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Saudi Arabian Air force

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Saudi Arabian Air force




Do they actually need that much fire power? I mean last time they were threatened by Saddam, NATO came in......primarily to protect their own interests..
Nice Inventory for AIrShows :yahoo:.

MoDs: Please edit the Name of topic as "ROYAL Saudi Air force"

main power of Saudi is f-15 & euro typhoon

Operated by Mercenaries lol
The loss rate for Saudi tornado's during their operating period was greater than all other operators combined. Tells you a lot about the Bedouins training.
The loss rate for Saudi tornado's during their operating period was greater than all other operators combined. Tells you a lot about the Bedouins training.

They are trained by the best Airforce of the world, USAF
that shows their bedouin nature, cant live without crashing their plane or crashing their expensive cars. :smokin:
Do they actually need that much fire power? I mean last time they were threatened by Saddam, NATO came in......primarily to protect their own interests..

They have oil wealth and are in a position to forecast threats much in advance and purchase whatever suits them. Apparently they are paranoid about having so much oil. I would be too. But you are right in the end Saudi Arabia will most likely see internal upheaval politically (when the oil runs out and people became hungry ) than external attack.
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