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  1. RezRoll

    King Abdullah enjoying McDonald fries!

    Oh that school in Ampang, it's full of chicks (serious) :P
  2. RezRoll

    King Abdullah enjoying McDonald fries!

    About Malaysia being conservative.. Nah, Malaysians are too diverse to fit to one stereotype, the people in the city are more like people from London or New York, yet the people outside the big cities are very conservative and religious people. From an outsider point of view, it's kinda...
  3. RezRoll

    King Abdullah enjoying McDonald fries!

    Hong Kong and Malaysia is the same time-zone, but yea, I'm in Malaysia now :lol:
  4. RezRoll

    King Abdullah enjoying McDonald fries!

    LOL, thats mean :P And I learned something from you today, cinema food everywhere is ridiculously priced :lol: Atleast John Cena breaks the stereotype of all fast food eaters being fat :D Haha, no issue, happens everywhere, many of them here in my country, some even saying McDonalds is...
  5. RezRoll

    King Abdullah enjoying McDonald fries!

    Haha! Can't help you with that one since you're in Dubai. Here Wendy's cost more than Mcdonalds and Burger King but taste the worst. This coming from a big fan of any kind of burgers. Next time just go ahead and try it, they normally have big sign boards at the counter advertising the prices...
  6. RezRoll

    Chinese City seeks to banish Muslim Veil!!

    He wants to nuke all religious practice around the world, and welcome science and nature. Not sure how he'll do it though without killing some people :lol:
  7. RezRoll

    US Navy may station ships in Singapore, Philippines

    It's an open secret here. Singapore and Philippines are strong US allies.
  8. RezRoll

    King Abdullah enjoying McDonald fries!

    You must be a fan of this movie :lol:
  9. RezRoll

    King Abdullah enjoying McDonald fries!

    Not denying that those food are pretty good too. But for a quick bite that's easy to get anywhere that doesn't taste too bad, McDonalds is king. You don't become the biggest fast food chain in the world by serving crappy food ;)
  10. RezRoll

    I just got a job offer from Pakistan!

    Edit : Off-topic
  11. RezRoll

    King Abdullah enjoying McDonald fries!

    The best things in life are either immoral, illegal, or fattening ;)
  12. RezRoll

    I just got a job offer from Pakistan!

    My 3 years of schooling in the US was the best time of my life :D
  13. RezRoll

    King Abdullah enjoying McDonald fries!

    Burger king - overpriced. Whopper is pretty good though. Wendy- Nah, their chicken burger taste like sand paper, cheese burger nothing special. This is based on the ones serve here though :D
  14. RezRoll

    King Abdullah enjoying McDonald fries!

    Can you blame him? :D Mcdonald's is the best thing in the world. Especially the Big Mac
  15. RezRoll

    I just got a job offer from Pakistan!

    Congrats Bilal. Best wishes for your job and success, you'll do just fine :) Just wondering though, is the salary package in Pakistan comparable to the US?
  16. RezRoll

    "Never Forget National Humiliation" 74th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre

    My grandparents till the day they died always had a bitterness against the Japanese for the way they treated us during their short two year occupation. Beheading people in school compounds, shooting anyone suspected of being a traitor, the barbarity was unparalleled, unseen before in this part...
  17. RezRoll

    I have been diagnosed with cancer.

    Don't worry, man. You'll be fine in no time :) I'll be praying for your speedy recovery. Take care dude
  18. RezRoll

    Moral decline of Thailand -Thai "ladyboy" flight attendants take to the ski

    Hmm.. I wouldn't say that. The tsunami affected Aceh - Indonesia the worse, and they're pretty religious people. Even the Northern states of Malaysia was lightly brushed by the tsunami, and I can assure you there are not much homos here. Natural disasters don't choose their victims.
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