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Tibetans can seek Indian citizenship: Lobsang Sangay

Can you please elaborate as how they scam the money. I have always suspected this it don't really know how they manage to do so. As far as I know, they also get millions from CIA funded NGOs, e.g. NED.

Millions of dollars flow in Dharamshala and other "Free Tibet" centers for their cause of Independence . All that money goes in buying properties and living luxuriously . Most of them don't work at all as whats the point of a job when you got cash flowing in .
Not all tibetans are like that and many have assimilated in our society and work hard like normal people but people on top are like that .

Most of the newer generation has not been tibet in their entire life nor they have any affinity for it . Ask any tibetan if he would like to leave Dharamshala to go back to Tibet privately and you will be shocked to find that the answer is Negative .
Millions of dollars flow in Dharamshala and other "Free Tibet" centers for their cause of Independence . All that money goes in buying properties and living luxuriously . Most of them don't work at all as whats the point of a job when you got cash flowing in .
Not all tibetans are like that and many have assimilated in our society and work hard like normal people but people on top are like that .

Most of the newer generation has not been tibet in their entire life nor they have any affinity for it . Ask any tibetan if he would like to leave Dharamshala to go back to Tibet privately and you will be shocked to find that the answer is Negative .

So, in a way one can say that the exile elite is abusing the ordinary exile Tibetans, e.g. not allowing them to become Indian citizens, in order to get millions of fund and live in luxury.

That indeed is far from Buddha nature.

Thanks for the info.
Yep, even Lobsang Sangay himself has never set foot in Tibet in his entire life.

Not once, in his entire life.

He was born in India, in West Bengal. He grew up in India. He has nothing to do with Tibet.

Man i will welcome them
So highly Civilized totally different from us north Indians
They are hard workers & will bring good to India
Doesn't India own part of Tibet? Set those dudes up over there. Let them have their dream of being a Tibetan empire.

Though I will say this, what is the benefit of going Indian? Not saying anything, but from what I can see India is no Canada, and the social service is well almost non existent, so I don't understand the logic behind this.

What is the difference between, whatever they are now, and being Indian citizen? Health care? School? Welfare? Does India have those?

Citizenship is more than just health care, school, welfare. Yes, India do have those programs. The government just don't collect taxes for nothing.

But citizenship goes beyond this. The worst curse for any human being on earth is to belonging to no land.

It is long time since Tibetans are suffering and neither it seems that Tibet dispute is going to be solved in near future. An Indian citizenship to Tibetans is going to alleviate many of the problems such as education, ownership of property, jobs, security and above all an identity.
Doesn't India own part of Tibet? Set those dudes up over there. Let them have their dream of being a Tibetan empire.

Though I will say this, what is the benefit of going Indian? Not saying anything, but from what I can see India is no Canada, and the social service is well almost non existent, so I don't understand the logic behind this.

What is the difference between, whatever they are now, and being Indian citizen? Health care? School? Welfare? Does India have those?

Maybe if Tibetans become Indian, they can register themselves as a Schedule Tribe and get benefits that way.
Take all of them. We will really appreciate that. BTW, don't forget that son of india, that bastard lama. :rofl:

People of Dharmic Religion are always welcome in India...

Welcome Brothers .... Apart from that Tibetans has always played a constructive part in India....

They Love India as much as they love Tibet...
Take all of them. We will really appreciate that. BTW, don't forget that son of india, that bastard lama. :rofl:

Well, anyone Tibetan who want a job and take care for their family would rather stay in Tibet. Only the ones who are looking for hand outs would go to India.
Well, anyone Tibetan who want a job and take care for their family would rather stay in Tibet. Only the ones who are looking for hand outs would go to India.
So as a Tibetan refugee who ran away first to Taiwan and then USA, we would all like to hear your story.
My story is to share the facts of Britain created India with you.

So as a Tibetan refugee who ran away first to Taiwan and then USA, you would share the facts of Britain created India with me?

In that case you were Tibetan refugee, who was in India at the time of British rule?
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