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Why is india secular?If majority chose not to be secular what can minorities do other than comply with them??
A Case example is Pakistan, when the majority chose to be not secular what could the minorities in that nation do?fight them? no they cannot. so they are ok with religious republic.
Majority shows the way how a country is ruled not minority.Minority can do jacksh*t if majority is against them.
Get that thing into your head.
Simply saying India is secular because of Minorities is laughable, i proved that in case of pakistan majority rules.

India was divided because most of them couldnt live with hindus and they demanded outrageous things which no nation can give.What provide them with all?
Why should i provide them "all" i got? they are given according to their percentage in population and if they are not happy with that then they can shove it!
Majority of them stayed here out of necessity, some couldnt take the journey, some didnt want to part with their property, which made them stay, it was necessity, the rules of partition were clear!
Gandhi assured some ridiculous demands which no nations majority would accept that is the reason for his Assassination.
Tomorrow if this nations majority which is "Dharmics" demand secularism be scrapped IN Bharat then no force on earth can stop this from happening.

Let me tell you one thing about constitution if majority demands it even Constitution can be changed its not written in stone a simple 2/3 rd majority will change it, besides Secularism was introduced by Indira Gandhi by proxy in 1974 into Constitution during emergency when she put all of the opposition and majority leaders in jail and she wanted to amend the constitution so as to make herself a dictator/queen with rights to do anything as she wishes and the judiciary and everyone complied with her and even were ready to amend the Constitution,It was majority who were against such Amendment,that us why she had to step down and lost the electiona, so if MAJORITY chooses to do away with such constitution then it will happen and nothing can stop it.

Now read and repeat again and again until you find out why Bharat is a hindu majority and it is the homeland of hindus,sikhs,jains,buddhists!
India is a hindu rasthra any fool who thinks otherwise has lost his grasp on reality and is living in another dimension.

You need much more education to even get to the essence of this country called India.
And BTW if u didn't know, Pakistan was made out of the demands of a particular community, India existed long before that. Come up with an example which is as old and as complicated as this country is.

Now on, I'm choosing not to reply to you. Get through your school exams first.
Your deductions are based on a Hindu mantlity! I was putting this up for an answer to the talking down to and about Muslims and Pakistanis. These has has been things done back and forth, intelligent people move on and try to mend the fances, dumb one keep dwelling on past to create confrontations and start wars. Choice is your, Dude.


Why don't you check the story behind those stupid images that you posted by using "search by image" function of google.It would clear in 2-3 seconds whether these pics are of " Mosque converted to temple" or of " Temple converted to Mosque".You can have your arguments but not your facts.

Why are you frothing from your mouth?
You need much more education to even get to the essence of this country called India.
And BTW if u didn't know, Pakistan was made out of the demands of a particular community, India existed long before that. Come up with an example which is as old and as complicated as this country is.

Now on, I'm choosing not to reply to you. Get through your school exams first.
Yeah right, only you are the educated one rest are illiterates here :D
I understood the essence very well in real life unlike some people arm chair generals who sit in homes and lecture about the essence of Inida.Besides i refer to bharat not India, bharat is very ancient and i know that very well.
Sorry nehru is dead so is Nehruvianism and so shall this pseudo secularism will die and we will make sure it dies.
Why were you fibbing earlier then that pakistan was made because hindus couldnt provide the minority with "ALL" to make them secure?changing goalposts now?
Go on take a hike kid. :D
Yeah right, only you are the educated one rest are illiterates here :D
I understood the essence very well in real life unlike some people arm chair generals who sit in homes and lecture about the essence of Inida.Besides i refer to bharat not India, bharat is very ancient and i know that very well.
Sorry nehru is dead so is Nehruvianism and so shall this pseudo secularism will die and we will make sure it dies.
Why were you fibbing earlier then that pakistan was made because hindus couldnt provide the minority with "ALL" to make them secure?changing goalposts now?
Go on take a hike kid. :D

I think it was congress govt's deliberate policy to hire retards for all important posts. That is how this country is so screwed up.
Non sense

I do not suffer with the same insecurity. I thought u were able enough to understand.

Who exactly is this us and are you sure the non Muslims that you are talking about do not include Christians, Jews, Parsis and others.

You were the one who brought it up friend, be prepared to be responded in the same coin.
Well, suit yourself. :omghaha:

In any case, you can see around your own surroundings. We shall emerge victorious. Soon.

Forget about our insecurities, since you turned down my invitation to give a speech in a Moslem mohalla ( :( )...can I at least expect to see you while we invite the next batch of refugees from Pakistan? Sikh and Hindus of course. :enjoy:
Looking at similarities between Islam and Sikhsm and the fact so many arabic words are used by sikhs. There is only one explanation for that, many punjabi muslims converted to Sikhsm who brought their own ideas with it.
Well, suit yourself. :omghaha:

In any case, you can see around your own surroundings. We shall emerge victorious. Soon.

