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Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi

Can you say US or Western Muslims are better educated than their other natives ? Or other settlers ?
The same logic applies to India too but their are quite a lot well educated Muslims in India lot of them have Phd's too? I presume more than Pakistan.
Guess why it is so, if indeed it is so?!

well dear

when you have nothing to eat how on earth you can go for education.

When one despite being Indian Muslim is being dubed as Pakistani even after 60 years of independent and deprived of employment because of being Muslim. Can you dream of getting education.

Isnt it that among millions of indian poor, Muslims are in worst economic conditions. And getting modern education one must have access to resources. On the other hand India falis to even provide better educational facilities to all of its citizen (which is the same with other third world countries also) so what to say about Muslims in India.
Can you say US or Western Muslims are better educated than their other natives ? Or other settlers ?
The same logic applies to India too but their are quite a lot well educated Muslims in India lot of them have Phd's too? I presume more than Pakistan.

It depends on the facilities being provided to them in these US or Western countries.
Those who are born there indeed have more educational opportunities and those who were already illiterate had migrated to these countries for money well they will remain the same.

while same can not be applied to Indian Muslims as now its been 60 years the Muslims who preferd remaining in India were never looked after India.
Its a fact you must accept for i believe if they were carried along with today India would have much different.
But its unfortunate hate for Muslims in India will never go away.
Its the same hate that Muslims are in pathatic conditions in India.

As far few Muslims with PhD my dear you can not claim that India has anything to be proud of providing them with education when the majority of Muslims in India even lack basic facilities.

its just like having Sikh PM,
A Muslim President who are good for nothing for their communities as they are just rubber stamps who can not make legislation.
The power still lies with the high cast hindus who had never and would ever want to facilitate Muslims in India.
It depends on the facilities being provided to them in these US or Western countries.
Those who are born there indeed have more educational opportunities and those who were already illiterate had migrated to these countries for money well they will remain the same.

while same can not be applied to Indian Muslims as now its been 60 years the Muslims who preferd remaining in India were never looked after India.
Its a fact you must accept for i believe if they were carried along with today India would have much different.
But its unfortunate hate for Muslims in India will never go away.
Its the same hate that Muslims are in pathatic conditions in India.

As far few Muslims with PhD my dear you can not claim that India has anything to be proud of providing them with education when the majority of Muslims in India even lack basic facilities.

its just like having Sikh PM,
A Muslim President who are good for nothing for their communities as they are just rubber stamps who can not make legislation.
The power still lies with the high cast hindus who had never and would ever want to facilitate Muslims in India.

First of all you really lack knowledge on India, The comments you give are perceived from media reports highlighted in Pakistan about India.
India has many educated people and poor people the differentiation is not on caste basis these communities have tendencies to flock and live together the condition is not that bad.
If you compare Christians and Hindu's then you may find Christians are better educated, India lots of best schools are still run by Christian missionaries so your logic of Hindus against Muslims does not hold good.
of course christians were india's latest masters.
muslims were 'ancient' masters. indians are 'fashionable' people and up-to-date with latest trends. no doubt they would grovel to their latest masters. viz britain and other europeans who happen to be christians.
consequently indians muslims (mostly converts) get nothing .
of course christians were india's latest masters.
muslims were 'ancient' masters. indians are 'fashionable' people and up-to-date with latest trends. no doubt they would grovel to their latest masters. viz britain and other europeans who happen to be christians.
consequently indians muslims (mostly converts) get nothing .
First of all we are a smaller country then India. We have less resources then you guys.

In India education was made a joint responsibility of the states and the Centre, through a constitutional amendment in 1976. The state govt's deal with the education of respective states and there are considerable differences between the various states in terms of the organizational patterns. So cant compare it with the size or the resources of the states. Its all depend on the various social movements and attitude of the people. A small example is the state of kerala, where its the smallest of all the state and comparatively less rich state than most of the bigger states in India. But it have 98% literacy rate. Even the muslim population in kerala are more educated and economically in a better position. So its not at all as what u say abt the Hindu "bulling"or"controlling" muslims.. its all depends on the attitutde of the people.The malayalees(let it be christians,muslims or hindus) acheived this with their will. It was not granded to them by the govt of kerala. If one want to progress they should take initiative. Dont blame others by sitting simply lazy and saying that no one is helping us..

Just take the examples of Jains,Budhist and christians in India.The population of Jains and Christians is just 0.4 per cent and 2.3 per cent, respectively, in proportion to the total population of India. Jains and Christians occupy the first two positions as the literacy rate goes.The Jains, with a literacy rate of 94.1%, take the lead. The female literacy rate among the Jains is 90.6 %. The literacy rate in India is 65.38 % and the female literacy rate is 54.16 %.
Christians, with 80.3% literacy rate, occupy the second place. In female literacy rate also Christians with 76.2% rank second in the country. As regards various states, the first three positions are held by Kerala (94.8%), Delhi (94 %) and Mizoram (93.1 %). The same positions are for female literacy rates.(all are smaller states with less resources expect Delhi).
Buddhists, with a population of 0.8 % in proportion to the total population of the country, but the literacy rate among them is 72.7 %. This means they rank third in the country.
Hindus are 80.% in India but their literacy rate is just 65.1%. The female literacy rate among women is 53.2 %, which experts consider as low. Kerala Hindus’ literacy rate is the highest at 90.2%.
Muslims,at just under 60% literacy rate, the community's literacy rate is lower than the national average of 65%. Only half of Muslim women can read and write. As many as a quarter of Muslim children in the age-group 6-14 have either never attended school or dropped out.

