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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

To me the answer is simple. We need to fortify posts, we need to equip them with sensors and surveillance, we need to have a large active drone fleet available in the area for monitoring and to attack. We need to utilise tech to win this conflict.

Also a great point was made by this MNA, he says we need to discuss the political goals of these groups and state them outright. We need to fight anyone who sides with them, including all the LUMS professors.

Got to say for a bunch of defence nerds, all of you are alot of pussies, for fucks sake wars are brutal affairs. Just think of the world wars or the Vietnam war.

Every single loss of life is tragic for that person and his family and friends, but soldiers die, that is the sad but hard truth.

That is the price we pay to have a country, to all the arm chair warriors, please join up and show the professionals how easy it is.

I don't agree with the hysterics shown by some, but I'm not in this forum to simply cheerlead for the armed forces. When bad policy decisions are being made we need to point them out.

You shouted from the rooftops when you wanted our troops in Yemen.

I think our forces in Balochistan are ill equipped, ill trained and outmanouvered. Martyrdom is an easy out for our military senior leadership. From a purely strategic perspective we're not winning in Balochistan and every moment we're not winning, we're losing.

We need the province stable so we can secure investment in it. With jobs will come people. Our population is going to increase by 50% over the next 30 years - we need to be able to shift a lot of them into this sparcely populated land. If we have security, we can have investment, that will bring people, which will create settlements and townships and they will require infrastructure which can only be built if we have the revenue being generated.

We have a relatively weak small group of aggitators who are taking advantage of the geography and political climate and are thriving. We need a strategy to counter them, currently we're failing both militarily and politically. The human cost is very low, lives don't matter in our part of the world, it's all "Allahs will" and "martyrdom" at the end of the day. The opportunity cost of this failure is high.

Why would any sensible investor invest in a province where there is limited trained workforce, limited infrastructure, risk of terrorism and immature politics. I'd much rather invest in Punjab or Sindh, around Karachi and Lahore especially. Even KPK is great for investment in comparison. Balochistan cannot be effectively utlised in our country unless there is security.
How can someone ignore the most important reason for Balochistan situation as of today? The Sardars. They kept people like their slaves, getting elected without any opposition and keeps the people down the poverty line so they will obey them and serve them. Most of these fighters are loyalists to Sardars with colonial mindset and those who thinks that they have to be paid with royalty for every development.
Sir, the sardars were protected and funded by the very state of Pakistan. There is a reason why the terrorists are being controlled by middle class nobodies like Allah Nazar.
Sir, the sardars were protected and funded by the very state of Pakistan. There is a reason why the terrorists are being controlled by middle class nobodies like Allah Nazar.

If these Sardars were protected and funded; nothing as such would have been happening more so often. Actually, those Sardars were never touched by the State since the most corrupt & foreign helping ruling elite was not interested. They had it running since it was serving the purpose--harm Pakistan by any means. The deliberate lack of political will is nothing less than treason.
Do you want a Baloch version of TTP? Their recruitment base will grow from a few million Baloch to hundreds of millions of Muslims.

My name is mrs. devid neval pundit baloch saar. Pak army is kill 3 gorillion of us saar. PLease mUFT Balochistan saar. lub to endia. kech kerala sem2sem.
JUI F and JI are not anti Pakistan
Well we now have unconfirmed reports of 4 Soldiers killed in Dera bugti. Is is true??
To me the answer is simple. We need to fortify posts, we need to equip them with sensors and surveillance, we need to have a large active drone fleet available in the area for monitoring and to attack. We need to utilise tech to win this conflict.

Also a great point was made by this MNA, he says we need to discuss the political goals of these groups and state them outright. We need to fight anyone who sides with them, including all the LUMS professors.

I was watching old speech of Khuda Bakhsh Mari. No amount of development and job creation of Baloch would be enough for them.

Do you know the consequences of using Islam for political gain?
Pakistan was created because of Islam.

Well we now have unconfirmed reports of 4 Soldiers killed in Dera bugti. Is is true??
Sarfraz Bugti relatives I think
Poverty of Balochistan should not be downplayed...

