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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Pakistan is ruled by army. Indian army couldnt care less about number of deaths as their decisions are taken by elected politicians. Current fallout is result Modi claiming to conquer Aksai chin, quite foolish.
Kabira rota reh
was the colonel killed in gunfire or was he killed by getting punches or kicks?? if later then it s real shame for india.
Modi is a politician, not a soldier. He knows that war with China is not going to benefit his political career, so he will use other ways to appease extremist patriots. Many Chinese nationals are trapped in India, Modi can tolerate acts of violence and rape against Chinese citizens. This is the scariest thing
Isn't it true that "WE" carved whole of PAKISTAN out of YOUR AKHAND BHARAT ?

Yes you did or maybe British did, and here we are fractured, where we both are doing shit economically, millions die out of poverty while our neighbours become an economic powerhouse. AKHAND BHARAT means United India not Hindu India or Muslim India.

China is the superpower now it was destined to be because of its One China Policy and lot of hard work. On the other end, Pakistan is almost bankrupt and India never achieved its potential its 1/10 of Chinness economy.

Do you want to break us into more parts don't you? And why to make us weaker right. Ironically you forget that you are an example of that small weaker part, more fragmentation will lead to weaker individual States. These weak States can now be exploited by outsiders. Sounds like History lesson right(remember we both were a British colony)? They say history repeated itself if you don't learn from it. And we never learn.

Two great civilisations in Asia, One is now archived its potential of being the superpower, it will overtake USA in the future. While the other one is suffering from its masses being poor, uneducated, and are busy fighting within its fractures.

Civilisations don't have religions be it Indian or Chinese. Until we hate each other due to religion and keep fighting we will always fail ourselves and our future generation. Have fun mocking us, remember you are mocking yourself.
was the colonel killed in gunfire or was he killed by getting punches or kicks?? if later then it s real shame for india.
Reportedly, punches, kicks and steel rods... A painful and slow death...
chinese also suffered casualties, they just waited longer to announce it.

3 Indian casualties are confirmed....

But, no shots fired and no declaration of war...... this happened during the actual deescalation process...
Every renowned and giant media house like BBC, CNN, Bloomberg, AL Jazeera, RT etc reporting ONLY Indian casualties but Indians are still claiming 5 kills of Chinese army.... How pathetic you are as a nation India..? Such a liar nation no doubt

I'm actually surprised that the indians are not claiming they have killed over 500 Chinese soldiers. Remember, the indian claims of having killed EXACTLY 350 terrorists in Balakot.........:lol:

indians always cite figures of enemy casualties that are multiples of 5. EXACTLY 5 Chinese soldiers killed in galwan. EXACTLY 350 terrorists killed in Balakot.

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