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  1. Owais

    Altaf Hussain reconciles with MQM-H leader Amir Khan

    I think this reunion makes sense as now they are eying on Lahore so they need to make peace in karachi so they can focus more on punjab.
  2. Owais

    China ready to take 'control' of Gawadar

    I dont know whats going on... GOP had given that contract to SPA for 40 years in 2007. so will china wait till 2047??
  3. Owais

    ‘Stand Up to US or Have Future Generations Deride Us’ – ISI Chief

    its very regrettable that we have black sheeps in each and every Institution. General pasha should identify those crooks who were on CIA payroll. also, no further question on raymond davis issue?? Interesting :confused:
  4. Owais

    Saudi Arabian Air force

    Nice Inventory for AIrShows :yahoo:. MoDs: Please edit the Name of topic as "ROYAL Saudi Air force" Operated by Mercenaries lol
  5. Owais

    TTP Must be Black Listed: US Lawmakers.

    USA's TOILET PAPER STRATEGY! US Rule number 1: Build the terrorist Groups, Fund them to destablise governments. US Rule number 2: Scrap those Terrorist Groups when They failed to achieve Desired Objective OR the Objective already achieved and if they are of no use (Just like Tiolet Paper).
  6. Owais

    Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

    countries like saudia, UAE, Egypt, jordan are already colonised by US and its allies via their corrupt leaders. guess what, who helped king saud and sharif-e-makkah to rebel against Ottoman Islamic Empire?
  7. Owais

    PAF F-16 mlu specifications and 36 blk 52+ prospects

    here some chinese stuff you will find about DRFM. http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-HTDZ200701018.htm Europe also makes DRFM we can get from them too EADS develops new-generation DRFM - Jane's International Defence Review
  8. Owais

    Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

    I think you just born in this world:hitwall: Israel was built on PHALESTINIAN Land. after balford decleration but satans of that times, jews started to shift from europe to phalestine and then in 1948, they throw arabs out and declare imposter state of israel. from then, Israel ahve gained its...
  9. Owais

    New boats headed to Gaza to challenge blockade

    well 2012 will be the start of Greater Israel's plan (possibly a war in Middle east to expand Zion's territories). according to kabalatists, their messiah will appear 6-8years after that.
  10. Owais

    New boats headed to Gaza to challenge blockade

    now pakistan and Iran should join Turkey for this mission, RIP Zionists!
  11. Owais

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Talat says will show real face of Israel AMMAN (updated on: June 02, 2010, 10:04 PST): Executive Director News and current affairs of Aaj News Talat Hussain has said that he will show the real face of Israel by releasing the footage of Israeli commandos assault, Aaj News reported. Talking to...
  12. Owais

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Five Palestinians killed by Israeli fire in Gaza violence GAZA CITY: Five Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire in Gaza on Tuesday as militants launched rockets and a rare cross-border raid after a deadly Israeli assault on an aid convoy. Three of the five were killed by an Israeli...
  13. Owais

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Forget that any arab country will take action against israel, they are totally Hijacked by US governments. only few countries can take a bold step to send their navy with aid cargo. these nations are Turkey, Iran and to some extent, pakistan
  14. Owais

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Turkish Navy to Escort More Ships to Gaza - 8 hours ago - talkingskull.com In a late-breaking development, Turkey has announced that they will send more ships to aid Gaza, and that this time they'll be accompanied by the Turkish Navy. This is a provocative and dangerous move, and one that is...
  15. Owais

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Turkey summons Israeli envoy after aid ship sormed Updated at: 1001 PST, Monday, May 31, 2010 ANKARA: The Israeli ambassador was summoned to the Turkish foreign ministry Monday after Israeli forces stormed a Turkish aid ship and activists said two people were killed, a Turkish diplomat said...
  16. Owais

    JF-17 French Avionics Deal On Hold/Cancelled

    only if we are living in fool's paradise :taz: around 2013, we will be getting FC20(J10B) which is still under development.
  17. Owais


    Very Nice collection! If Ottoman Empire had survived, we would never face such a Bloody holocaust in Palestine and Iraq. I must say that Zionist's Plan was/is almost perfect! i.e, Buy The Arabs, eat their Oil and then Brutally beat the hell out of them! :devil:
  18. Owais

    Iran to unveil air defence equal to Russia system (Reuters)

    Time will tell and time is very Close for both Iran and pakistan.:wave:
  19. Owais

    Iran Unveils First Home-Made Light Plane

    looks decent plane but it would be better if they develope light heli instead of plane as it requires no runway :D
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