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  1. J

    Scientists claim Covid virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that 'matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began'

    it's a bombshell claim, but any other source than theDailyFail? It's a rightwing tabloid paper, akin to Fox news. And those people you are quoting are most likely extremely anti-China.
  2. J

    Zelenskyy calls nato a weak organization

    yep, Zelensky and the whole Ukrainian government, that was established after the NeoCon Euromaiden, got played like fools. Did they really think that the USA/NATO were willing to risk WWIII and nuclear annihilation just to protect poor Ukraine? After the war, whether Ukraine exists or not, no...
  3. J

    Africans, Indians face racism in Ukraine and blocked from leaving the warzone

    lol so true, Indians have a serious inferiority complex, they want to be seen in a positive light by whitey so bad, it's about as low as you can get for an Indian to be compared with an African. Even their Gandhi, seen as a champion of the oppressed, felt insulted when he was treated like a...
  4. J

    Russian Airstrike Destroys Several Ukrainian MiG-29 Jets !

    Zelensky is getting played by the US/NATO/EU to try to make Russians look like barbarians on the world stage. They probably stroking his ego to send his country men to get slaughtered. Looks like Russians are still not getting suckered in, and are still taking a more calculated approach to...
  5. J

    5 Dead, Officer Injured In Colorado Shooting Spree

    if this happened in any other Western country, this would by headline news for months, but in Murica, the body count is way too low to keep in the headlines. Sandy Hook was not the beginning of Murica's serious discussion on gun violence, but it was the end of it. Little kids being slaughtered...
  6. J

    VIDEO: NATO (U.S.) Tanks Cross from Greece into Bulgaria heading north toward Ukraine

    lol you guys post news article from any source, Hal Turner is a white supremacist and FBI informant. Zero credibility https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal_Turner
  7. J

    Chinese tennis star accuses former top Communist Party leader of sexual assault, triggering blanket censorship

    it might be true or not, but it wouldn't be surprising since a lot of these global elites are sexual fiends and think they can get anything they want. But let's not forget that the current POTUS had his MeToo moment with Tara Reade, but all the liberals and their Media including CNN, MSNBC...
  8. J

    Chinese netizens argue over transgender athlete’s inclusion in Olympic Games

    to be fair, most of these female weightlifting medalists are on some serious virilizing testosterone and Peds lol, it's just that they time their cycles to pass the drug tests. But yeah this whole transgender thing happening in the West is really bizarre.
  9. J

    UK coronavirus daily cases pass 50,000 for first time since January

    the more it spreads the higher chance of a new variant or worst case scenario an escape variant. The Tory government is absolutly stupid, calling it "Freedom Day", which had everyone just dropping safety measures and whole nation becomes super spreaders.
  10. J

    Germany charges man with spying for China

    yeah everyone is spying on each other. The US even spies on its European allies, Israel spies on the US, it's just part of the game.
  11. J

    28 Taiwanese die after receiving AstraZeneca vaccine over past 4 days

    AZ has been suspended in Canada, I received Moderna and my parents the Pfizer, no problems. Surprised a rich country like Taiwan would still use it knowing it's been suspended in several wealthy countries.
  12. J

    Humanity at it's lowest point in india

    These incidents always remind of this Mark Twain quote: “There were two “Reigns of Terror,” if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted...
  13. J

    A Chinese's view of China-Bangladesh relations.

    lol wtf, did your translator actual use "Chinaman"? Only racist rednecks or ignorant people still use that antiquated term.
  14. J

    Asian man gets choked out on NYC subway during a wave of Anti-Asian violence

    you know why the Korean store owners took up arms to defend themselves? because the cops pulled back to protect the white suburbs. They used Koreans as a buffer between the violent mobs and white suburbia. So if you hate violent black ghetto thugs, don't for a second believe that whites and...
  15. J

    Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi and country's president are detained by the military in early-morning raids amid reports a coup is underway...

    nah, the US and other Western powers are not bedazzled by Yoga and stuff that makes them act the way they do towards India. It's all geopolitics, India is their lapdog against China, so all "undemocratic" and "human rights violations" the fascist Modi government does is ignored. Any government...
  16. J

    US new Death toll 2611 in a single day

    from my understanding, the majority of people dying from Covid-19 in the US are people of color, not because they are out partying and not wearing masks, because they are forced to still have to go to work during the pandemic. The Native American population is also getting hit hard. This...
  17. J

    China's ambassador to Bangladesh offers to take part in clinical trial of China-made COVID-19 vaccin

    Obamacare was never Universal healthcare, it was still a winfall for the private insurance companies. The only politician that pushed for Universal healthcare was Bernie Sanders, and the entire corporate Democrats, including Obama, rallied to make sure he lost the nomination to the senile...
  18. J

    India records one million cases of COVID-19 and it's the poorest who are hardest hit

    India was a disaster waiting to happen, everyone saw it coming, but the Indian Elites could care less about the poor and vulnerable. This is one of many reasons why Indians thumping their chest by claiming "world's largest democracy", is a completely empty phrase. The majority of its...
  19. J

    US disease chief Dr Anthony Fauci calls White House attacks 'bizarre'

    if Qanon and other popular conspiracy outlets turns out to be a psyop by the Kremlin, I bow down to their ownage. Trump and his supporters are relying on conspiracy theories and bad science and attacking real scientists. It would be hilarious if the pandemic could be isolated in one country...
  20. J

    Indian Media claims 100 Chinese Soldiers were Killed in Galwan

    washingtontimes is a rightwing tabloid rag that is owned by the South Korean Christian Cult, The Unification Movement, or simply called the Moonies. They believe their dead founder Sun Myung Moon was the reincarnation of Christ. WashingtonTimes has as much credibility as Epoch Times that is...
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