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11 Feb '13: Pakistan conducts test fires of two Hatf-IX Nasr BRBMs

Yups designed many scenarios with him. In 1999 we had two custom made Hyundai Electronics (they don't exist in the field any longer) super computers at our disposal to play various scenarios / games. One of my most favorite subject. Non linear modeling and simulation.

And yes, he was an IITian. He loved me like a son, him and his wife used to invite me to all the dinners. He later became a very good friend of my dad as well. May God rest his soul, he passed away in 2008. One of the saddest days of my life. He helped me so much that I shall always be grateful to him.

If he was from IIT, he might be student of my Prof. :D

University of Maryland is quite good in this research field. Indians work a lot in this field too.

Most of these war scenarios are simulated through various nonlinear equations and requires super computer to do so.

I can tell you an interesting research paper on Emotional Dynamics of Love explained by Nonlinear Equations and Butterfly effect. The author has used English literature for it. :enjoy:
For that there should be NO terrorists attacks on India from Pakistani Soil... Which opens another round of argument from where the terror emanates... If Pakistan sends terrorist... India should send the surgical teams into Pakistan to eliminate the terrorist camps!

Whether India with its surgical strike can hit the terrorist camps.... is a question yet to be answered with so many if's and but's

If India strikes a terrorist camp in Pakistan, Will Pakistan remain silent?

It call all be stopped... If Pakistan destroys all forms of terrorist! Which won't happen... So there wont be any peace!

We maintain that there are no terrorist training camps in Pakistan that target India & we consul India to name & shame us before the International Community through various organs of International Organization by providing credible evidence to suggest that Pakistan has terrorist training camps & is sending them over to India ! :angel:

The rest is a lot of 'if' & 'buts' but I reckon India won't be able to carry out a surgical strike in Pakistan for another 30-40 years assuming we're in the same sh*tty state as we are today.
Eik gadhay nay sardar ko lat mari aur bhag gaya
Sardar uskay pechay bhaga
Rasty mein usko Zebra mila
Sardar Zebra ko lat mar kay bola:
Sala sweater pehan ke ullu banata hai

My joke carries more weight than your lame 'personal' point of view.

Who told it is my point of view!

We Stole Nuclear Technology-A.Q.Khan,Pakistan. | Ramani's blog

The Rbinson Rojas Archive.- China's intelligence on U.S. nuclear arsenal - Stolen Technology Used in Three Years - THE COX REPORT.- RRojas Databank: Analysis and Information on economics, development, research methods, globalization, poverty, sustain

Now that is a fact!
If he was from IIT, he might be student of my Prof. :D

University of Maryland is quite good in this research field. Indians work a lot in this field too.

Most of these war scenarios are simulated through various nonlinear equations and requires super computer to do so.

I can tell you an interesting research paper on Emotional Dynamics of Love explained by Nonlinear Equations and Butterfly effect. The author has used English literature for it. :enjoy:

You an IITian? Which one?
Yara, he started to annoy me with stupidity. :blink:

@Hyperion WTF................What the hell was that ? :rofl:

Hmmm... tumhara koi ilaaj nahin hai meray dost. Aaj kal facts mera khayal hai kay 'blogs' parr miltay hain! :blink:

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We maintain that there are no terrorist training camps in Pakistan that target India & we consul India to name & shame us before the International Community through various organs of International Organization by providing credible evidence to suggest that Pakistan has terrorist training camps & is sending them over to India ! :angel:

The rest is a lot of 'if' & 'buts' but I reckon India won't be able to carry out a surgical strike in Pakistan for another 30-40 years assuming we're in the same sh*tty state as we are today.

Yes the world knows that Osama Bin Laden is NOT killed is Pakistan territory!

Regarding the surgical strike... Indian Army has the capability but Indian political class does not have the balls!
Yes the world knows that Osama Bin Laden is NOT killed is Pakistan territory!

Regarding the surgical strike... Indian Army has the capability but Indian political class does not have the balls!

Its a big country; they never brought any proof incriminating the ISI for housing OBL ! :angel:

Sure they do ! :tup:

Okay People I'm off ! :wave:

Anyone up for some Samosas ? :whistle:
Yara, he started to annoy me with stupidity. :blink:

Hmmm... tumhara koi ilaaj nahin hai meray dost. Aaj kal facts mera khayal hai kay 'blogs' parr miltay hain! :blink:

tara tora bora.. tera, nara, para, sara, maar gaya! You cannot type in English?

