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  1. natalie

    Best Hindi Movies of 2007!!

    best Hindi movie of 2007 i can say was rani mukerjee's film Laga Chunri Me Dag very touching story very good songs and very nicely made. Touching the subject of unemployment in India amongst young women being forced into prostitution....
  2. natalie

    Geo live Bhutto vehicle and assasin photo

    why her autopsy was important was i hate to say this but guess i have to i know it is not some Bollywood movie plot or something but there is a possibility that she might not died of the bullets or lever but probably got injured and went unconscious and later someone killed her in the hospital...
  3. natalie

    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    Jana please tell me more about this why did they do that it is very interesting.. please why why why.....???
  4. natalie

    Medical Report of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto

    pakistan is seen as a land of corrupts and liers all over the world. here is the theory why it all starts from the home.....first of all missinterpretation of religion and also bad parenting. All the problems started from the beginning of pakistan and the bad parenting of 1970s parents when...
  5. natalie

    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    i have recently watched the movie KITE-RUNNER and its a very touching film but it also made me feel sick to the stomache seeing child abuse in afganistan and open cross border imigration... it has touched a very sensitive subject of child abuse but there is some amazing characters in the...
  6. natalie

    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    Osama bin laden is dead someone has killed him following his son's marriage with a british woman. BB said that in an interview when she was alive that Osama is dead.
  7. natalie

    Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

    America is not entirely to blame but man American plays some dirty politics all around the world it is true........
  8. natalie

    amazing words of BB and a remarkable woman

    Ms Bhoto talking about her death at the end of the video amazing words.
  9. natalie

    amazing words of BB and a remarkable woman

    [url= - Benazir Bhutto Last Interview NBC Q & A What If You Dies[/url]
  10. natalie

    Nawaz says elections now would destroy country

    i cant agree more for Nawaz....and why every one is saying that zardari is using his son as a dummie he didnt had to he could have taken hold of the party himself but he did not.......give this boy a chance and i am sure once he gets a hang of politics he will be as good as his mom or even...
  11. natalie

    Nawaz says elections now would destroy country

    what a sweet guy.. he looks scared and worried...lookslike he is being pushed into this.
  12. natalie

    Bhutto's Son To Lead Political Party

    jana you have got a point here but what are we to say they chose him and BB was also not very good in urdu to start with then she got a hang of it.
  13. natalie

    Al-Zulfiqar and attack on Benazir Bhutto

    very interesting.......
  14. natalie

    Medical Report of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto

    i agree with you.......what the hell
  15. natalie

    Geo live Bhutto vehicle and assasin photo

    thanks for sharing your analysis with us i kinna agree with you..but sorry just with the analysis.......
  16. natalie

    Bhutto's Son To Lead Political Party

    and i am sure if money they want they have plenty of it already.......and seeing most their family gone one by one how shallow one have to be to still care about money i am sure they have nothing but best intentions in their hearts to carry the Bhutto mission to make Pakistan and true democracy.
  17. natalie

    Bhutto's Son To Lead Political Party

    BB was not a coward and i am sure neither did she taught her only son to be run away and turn your back is not something they do.........
  18. natalie


    have a nice new year every one....
  19. natalie

    Bhutto's Son To Lead Political Party

    a PM to WHO? i am shy like that......
  20. natalie

    Geo live Bhutto vehicle and assasin photo

    i cant say if he is Indian or not he is very young thats for sure. he is wearing a suit doesn't mean he is not from ALQUAIDA because you guys must remember the 9:11 guys before they went on to their nasty mission of blowing up the twin towers they partied danced drank alcohol went to night...
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