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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

China's heat seeking missiles will take care of blackhole Gay Hind's heated assholes. It's for this reason that the genius of Modi and Rawat came up with taking over Galwan from hand-to-hand fight infiltrating Galwan on the pretext of talks for deescalation. Failed.

Really these dirty fuckers been calling us everything and keep lying against us for so much of history. They shelter our political false self claimed man god dalai lama and cause so much internal trouble in tibet for us like devils whispering. Then until now keep talking like they are the man but really they are 45kg rapists and if they meet real men they will receive reality. PLA hates India and if given reason will make them hurt before sending these rapists off to afterlife.
China should enact a ban on female citizens traveling to India.

I have friends who tell stories that they know other males who have been drugged and raped in India. Homosexuals can also be rapists. India smells like shit anyway everyone who goes and leaves any Indian airport immediately knows what I mean.

Don't post the images here please. Also, I think this is an old photo.

Okay deleted image and just kept the description.
American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News

The same claming by many sources but here, no one will believe....So we need to leave this.

BS, ironic for ondia.
This is the funny part. Indians say that chinese did it to deflect domestic attention but how it is deflecting attention if these incidents are not even being reported in mainstream chinese media.
Indians are stupid.

No idea damage to Chinese side but based off available hints, very little at least for yesterday.

CCP is not India. They control themselves and know what to show and what not to show. In this case Indians want to believe CCP is hiding 1000 PLA or whatever deaths then let them. Modi knows. Modi is rubbing vagina while begging to give Trump fellatio. So we know what is really truth.
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