not only the political pundits but also the contesting parties…The Bengalis had been known for their massive support to a single political organisation, once they believed it deserved their confidence…Amongst the provinces that later formed a part of Pakistan their contribution to the battle of the ballot was most valuable and their sense of patriotism probably the most developed”. So how was it, that the most patriotic segment of the country decided to revolt and secede?

Refusal to accept the results of the 1970 elections by the political parties of the western wing, who had the tacit support of the power-drunk generals, paved the way for the long-simmering hatred to surface with full might and venom. The military struck with all its might in March 1971, not realising that no army in history had ever won against its own people.

On December 17, I remember watching the six o’ clock English news on PTV, whereupon the fall of Dhaka — the humiliating spectacle of a ceremony of surrender at the Dhaka Race Course Ground — was shown to an aghast, shocked and miserably demoralised nation. In recent history, no army general had ever been stripped of his badges, in full public view. And here General ‘Tiger’ Niazi (may Allah bless his soul) who, a day earlier, had said “Dhaka — over my dead body” was signing the instrument of surrender! I cried bitterly, avoiding eye contact with other family members. We were all devastated. East Pakistan had been lost, Jinnah’s dream and effort lay in shambles.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, despite his histrionics and dramatic performance at the UN Security Council, seemed like a God-sent messiah to us, when he said: “We will make a new Pakistan”. He lifted our courage and morale for which he deserves full credit. He restored respect to the armed forces by declaring in every speech Pakistan lost a political battle, not a military war.

Sarmila Bose is assistant editor at the widely-read, Anandabazar Patrika, and a niece of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Writing on the 1971 war, she said something that we, today, would do well to heed: “There is much for Pakistan to come to terms with what happened in 1971. But the answers don’t lie in the unthinking vilification of the fighting men who performed so well in the war against such heavy odds, in defence of national policy. Rather, in failing to honour them, the nation dishonours itself”.

Oh! deathly cold December, thou shall always be in mourning.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 16th, 2010.
Sirajuddin Aziz
But the answers don’t lie in the unthinking vilification of the fighting men who performed so well in the war against such heavy odds, in defence of national policy. Rather, in failing to honour them, the nation dishonours itself”.

So true indeed !
Our 1971 debacle

December is cold. Its nights are long and the days are sun-starved. Every December, since 1971, I get into an unexplainable mood of depression.

I have always struggled to understand why a particular section of Pakistani citizens feel that 1971 was a great loss and cause of misery.
As far as my understanding goes , the model on which Bangladesh(former east Pakistan) & Pakistan( former West Pakistan) operated was sustainable.

Two nations seperated by sleuths of land and endless miles on Ocean. Difference in culture , weather , food , language and everything else.On top of that the continious partiality of rulers towards West Pakistan. So many factors for a very large population with a large landmass to break free and be independent.

Also I think Bangladesh has prospered much more after the seperation. Even after the partiality I find it hard to see East Pakistan standing up to West Pakistan under any scenario .

I think it was right for these two diverse and populous land masses to be independent of each other.

In my Opinion both of our Nations should move forward, forgetting the past. We Pakistanis did our Odds by neglecting our eastern wing and by not giving the due respects to our brothers on the other side of border. Bangoli's did their part by excepting Indian help which they are still paying the price off by different means till the date. We need to End going back to historical Odds and increase Cooperation, both our Nations need to get united to stand up to the common and the Real Foe, India.

Even If a Single Rape case has happened from either side we Pakistanis and Bangladeshis (I'm sure they would) are Ashamed of such disgusting, barbaric and Inhuman acts of some Inhumans. Thankfully we are not ''Indians'' to support every and any Inhuman Acts on the name of national service.
As a Pakistani I ask forgiveness on behalf of Pakistan for even a slightest wrong doing by my people to my brothers and sisters in Bangladesh. We Wish and Pray for their Wellbeing.

Pakistan & Bangladesh Zindabaad


Apart from this forum, I’m not seeing any trace of hope that may bring a brotherly relationship between Bangladesh and Pakistan in real life. Now, every day our new generation is exposing to overblown information of killing and torturing in 1971 by AL media (TV and newspaper). Now the sentiment of 1971 works so strongly in young generation. Before AL has come, the situation was not like today. AL media are correlating everything with 1971 to build up only a 1971 based ideology in people. They are very claver. They want to show that only they have liberated BD to get votes. AL has been exploiting 1971 in such way that we have no other achievement in our history. Here are some examples from many others:

1. After eviction of Khaleda Zia, one AL-journalist said that this is the end of 1971 war after 40 years. But there is no relation between Khaleda’s eviction and 1971.

2. On the other hand, other AL-people are saying that 1971-war will never finish before executing all Razakars.

3. Few days ago, some Islamic parties (who are considered as Razakers in AL’s eyes) in BD called for Hartal in December for some internal issues and Khaleda Zia supported those Islamic parties. But AL-Hasina is saying how Khaleda can support Islamic parties’ Hatal being a wife of a freedom fighter (Gen. Zia) to twist the facts and hide AL’s failures.

4. Besides, if we look back in 1999, when BD won against PK in cricket then only Hasina (no other else in BD) commented that, “we defeated PK in 1971 and we defeated them again”!

Today’s BD generation wants to see a progressive and self-dependent BD only. They are very sentimental. You might notice how they stood against the building of Tapaimikhi-Dam by India. There were massive protest and activities in universities, streets, newspaper and Facebook. So if you see any Bangladeshi hates PK after exposing to the daily soaps or any misinformation by AL-media then Pakistanis should not blame them. Our youngs also wonder if today PK’s own people can bomb on its own people then how would killed BD’s people in war. So, since we have lack of knowing about each other and we communication gap with PK, GOP can work on to minimize the gap of understanding if PK is interested in good relation. Otherwise, I do not reckon on any sudden change in the view by our youngs towards PK soon.

But I hope our youngs will seek for good relation and all are not same.

4. Besides, if we look back in 1999, when BD won against PK in cricket then only Hasina (no other else in BD) commented that, “we defeated PK in 1971 and we defeated them again”!

But I hope our youngs will seek for good relation and all are not same.

Wow, i hear this for first time, did any of Pakistani memeber see this point that how much hatred is in some of Bangladeshi people? I remember i was soo young kid that time & i saw happiness & joy & Bangladesh brothers this & that, no one seems upset, & cuz they are ruling Bangladesh so it means majority support their views(plz no offence to those many Bdshis like Skies bro,Al Zaki bro etc, i m pointing to odr majority ones) but non of Pakistani media care to show this message......wow nice blind going Pakistan, keeping your own Pakistani ppl blind.
^ dont bother, it was only our la-hasina, no other told like her. She told that in local media, so you guys do not know that.

Once upon a time Pakistan was the most favorite team to most of people in BD.

And there is nothing called majority in BD. In BD either BNP or AL wins always with 2/3 majority. This is the system here. When people get frustrated then maximum votes automatically go to opposite party every time.

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