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100,000 conversions and counting, meet the ex-Hindu !!

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The wealthy white men and women need yoga- and- they need kamasutra-
what else Hinduism has to offer?-
and thats not a taunt- its a question- take it as a question-

Yesterday some indian told me you cannot convert to hinduism- you have to be born a hindu-
Kindly put some light on that too-

Hinduism is not a Religion in true Sense , Its practice and belief. Hinduism tell all gods are equal and they (Religion) are different ways to reach god. Islam tell only Allah is Superior and other religion is nothing.

B) How many you saw in a nation Christian/ Hindu Terrorist organization launching terrorist attack to kill other religion people ? In Islam , look in Nigeria ; Muslim terriost Organization killing non Muslims and no muslim country condemn to taken action and suppose if same this happen to muslim whole things started to fire up in name of religion.
It is an obvious fault of believer!!..logic dictates..how can one know, the word of God ..unless he has met him??.

The logic in Islam is simple- Follow The Quran and the Sunnah- nothing else-
Now if some people decides to believe the word of a preacher and his twisted interpretations of some "Imam" or "Mullah"-
Than who to blame?-

Rest is just word of men being passed on as "words of God" to make them sound believable and it is their blind faith, which drives people to place their religion above reason.

What you call "rest"- i call it "all"- in case extremist preachers--
Come up with a solid reason to blame the religion as a whole-
Hinduism is not a Religion in true Sense , Its practice and belief. Hinduism tell all gods are equal and they (Religion) are different ways to reach god. Islam tell only Allah is Superior and other religion is nothing.

B) How many you saw in a nation Christian/ Hindu Terrorist organization launching terrorist attack to kill other religion people ? In Islam , look in Nigeria ; Muslim terriost Organization killing non Muslims and no muslim country condemn to taken action and suppose if same this happen to muslim whole things started to fire up in name of religion.
Sir you Hindus killed thousands of Muslim in Gujrat Christians in Orissa Sikhs in Punjab Sir and Hinduism is not a Religion Sir and it sir divides its own followers among casts and you are talking about being equal :hitwall:
Hinduism is not a Religion in true Sense , Its practice and belief. Hinduism tell all gods are equal and they (Religion) are different ways to reach god. Islam tell only Allah is Superior and other religion is nothing.

Islam tells only Allah is true God and Islam is the true religion- Big difference how you put it-

Practice and Belief is all what makes a religion- and Hinduism is rightly classified as a religion by the world-

B) How many you saw in a nation Christian/ Hindu Terrorist organization launching terrorist attack to kill other religion people ? In Islam , look in Nigeria ; Muslim terriost Organization killing non Muslims and no muslim country condemn to taken action and suppose if same this happen to muslim whole things started to fire up in name of religion.

Dont go that far- Remain in india you can find many examples- Modi killed thousands of Muslims- what was the motive of Hindus murdering Muslims in large numbers?- There are many others- Not so far away- Crusaders started the Holy war in the name of religion-

Basing your opinions on the events of this decade about a religion is just plain stupidity-
What you call "rest"- i call it "all"- preached by extremist preachers--
Come up with a solid reason to blame the religion as a whole-

Difference between "blaming and "questioning the reason".
An obvious difference between you and me is ..my faith in God hasn't impaired my ability..to question, what I am being a presented as "word of God" ..same can not said about you..can it??

That is "blind faith".
Difference between "blaming and "questioning the reason".
An obvious difference between you and me is ..my faith in God hasn't impaired my ability..to question, what I am being a presented as "word of God" ..same can not said about you..can it??

That is "blind faith".

Yup we can agree- the followers of "blind faith"- who does not question what is presented to them as a "Word of God"- are to be blamed- and not the "Religion" itself- as you blatantly accused Islam of in your previous post--
Yup we can agree- the followers of "blind faith"- who does not question what is presented to them as a "Word of God"- are to be blamed- and not the "Religion" itself- as you blatantly accused Islam of in your previous post--

As explained before difference b/w "blaming" and "questioning".

But another question for you is.. do you have blind faith??..or can you question anything and everything in your religion?
People need to realize that the true Hinduism isn't one which is being practiced by countless people in India and other countries today. Infact there really was nothing called Hindu in the ancient times. It was devised by the Arabic-persians after the Sindhu river. It was 'Santana Dharma' which got corrupted by many people and Santana Dharma lost it's true essence.
As explained before difference b/w "blaming" and "questioning".

But another question for you is.. do you have blind faith??..or can you question anything and everything in your religion?

the post of your i am talking about was blaming-
Sorry- i didn't understand the question?-
Well problem with most religions is ..that their premise is illogical..one simple question can unravel them.

You being a Muslim ..my question too you would be..

Do you have blind faith?..if not, can you question anything in your religion?
Can you question for eg
if Koran is word of God??Why can't it be just of word of man..a smart man..but man nonetheless.
What if I find it perfect what if don't find any thing which can be questioned what if Islam is perfect than ? and what if Islam is the truth ?
How do you know it is "the truth"?..How do you its perfect ?..Just because the ones who propagate it..say so??
Sir HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW couldn't read and write and the Quran has many Scientific facts which are discovered by Scientists recently How on earth those facts are in Quran 1400 years ago ?
lets listen to some real spirituality not just another case of conformity to rigidity.

Do nothing, accomplish more: Deepak Chopra - The Times of India

JAIPUR: "Did you know - 65 percent of our DNA is the same as a banana's," remarked Deepak Chopra, once a medical doctor, now the most famous spiritualist of our times.

Addressing a massive crowd of students, seekers and socialites assembled at 'The Return of the Rishi', a Jaipur Literature Festival event sponsored by the Times of India, Chopra first cut his audience down to size - and then linked it to a much larger picture.

"The universe is composed of billions of galaxies, trillions of planetary systems of which planet earth is just point one percent," he said. "Our physical bodies are made of recycled carbon and hydrogen from super-nebula, giant red stars, dying stars. Our bodies keep changing - the last time I came to India, I had the same suitcase but a different body!" Chopra added, "Only our core consciousness remains singular - this is brahman or atma."

Sporting natty jeans and wrap-around dark glasses, the modern sage kept his audience enthralled, quoting Descartes, the Bhagavad Gita, Stephen Hawking, Jawaharlal Nehru - and Nisarga Dutt Maharaj who is, as he informed listeners, "the most enlightened paan-wala in Mumbai." Each had confirmed Chopra's view. "Do as nature does - less. That way, you accomplish more. If you do nothing, you accomplish everything," he stated. "Trying hard, as Oscar Wilde said, is the last refuge of the failure."

Instead, focus on the four levels of experience - being, feeling, thinking, doing. "To experience being, let's be silent for a moment," said the guru - and a thousand people sat in a hush. "When you become aware of that silence, that's being," Chopra explained. "Feeling is love, equanimity and joy. Thinking is creative action. And doing is raj-yoga, karma-yoga, gyan-yoga."

That's all fine but what about daily stress, he was asked. "Stress happens when you look to others for your identity," Chopra answered. "My message is, just take it easy! Understand who the heck you are - how magnificent you are! Rumi said, we are the beings who came spinning out of nothing-ness, sprinkling stars like dust! We are the ones we have been looking for. When you go beyond the banality of everyday experience and see the huge, magnificent backdrop to life, you will never be stressed." And the socialites nodded, their bouffants bouncing, while the students confirmed approval through resounding applause.
Can you question for eg
if Koran is word of God??Why can't it be just of word of man..a smart man..but man nonetheless.

the question is illogical, because the first part negates the second part and vice versa.

by the way relgious discussion is not allowed as it attracts trolls and causes offence among people
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