Forget about our insecurities, since you turned down my invitation to give a speech in a Moslem mohalla ( :( )...can I at least expect to see you while we invite the next batch of refugees from Pakistan? Sikh and Hindus of course. :enjoy:
That is his reality and his essence, when you ask him to deliver speech in real, uski phat jaati hai, :D
They can only deliver lectures sitting at home , neither do they vote nor worry about what is happening to this nation as long as they get their quota of money, such people were nurtured specifically during UPA and we are now removing the bad crop and planting a new one fresh. :D
I think it was congress govt's deliberate policy to hire retards for all important posts. That is how this country is so screwed up.
Of course it was british policy of divide and rule which Congress adopted, they played it for the past 68 years and now that policy was defeated by Namo uniting Hindus into one group,That is the reason you see many secular parties crying that he is polarising etc.
Truth is they are worried that hindus are closing ranks and voting for first time as entity this thing happened during emergency period of indira gandhi.
They want the minorities to be united as vote bank,while they want to split the majority hindus on the lines of castes and secular and communals.
That is the reason BJP is sweeping all elections across the nation,if Namo delivers even 25% of promised things he will win with a landslide majority in 2019 .
Of course it was british policy of divide and rule which Congress adopted, they played it for the past 68 years and now that policy was defeated by Namo uniting Hindus into one group,That is the reason you see many secular parties crying that he is polarising etc.
Truth is they are worried that hindus are closing ranks and voting for first time as entity this thing happened during emergency period of indira gandhi.
They want the minorities to be united as vote bank,while they want to split the majority hindus on the lines of castes and secular and communals.
That is the reason BJP is sweeping all elections across the nation,if Namo delivers even 25% of promised things he will win with a landslide majority in 2019 .

NaMo will deliver 100% on all his promises. He is a real soldier and true to his words. I was wondering if these dolts can be removed from all their administrative and foreign service postings and a new set of guys brought in.
NaMo will delivery 100% on all his promises. He is a real soldier and true to his words. I was wondering if these dolts can be removed from all their administrative and foreign service postings and a new set of guys brought in.
That is already being done, the congress sychophants are being removed from important posts of power and nationalists are being put there,that is why you see secular parties crying everyday about head of history supporting hindu epics and saffornization of India.
They feel if these things are done the truth will be out and they will never be able to win in their lifetime so they desperately try to stop this from happening,after all its a matter of employment and sustenance for them in life.
Well, suit yourself. :omghaha:

In any case, you can see around your own surroundings. We shall emerge victorious. Soon.

Are you implying here that you are fighting with your own people, who serve this country, live and die for it.. Just to get some more outsiders, who just happen to be of your own religion. Now choose your words very nicely to justify that logic because your other countrymen are going to read that too.

Forget about our insecurities, since you turned down my invitation to give a speech in a Moslem mohalla ( :( )...can I at least expect to see you while we invite the next batch of refugees from Pakistan? Sikh and Hindus of course. :enjoy:

When did I turn down your request? I actually accepted it. Moreover I said that I've already done that a number of times as a part of my job.

Now, is lying the only way left to suit yourself.:cheesy:
Are you implying here that you are fighting with your own people, who serve this country, live and die for it.. Just to get some more outsiders, who just happen to be of your own religion. Now choose your words very nicely to justify that logic because your other countrymen are going to read that too.

When did I turn down your request? I actually accepted it. Moreover I said that I've already done that a number of times as a part of my job.

Now, is lying the only way left to suit yourself.:cheesy:
Whoa. Wait. What did you think? Stop right there. :D

I am blatantly communal. I was born rotten you see. Sorry if you were fooled by my comprehension and writing skills. :P @Sidak @DRAYHell I give care about God at times too. So ...anyway...

Speaking at JNU does not count. :sick: j/k My experiences have not been good. Perhaps the content of the speech differed greatly.

mail id pls. :enjoy: Anyone wishing to contact me - :D
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Yeah right, only you are the educated one rest are illiterates here :D
I understood the essence very well in real life unlike some people arm chair generals who sit in homes and lecture about the essence of Inida.Besides i refer to bharat not India, bharat is very ancient and i know that very well.
Sorry nehru is dead so is Nehruvianism and so shall this pseudo secularism will die and we will make sure it dies.
Why were you fibbing earlier then that pakistan was made because hindus couldnt provide the minority with "ALL" to make them secure?changing goalposts now?
Go on take a hike kid. :D
That is his reality and his essence, when you ask him to deliver speech in real, uski phat jaati hai, :D
They can only deliver lectures sitting at home , neither do they vote nor worry about what is happening to this nation as long as they get their quota of money, such people were nurtured specifically during UPA and we are now removing the bad crop and planting a new one fresh. :D


This is the reason why I don't indulge in discussion with kids like you, who don't even care to read before they post and prove themselves to be absolute morons.

I'm a Govt. servant, I'm removing the bad crop ON THE GROUND while you were only cheer-leading.

End of story.
Whoa. Wait. What did you think? Stop right there. :D

I am blatantly communal. I was born rotten you see. Sorry if you were fooled by my comprehension and writing skills. :P @Sidak @DRAYHell I give care about God at times too. So ...anyway...

Speaking at JNU does not count. :sick: j/k My experiences have not been good. Perhaps the content of the speech differed greatly.

mail id pls. :enjoy: Anyone wishing to contact me - :D

Not replying to the point now, are we?

And JNU.. haha wth man.. :lol:
Whoa. Wait. What did you think? Stop right there. :D

I am blatantly communal. I was born rotten you see. Sorry if you were fooled by my comprehension and writing skills. :P @Sidak @DRAYHell I give care about God at times too. So ...anyway...

Speaking at JNU does not count. :sick: j/k My experiences have not been good. Perhaps the content of the speech differed greatly.

mail id pls. :enjoy: Anyone wishing to contact me - :D

I am clueless about what happened here!!! :(
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