Its a big country; they never brought any proof incriminating the ISI for housing OBL ! :angel:

Sure they do ! :tup:

Okay People I'm off ! :wave:

Anyone up for some Samosas ? :whistle:

Hum... What are they going to do by incriminating the ISI!

Anyways I am also off with kingfisher beer!
@Rocky25, mate enjoy the beer. You pissed me off so much, I'll also have one after a long time. With chicken wings. :D
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@Rocky25, mate enjoy the beer. You pissed me off so much, I'll also have one after a long time. With chicken wings. :D

imported beer... cries the boy
imported chicken with imported herbs.... cries the boy

still hits the spot.. says you

just like this Missile...no matter how short ranged.. hits where it hurts
as I put it mildly in post # 169
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LMAO... :P

Ussay kaafia bhe mill gaya aur **** bhee phatt gayee uski! :D

imported beer... cries the boy
imported chicken with imported herbs.... cries the boy

still hits the spot.. says you

just like this Missile...no matter how short ranged.. hits where it hurts
as I put it mildly in post # 169
Nasr has 'canards' attatched to warhead assembly and for that reason its manoeverable upto the last moment.
That means it can perform manoevers to confuse ABM and also increase missile accuracy.

But why did they 'test' an already tested missile?
What new they did this time?

1. Testing salvo firing mode. As seen in the video, the two missiles were fired with a time interval of a couple of seconds. (the video is cut, but the smoke trail of the first missile hints the time interval).

2. Two more missiles were seen in the video which weren't fired, indicating that they were placed for testing the pressure and shock imparted on the launcher by missiles which were fired.

3. The term maneuverable missile has been used for the first time, indicating that probably for the first time the canards were utilized to perform unpredictable flight maneuvers (previously used for course correction only perhaps), thereby giving the ability to confuse AB
tara tora bora.. tera, nara, para, sara, maar gaya! You cannot type in English?

Hum... What are they going to do by incriminating the ISI!

Anyways I am also off with kingfisher beer!

Thanks good lord almighty- now we can talk on topic- :whistle:-
On the contrary that achieves nothing because even a single nuke is one too many ! No Indian preemptive strike can hope to lessen Pakistan's nuclear capability to even an acceptably lower level whereby an acceptable number of casualties could be achieved.

The term "Acceptable casualties" is incumbent to the scenario.

I never said that ! The presence of a tactical nuke ensures that a limited conflict isn't going to turn into an all out war ! The presence of tactical nukes which can target every single Indian FOB & can conversely target every single Pakistani FOB ensures that neither side crosses the International Border & risks retaliation from the other side. One could argue that the same Kargil episode, the '01 Stand-Off & the Mumbai Bombings are testament to that; India after all showed, what was euphemistically put as, 'measured restraint' !

Agreed armies do exist to fight & that is why we & you both have one just so to cater for the possibility that the Tactical Nukes aren't enough to dissuade the other side from attacking.

As for the massive Indian Nuclear Retaliation - That is massively flawed because no amount of massive retaliation can dissuade Pakistan from retaliating in kind. That is why the Tactical Nukes will not be replied with a disproportionate response form the Indian side lest we return that in kind by taking out most Indian FOBs as well Nuclear Installations.

For a country of 1200 million..10 million casualties will be an acceptable scenario if the other scenario involves the complete destruction.
There is some serious flaw in the Pakistani thinking process here, if you think a Pakistani nuclear strike on Indian soldiers will not invite an Indian nuclear response on Pakistan.
Now if Indian response is a proportional one, perhaps a Pakistani armored corps or nuclear weapons base.
Pakistan will surely attack back with more nuclear weapons, this time on Indian soil..thus will begin process of gradual escalation in which major portion of both the countries will be destroyed.

Indian response of massive nuclear strike after the first Pakistani strike ensures, we directly jump to the last step ..so that number of Pakistani nukes launched on India are kept to the minimum.

Surely it is not ideal scenario..but its the best one India can get, if the war has already gone nuclear.

Policy of massive retaliation is not dissuade Pakistan from launching the second strike(which you will launch with whatever is left of your arsenal)..but dissuade Pakistan from first strike itself.
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