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11 Feb '13: Pakistan conducts test fires of two Hatf-IX Nasr BRBMs

I don't agree with the above bold Part, West countries never want to see us unite, If any table talk or conference happens in this stage, this will be just a showcase.

even in a war scenario between India and Pakistan, every country will jump here for their own interest. Those who want to see Asia in backward, they will only fuel the war to counter the challenges and to keep their superiority on this region.

My dear this is pre-war behaviour of International Community as they have their Interest to safe guard.....but you tell me what would be left after Nuclear War in this region........survivors of nuclear war would become unwanted liability to the world........
Congrats to all of us ,But Why our Scientist are not trying increase the range of NASR Missile or they are not disclosing Correct range.

I heard NASR 180km Last Year to be tested ............???????????
Obviously you know that. But I assure you, an year from now, you will see your moron compatriots jumping around claiming that Nasr cannot be intercepted by the most advanced SaM systems of US, India & Israel, just because their dear ISPR told them so.

Coming to topic. Can you tell what does pakistan hopes to achieve by this missile. I always had the impression that Nasr was to stop Indian troops from invading pakistan, but how?

60km is just shitty range. Most aircraft in the Indian can perform air interdiction very easily at that range(Even LCA, with only its current capabilities, without IOC). Even Rudra could take it for a ride. So most probably, the missile won't be fired at all.

Even if it is fired, maneuverability is not a big thing. All SAMS are designed to counter aircraft and cruise missiles, which are much more maneuverable than Nasr will ever be. The advantage with ballistic missile comes with its speed. But since the range of the missile is too low, I doubt it will have a speed to challenge even the less advanced SAM systems.

Even if the missile hits its target, it will be considered as a nuclear attack on India and we will take appropriate measures to respond(You know what I mean). So, my question. What does this missile give pakistan that it did not already posses?

The sheer idiocy dripping from your post can be summed up here.
If you read something called knowledge rather than just pretended to know it, you may realize that there is something called acceleration which is due to something called force. Rocket engines in their inherent nature tend to accelerate rather rapidly.

But since in your inherent nature as you have demonstrated you are hell bound to state that whatever Pakistan owns is useless..
Lets use a comparable system which is called the Prahaar to demonstrate.. It travels 150km within 250 seconds.. hence a SAM system has about 3 minutes.. so if any lowly SAM system such as the SPADA or even an Sa-7 can intercept Prahaar in that tiny window.. (perhaps systems like the Davids Sling may have a shot in case people with grey matter are reading this).then Prahaar too is a total piece of shyt.

But here's the thing, I can bet not a millisecond will pass and your haywired ideas will start cooking on how to defend prahaar and let down Pakistani SAM systems(which are inadequate anyway) just to somehow lift that tiny twirp ego up.
Because in the end, You are not here to talk sense but just to belittle Pakistan in every pointless trolling post possible.
Congrats to all of us ,But Why our Scientist are not trying increase the range of NASR Missile or they are not disclosing Correct range.

Because it designed to be of that range. For greater ranges Pakistan already possesses other systems.
I heard NASR 180km Last Year to be tested ............???????????

That was a rumor.
My dear this is pre-war behaviour of International Community as they have their Interest to safe guard.....but you tell me what would be left after Nuclear War in this region........survivors of nuclear war would become unwanted liability to the world........
Those who have billions of investment here, they will save their interest first, etc withdraw their investments, peoples, then they will work for broader interest etc Instability of Asia that suits western nations. Asia region is gearing up for ful-fledged arms race. that doesn't suit their interest. etc
So let me get this straight you're telling me that Nuking an Indian Armored Division would invite India nuking Lahore ? :lol:

No. Most likely response would be launching small nuclear weapons at the remaining Pakistani army bases along with the HQ of the brigade from which the Pakistani nuclear weapon was launched.

Step by step escalation in all likelihood.

So let me get this straight you're telling me that Nuking an Indian Armored Division would invite India nuking Lahore ? :lol:

No. Most likely response would be launching small nuclear weapons at the remaining Pakistani army bases along with the HQ of the brigade from which the Pakistani nuclear weapon was launched.

Step by step escalation in all likelihood.

Looks like a quasi ballistic missile (also called a semi ballistic missile)


You are talking about Nasr. I was referring to CM400.
Yes sir but there aren't no thrusters or flex nozzles on such small systems and jet vanes cannot provide that much performance specially after the boost phase. The tail fins are probably fixed.
So the additional control surfaces, be it fins on CM-400 or canards ( :P ) on Nasr are there for additional performance.

Aap samajhtay kyun nai, hamara missile barra jadeed qisam ka hai :P :partay:
ok is this nasr missile "indegenously" developed by pakistan or is it the chinese m9/m11 missiles
Pakistan is restricted by its Plutonium production capability and that may be the reason why they are going for smaller more efficient warheads...
India on the other hand can afford a few larger warheads.
Pakistan has plenty of plutonium. Safeguarded and otherwise.

