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  1. B

    Indian Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    i wonder IF ibm's quality will decline from such massive 'cheap' employment tactics.
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    Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi

    BTW A REMINDER/DISCLAIMEr I HOLD NOTHING AGAINST CITIZENS of those nations/regions i listed, those were ONLY EXAMPLES
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    Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi

    also can mr logic note tell me if the following countries are muslim 1. east timor 2. philippines 3. brazil 4. bolivia 5. etc latin american nations 6. sub saharan african nonmuslim nations 7. CIS nonmuslim nations 8. eastern european nonmuslim nations 9. mongolia 10. pacific island...
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    Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi

    it's ironic one might have thought that a person by handle "logic note" talks illogically. but considiring his country i have my doubts clarified.
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    Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi

    a rather inane comment from an inane person from such a background. india is BEHIND most of the muslim world in case you didn't know. in almost all indicators of development you can think of. sikhs or christians are a mere 2% or so of indian population and except for certain states aren't...
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    Fall of Dacca

    the original thread topic is what you need to discuss
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    this pathetic country in question has for instance 1. largest stockpile of biolgoical, chemical and nuclear weapons or thereabout 2. largest spender in world on "defence" (i.e. killing) made more obvious when one sees that it spends around half or more than that of global spending on...
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    Top 10 (or 15) most scientifically advanced countries in world today

    thx for your replies. although my opinions may differ i dont mind hearing yours. i'd like you to give reasons for your choices too (like why you think they lead in fields listed). also no citations c***, i can write ad infinitum on why such inane measures dont tell you anything.
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    Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi

    i dont think india borders europe! another instance of indian delusionment. it's only indians who bragged about (in media, their own) how they've surpassed all others in every indicator, incl. subcontinent, and about to be suepr duper hyper power. while rest of us linger in misery (acc 2...
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    Fall of Dacca

    those that i mentioned above are just misconceptions among bdeshi public.
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    Fall of Dacca

    yes lots of injustices happened in bd that west pakistanis dont know thanks to their media and govt. likewise bdeshis had/has a lot of misconceptions about pakistan even TODAY, one such misconception is mentioned in article that all west pakistanis were punjabis. that west pakistan's mother...
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    Top 10 (or 15) most scientifically advanced countries in world today

    I wont put up a ranking right now, i'll have to see other forumers' inputs on this.
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    Top 10 (or 15) most scientifically advanced countries in world today

    Let's keep our nationalistic biases or currying-favours-to-colonial-masters biases out of this thread. Kindly rank in your opinion which are the top ten or top fifteen (whichever you like) scientifically advanced countries in world TODAY/NOW. Kindly state your reasons for the ranks too...
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    this shows even more emphatically that usa is indeed racially religiously and in other ways full of bigotry. nothing new though for those who know about that pathetic country.
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    16 december was bangladesh's victory day and it's widely celebrated. it's good in my opinion and a great part of bangladeshi history. having said that, bangladesh and pakistan and all other muslim countries can slowly start to form some sort of political, economic, social, cultural, military...
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    Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi

    incredible india, your username is a dead giveaway what your posts will contain. anyhow did you make that cr@p up or picked it up from some garbage bin i.e. indian media which is plentiful and of low quality, much like garbage in indian cities mostly northern indian cities.
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    Why I won't live among Hindus

    i think it's proven without any doubt that indian muslims are the most backward religious community far behind their hindu counterparts as well as christian sikh jain buddhists etc counterparts. but look at it this way those that ruled the "hindus" (wont describe them as mods dont like it)...
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    Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi

    of course christians were india's latest masters. muslims were 'ancient' masters. indians are 'fashionable' people and up-to-date with latest trends. no doubt they would grovel to their latest masters. viz britain and other europeans who happen to be christians. consequently indians muslims...
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    Indian Company, Reliance to invest 24bn$ in Gulf

    what do you mean they dont need that much money to invest that much? also 200bn$ seems a bit far fetched. any non indian source for that? and no i dont want to see how much their fortunes fluctutated with stock market moodswings. i want to see how much profit they made, turnover, revenues etc
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    China Economy - News & Updates

    my goodness the sort of growth china has been witnessing is perhaps unparalleled in world history. perhaps. i hope bd enjoyed similar growths for sustained periods. same with muslim world .
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