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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

This does not make any sense, what is the story in chinese media. Why are you quoting UK media?

Because UK media is considered third-party, and they are quite inline with your later claim, since they claimed you lost 13 men inititally, more than the 3 dead you initially claimed, and you admitted you lost 20 men latterly.

forget it, indians just multiple by 2, if tomorrow turns up 60 indians died not 20, they will report 120 PLA soldiers died

lol oh yaar jugatbazi to nah karo..
I see another victory in making from our counterpart.

They are so out of touch with reality. Indians win only in Bollywood, they even turn battles which they lost like Panipat as some kinds of victories in their movies.

Totally delusional people. Best analogy is a cheap knockoff of Nazis.
I am curious how India will save face in this situation in the coming few days. I cruised through the Indian forum to see how they feel and found one good comment out of hundreds:

quote starts:
“We lost 20 of our fine men, who cares a pig's arse about how many Chinese died. If we cant prove it no body in the world cares. Ambiguity suits their narrative not ours.

As good General Hooda says, narrative of not a bullet being fired in 45 yrs goes out of the window once there are casualties.

Modi govt would loose face if there is no VISIBLE retribution for this act. Let politicians and bureaucrats do the talking and let the army do what they are best at.

3 Lessons from this face-off

1. Never trust Chini army, always carry personal weapon.
2. Never trust Chini army, always carry personal weapon.
3. Never trust Chini army, always carry personal weapon.”
End of quote.

Because Indian govt does not hide their side of causalities but china does.... once they will say than only these media will report.
Emotions aside, are you a follower of Christianity or Judaism? If not why are you talking about something which you yourself have no clue about?

Islam, Christianity, Judaism are Abrahamic religions so let us deal with our family matters - I say you better stick to your paganism.

I have studies all religions(all the major ones at least) and realized.

In words of Karl Marx - "religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand."

and they have one thing in common.

In words of Seneca the younger - "Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.'
What has always amused me is how India. A country at least with seven times greater human resources then Pakistan has failed to snatch the portion of Kashmir, Pakistan grabbed in 1948. How is that possible. Could tiny Belgium hold a sliver of territory contested with Germany for 70 years? I think we all know the reasons. Remarkably it is Pakistan that has displayed ambition to snatch rest of Kashmir. And tried.

My analysis:

Albert Einstein said that the World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones. And then I read news that recently Indians are getting their soldiers killed in hand to hand combat in some mountains lol.

On a serious note, I don't expect any escalation. Their will only be POLITICAL changes in the region. The losing side will be only Modi and not Indian nation state. I say this because India is set to become the frontier for the next Cold War. (last time it was Pakistan's turn).

India's miscalculations and disorientation under Modi have affected India's global stance. The failed surgical strikes are also an example and now it the Ladakh fiasco.

Now ,most importantly, as far as the opinion of people in Pakistan to take Kashmir is concerned, China's advances in Ladakh change nothing. Bajwa uncle is not thinking of invading Kashmir nor he is taking any advice from PDF. In order to change the status quo in Kashmir, huge political, economic and military factors need to be changed. For example: Situation in Kashmir cannot be changed for the will of the people living there (no one cares about people in International Relations) , however the following points can initiate change the status quo over Kashmir:

1) Water terrorism of India worsens and it becomes a matter of survival for Pakistan.
2) A civil war breaks in either India or Pakistan.
4) China becomes a hyper-power and India becomes an extremely weak state (can't happen as India is weakened by a bad political setup and the disorientation is temporary)

The main point is that the skirmishes in Ladakh are just "tactical happenings". Just like the 27th February "happening". Such blunders are embarrassing but have little affect on future outcomes. Such events attract a lot of traffic over defence forums for trolling and memes (just look at this thread go on and on with utter garbage, point scoring), but you will seldom find a good analysis that assesses the situation from a neutral position that can help a normal person understand the situation and predict the coming future. I would want the moderators to be more generous with positive ratings and an option to show messages with positive rating in a thread. This will help clean out 95% of this thread.

The skirmishes in Ladakh show a weak Indian resolve to defend her territory. According to International law, India is entitled to build infrastructure on her side of the border, but when China thought that those projects were a threat to national security and the CPEC, Beijing initiated an offensive by justifying the offensive through technicalities in previous agreements.

The situation is favorable for Pakistan but in the long run,....I just hope that the Pak-China relation continues to be one based on mutual courtesy and respect. The last thing I want is Pakistan becoming a client state of China after the total collapse of India under Modi. (this is something, maybe, coming way into the future)

So in a nutshell, just enjoy this victory over India as CPEC is a bit safer, maybe. But at the same time I want PDFians to understand that the skirmish does not mean that its time to invade Kashmir from 2 sides. War cannot solve the Kashmir problem as there will be no one to enjoy the gains achieved from the war.
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