Pakistan is restricted by its Plutonium production capability and that may be the reason why they are going for smaller more efficient warheads...
India on the other hand can afford a few larger warheads.
well thats onyl 60km range ... we must do 2 things.
try to make them super sonic,
and try to make more long or med range missiles ..
India's safeguarded stockpile is 10 times of what you stated, and ours is 1/10th of that.

Don't go for simplistic explanation of what is produced at military facilities is the only source, also factor in their Power Generation units as well. All the side-product is stored on facilitates guarded by ten cameras and two occasional inspectors.

This is the true reason that we shall never EVER sign FMCT. FMCT pigeonholes you into a corner where they beat the drums that "OH NO" you can not buy the fuel from us, for XXXX reasons, and at the same time keep on supplying all the crap to India. India then keeps on storing the byproduct on site and whenever needed can declare that under such and such XYZ reasons, we took over the product for XYZ use.

The world is full of lies and more lies.

Any idea how much?
India's 2004 estimate was 1 ton with 200kg per year production capacity.
2013 figures may be 2.5 tons for india.
The sheer idiocy dripping from your post can be summed up here.
If you read something called knowledge rather than just pretended to know it, you may realize that there is something called acceleration which is due to something called force. Rocket engines in their inherent nature tend to accelerate rather rapidly.


It is this same reason the british went with a rocket engine fighter -- later a dual engine [one rocket engine and the other usual engine] fighter was made to save valuable fuel only--- the plane was not mass produced and the concept was turned down as LM paid the germans to buy their f104s instead of Saunders-Roe SR.53
Nasr Tactical Missile is More psychological weapon system. Its Main reason is to counter Our Cold Start Doctrine.

Pakistan is very clear from day one that if we cross any of the threshold they will use their nuke e.g

1)The armed and military penetration of Indian Armed Forces into Pakistan on large scale
2)Complete destruction of PAF
3)economic strangulation and economic blackade
4)destabilization of pakistan [like Bangladesh civil war]

If we send our battle formation to pakistan we are crossing redline and i am sure we don't have any stupid politician to do that.
2001 standoff is the proof of that.

Pakistan Also Have MBRL to counter Tank regiment .by doing this test of tactical missile pakistan is reminding us not to thhink of crossing the border either for surgical strike or war.

Pakistan Levels of Threshold

The doctrine is not the part of the Minimum Credible Deterrence principle of Pakistan, however, the doctrine is integrated the nuclear dimension into its defence principle.[3] According to the sources (after being obtained from Pakistan's nuclear command authority) published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the definition of four potential thresholds has been refined in the form of four thresholds which were first mentioned by officials at the nuclear command authority in late 2001.[3]

Spatial Threshold[3]—— The armed and military penetration of Indian Armed Forces into Pakistan on large scale may elicit a nuclearize massive retaliation, if and only if the Pakistan Army is unable to stop such intervention. For instance, many analysts, including some Indians, believe that the Indus Valley— the "lifeline" of Pakistan— is one of many other "red lines" that Indian forces should not cross. The capture of key objectives in this crucial northeast–southwest axis might well provoke nuclear retaliation by Pakistan.
Military Threshold[3]—— The complete knockout or comprehensive destruction of a large part of Pakistan Armed Forces, particularly and most importantly the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), could lead to a quick nuclear response if Islamabad believed that it was losing the cohesiveness of its defence and feared imminent defeat. A senior ranking PAF officer maintained that "orders given to PAF (and its missile command) are identical to the guidelines given to the NATO commanders during the Cold war crises. This criterion is even more important for the Pakistan Armed Forces because of its critical role in maintaining the country’s stability. As noted above, an attack on a nuclear installation has also been posited as a threshold. According to PAF, this level of threshold also included the chemical or biological weapons attack against Pakistan, would also respond to massive retaliation.[4]
Economic Threshold[3]—— This level implicitly and explicitly refers for the countermeasure operations of Pakistan Navy. The economic strangulation and economic blackade is also a potential threat to Pakistan, in which if Pakistan Navy is unable to counter it effectively (for example, see operations: Trident and Python in 1971). This primarily refers to a potential Indian Navy blockade of Sindh Province and coastal cities of Balochistan Province, or the stopping of the Indus water flow. It could also refer to the capture of vital arteries such as the Indus.
Political Threshold[3]—— Finally, Pakistan's geostrategist, game theorists and political strategists and planners suggest that a destabilization of the country by India could also be a nuclear threshold if Islamabad has credible proves to believe that the integrity of the country were at stake. Stated scenarios are political destabilization or large-scale internal destabilization in which if Pakistan Marines (along with other paramilitary command) are unable to stabilized it effectively. One example would be encouraging the breakaway of one or more Pakistan's provinces. (for example, see: the Bangladesh Liberation War)
naval missile canisters..............





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