Sadly, a lot of, particularly poor Indian Muslims(especially "NORTH INDIAN MUSLIMS") are subjected to the global politics of Islamic identity. They are more interested in non-issues like pardah, tripple talaq, status of Urdu, cartoons in a Danish newspaper and finally in madarsa dominated Quranic study that renders them totally unemployabel in a modern IT based economy. Where as Southern India has a different picture. Larger cultural and social movements have made education more accessible and self employment more lucrative benefiting a large number of Muslims, rest of minorities and backward communites.

India is racing very fast. Indian Muslims will have to run with it. Like the Indian christians, budhist, sikhs and jains do. They can't keep on standing at one place and hoping for govt to come and give them a motor ride to progress and prosperity.
The fact must be accepted by the Indian(Hindu) Government that they have been bias to Muslims for the past 60 years. This is a wrong which must be acknowledged and corrected. I remember recently when India beat Pakistan in the 20/20 World Cup, their was news coming out of India that Muslims were being attacked. What I am trying to say is that India should treat its people fairly, which it hasn't done for the past 60 years. The Hindus have constantly oppressed minorities and especially the Muslims. Muslims in India are definitely not being treated as equal citizens of India. Their are some Muslims in India who have prospered, but then again the fact remains that majority of Muslims are poor and constantly being oppressed.
incredible india, your username is a dead giveaway what your posts will contain.

anyhow did you make that cr@p up or picked it up from some garbage bin i.e. indian media which is plentiful and of low quality, much like garbage in indian cities mostly northern indian cities.
A Muslim President who are good for nothing for their communities as they are just rubber stamps who can not make legislation.

And why should he do good for his "communities"? India and Indians do not expect Hindus or Muslims or Christians or Sikhs to do good or spoon feed their religious "compatriots".
He is a Indian first and his loyality lie with the nation he lived in. And he has more than proved that he was true to his salt.

He may have been "rubber stamp",but he is given more respect than any Indian leader today. Respected across all religious group as an Indian. If he had lead a narrow minded life,as you suggested, where his world revolves his "religious compatriots" he would been just another power hungry politician or some religious bigot, fa**ing religious nonsense.
The difference is Muslims in India who have succeeded believed they were Indian first and they believed in the nation they were born in. Bunch who are still in I belong to this religion and that religion are and will always live in caves... Even their God cant help them less being in India or US or Pakistan.

Dr.Abdul Kalam is an example which contradicts the story about Muslims you believe in. If you get time,read how he came to be what he is. He belong to a family, who as you described had "nothing to eat".

I know it is very ironical for a person from a nation build in the name of Muslims being persecuted in India, to see a Muslim being responsible for building weapons which might hurt their nation. Wonder how could he keep his nation before his religion. I can understand you calling him a "puppet"!
What a great Democracy India is, where a majority surpress the rights of the minorities by the ballot.
of course christians were india's latest masters.
muslims were 'ancient' masters. indians are 'fashionable' people and up-to-date with latest trends. no doubt they would grovel to their latest masters. viz britain and other europeans who happen to be christians.
consequently indians muslims (mostly converts) get nothing .

And you get everything being of the Arabic variety?

Everyone claims to be of the Arabic variety. How many admit they are converts?

Indians don't grovel nor are 'fashionable people' my friend, but it sure is a truism that you suffer from the 'sour grapes' syndrome!

Christians are better educated because they have the best schools for education be it in India or Pakistan. The clamour of all to be in convents is well known. So, why grudge the Christians for looking after themselves and many others in the bargain too? Instead of being jealous of Christians, it is better that you copy them so that you too can be 'fashionable' and 'up to date'.

There is a saying that crabs pull each other down when they want to climb out from the basket.
What a great Democracy India is, where a majority surpress the rights of the minorities by the ballot.

And this majority changes the Constitution to suit the minorities so as to implement Deobandi ideas that subjugate the people, but does little for other minorities (who, to be fair, do not demand anything) or for the majority!

Smell the coffee!

It would be a better proposition to grasp the whole situation rather than observe things with coloured glasses.

Read Neo's article on the Fall of Dacca in the thread of the same name to see what happens when one observes issues on preconceived notions.
Originally Posted by Jana View Post

A Muslim President who are good for nothing for their communities as they are just rubber stamps who can not make legislation.

This is the very psyche that should be avoided i.e. do for your community alone if you are in power.

How would you perceive Musharraf if all he did was ensure only Mohajirs did well? Would you be delighted?

How would you feel if he only enhanced the Sunnis and not all the others in Pakistan?

I gave you examples that you would understand since it affects you. I am sure you will see the incongruity and fallacy of such a psyche.

We are fortunate that the Indian Moslems who have reached high levels have looked at the bigger picture and not feed narrow parochial dreams.
Religious belief and faith is a personal choice but having a social and political responsibility makes you rise above your individual faith and do good for every human .

May be you wont understand .. after all your nation was made on religious belief.
incredible india, your username is a dead giveaway what your posts will contain.

anyhow did you make that cr@p up or picked it up from some garbage bin i.e. indian media which is plentiful and of low quality, much like garbage in indian cities mostly northern indian cities.

sorry brother, for a moment i forget abt my richest, democratic, welfare neighbouring country which have everything in european and american standards.:cry:
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