This is a village of Punjab, I don't think any village of Balochistan would like this...
Cause men work in cities with factories or go abroad, while some family members farm
There's literally nothing to do in Balochistan except for maybe coal mining or something

Shahid Afridi cricketer during COVID-19 went all over Pakistan from gilgit to Gawdar providing aid, money, food

and according to him and his experience
Balochistan is insanely poor to the point some kids walked barefooted and he feels it is the poorest part of Pakistan

And Shahid Afridi hails from and regularly visits FATA
So if someone from Fata (and also visited every part of Pakistan for his months long journey) gets taken a back at the sheer level of poverty

You can see it's not normal...

I don't know what can we do and how can we help but downplaying poverty won't help the situation...

But relative prosperity in rural punjab is because of remittance money. But difference is not night and day like Sistan and western Iran. Balochistan after 2010 is also getting on per capita basis 2x budget compared to punjab from NFC.

Its not economic issue. There are areas or communities in punjab which are poorer. Its identity issue for separatists.
I was watching old speech of Khuda Bakhsh Mari. No amount of development and job creation of Baloch would be enough for them.

Pakistan was created because of Islam.

Sarfraz Bugti relatives I think
Anti state elements calling for seperate states should be killed. There is no shortage of people in Pakistan. Kill a few hundred at the top, you'll notice all this muft Balochistan nonsense disappear.
To me the answer is simple. We need to fortify posts, we need to equip them with sensors and surveillance, we need to have a large active drone fleet available in the area for monitoring and to attack. We need to utilise tech to win this conflict.

Also a great point was made by this MNA, he says we need to discuss the political goals of these groups and state them outright. We need to fight anyone who sides with them, including all the LUMS professors.

These university professors are probably creating a new monster for the next 20-30 years of bloodshed. But our number 1 agency is sleeping.

They are no different than Lal masjid Mulla. Both abusing their positions to brainwash students and turning them into terrorists.
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These university professors are probably creating a new monster for the next 20-30 years of bloodshed. But our number 1 agency is sleeping.

They are no different than Lal masjid Mulla. Both abusing there positions to brainwash students and turning them into terrorists.

Honestly it's astounding how these people are given free reign to spread propaganda and brainwash students
MRAPs help when on the move. Not when you get attacked at your post built with some concrete and sandbags. Our force protection has been weak from ages ago on account of lack of resources. We have a lot of manpower so these losses will be made up but the impact to morale has to be considered.

QRFs could be miles away. Getting them to the post at night runs the risk of being ambushed. The other side knows about troops movement etc. around these posts.

This issue cannot be solved solely through military means. There will be a reaction to this attack but this will continue till talks are held and headway made. The LEA/Military efforts can only go so far as to make the environment feasible for talks by putting pressure on the militants but it cannot wipe out insurgency.
You are right, peace in Balochistan isn’t possible only through the use of force. And indeed, force protection has been weak.

I mentioned MRAPs since our QRFs are also trucks and Hilux. What good are MRAPs parked in some of our cantonments if they can’t be used for their intended purpose? A well protected QRF can change a lot. Similarly, as mentioned by other posters, who should be rescuing our men if our QRF is also as helpless as the troops in that post fighting for their lives?

Why station 14 men in an isolated picket (a meat grinder) that can’t be supported? We will re-establish that post, maybe deploy extra troops there and call it a day but there are similar posts elsewhere in Balochistan who will suffer similar fate. Terrorists are confidently employing similar tactics to butcher our men and every time we act like it’s the first time and the terrorists outsmarted/outmanoeuvred us.

If some nobodies like you and me on a defence forum knows how isolated posts are hard to defend, QRFs can be ambushed, and we have other logistical challenges, why our military planners don’t? And if they do, is there a change of tactics and if there is, why are terrorists still successfully raiding us? Does that mean we are not as tactical as 50 odd men?

Attacks on FC are usually shoved under the carpet by some saying it’s got nothing to do with the Army and MOI is at fault here. Well now we have a very similar attack on Army. Why are they shy of using that logic here?
The attack was carried out in the middle of the night when most of them would be sleeping or resting, who probably never had a chance to recover, while the guards on watch duty put up the resistance against the Multi pronged onslaught.
The terrorists had an infrastructure to aim at and target, in pitch darkness what would the soldiers fire at unless they had the likes of NVGs or search lights.
A truly pathetic situation.

Was it a sniper attack?? Details of attack should be annualized to avoid the same in future.
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