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Chinese City seeks to banish Muslim Veil!!

Soon every religions should be wiped out from this world....

Nuke religions and worthless practices all over the world and welcome Science and worship Nature..coz it's the reason why man is breathing and eating....
Soon every religions should be wiped out from this world....

Nuke religions and worthless practices all over the world and welcome Science and worship Nature..coz it's the reason why man is breathing and eating....

Ok dude go ahead ....:D
Its not only about facial veil but a campaign to discourage veils and growing long beards in a bid to “dilute religious consciousness”

So its not for Muslim women only even Muslim men can't have long beard.

And Muslim women can't have veil = parda (read again they are talking about the arabian dress i.e. burqa + facial veil both)

Dude, most Chinese do not have beard.

So, stop agitating and rest assured that Chinese Muslim men not having long beard is not caused by Chinese communism.

Just my personal opinion: "religious consciousness" must be diluted to vanish on state level. A great state should always be secular while leaving the greatest freedom of worship (what to believe, to believe or not to believe, etc. ) to mass.

And it must be regulated that worship what or not shouldn't be coerced among mass, but free-willed.

You read it wrong. I said it starts with a suggestion, in this particular case a suggestion to bring about "dilution of religious consciousness" - which goes AGAINST the tenets of Islam! (I hear no outcries!!) I never said it was a dictated order, yet. I simply said that such an order wouldnt be far, considering China's dikats about one child policy (which began as a suggestion, no?), banning non-adult Muslims to visit Mosques for prayers etc. So it wont be long before clean shaven men and veil-less dresses become common, not as a choice, but due to an order!

While I agree that there is nothing wrong in alleged decision to ban hijab(its just a tribal tradition and not islamic),the response by pakistani members is so amazing-there were similar threads about the same hijab ban in other nations and the reaction of pakistanis were very different..Some chinese posts are funny as well-they are trying to impose hui=muslims for showing hui generals as a sign of secularism.A muslim is one who believes in islamic relegion(not an ethnicity),and the truth is a practising muslim can never attain any position I'm cpc let alone being pres/pm.It is mandatory for being a cpc member to denounce his religion whether he is hui or uighur.It should also be noted that a muslim under 18 is banned by law from attending mosques during jumaa,taraveeh etc(eid is only exception),unauthorized islamic teaching is banned,muslim govt officials are not permitted to wear scarfs/grow beards etc etc..Yes its their country their law but the only thing funny here is the monkey jumping in responses of some people when same things happen in different countries,depending on their allegiences.

You lack of basic knowledge of religion and state religious policy of China is astounishing.

Hui are the Chinese that believe in Islam but are ethnically somewhat different from other Muslims such as Chinese Uighur or Kazakhstani, etc. Please do a simple wiki.

Religions are regulated in China. As in any other matters, no regulation causes chaos.

Unlike in India, as I was told by my Indian friends, where people can build temple rampantly almost everywhere they like, in China, people are probably prohibited in mass gathering in random public locations even for religious reasons, instead they have a designated place (temple, mosque, etc.) to gather. Just like driving a car, you have to follow the roads and obey the traffic lights. Right?

Regulation on children under 18 is not just limited to Islam, it applies to all religions. To single out Islam as the only religion shows your evil intention, or otherwise brainwash effect by your Indian anti-China propaganda.

Youngsters under 18 can still practice religion at home, but not in public areas.

This is precisely why there are much less brainwashed terrorist youngsters in China than in India where religious killings, murders and terrorism are perpetual.

Again, I think CPC does a great thing in “diluting” religious contrast on state level. As CPC is in power, and CPC’s goal is for the happiness and prosperity of all the people regardless of their diversed believes, CPC members and leaders are forbidden to be in favor of a particular religion by themselves abstaining from practicing it. By “abstaining from practicing it” is probably too restrictive in describing. In fact, many CPC leaders with Hui or Muslim background keep the practice of not eating pork, but they are not supposedly to worship in any places. My understanding is, not eating pork has been deemed as diet habit instead of a religious practice.

This type of leadership self-constraint is rear in West or West copy of India. But if anybody wants to practice a religion, he/she is free to do so by quitting CPC, just as you want to be religious of any type, you have to renounce atheism.

In addition, you don’t have to be a CPC member to govern the country. You can join the People’s Congress, or People’s Political Consultative Conference. There is no requirement of religious abstention. In fact, some non-CPC takes minister level position in State Council.

In a free country like China, many religions coexist for many thousands of years. People are free to choose what to believe, or what not to believe, or whether or not to believe. Seldom was there persistent violence related to religion or religion sectarianism like in democracy India. Secularism on state level is a big reason behind it, and tolerance of the culture is another.
As Arian mentioned, this is an Arab tradition, not an Islamic one. In Iran you only see this retarded behaviour among some arabs who live in the south. The first time I saw a women with a covered face was in Canada and I almost had a heart attack. That **** should be banned worldwide.

Your chador isnt any better either, to say the truth it's more insulting
This is BS thread and we Pakistanis and our Chinese Brothers know that it is a desperate attempt by the Indians to foment trouble between Muslims and our Chinese Brothers. However, this desperate attempt actually backfired on the Indians because the truth came out and it brought us closer to our Chinese brothers.

Every Muslim knows that Face veil ( Niqab ) is a tribal tradition and has nothing to do with Al Islam. I have performed three Hajj and not once did I see a woman in face veil in Kaaba ( the holiest of all Islamic location). If Face Veil was a Islamic requirement then every woman in Kaaba would be required to wear Face Veil. On the other hand every woman in Kaaba was wearing a head scarf ( Hijab).

I agree that for security reasons non Muslim countries are justified in banning face veils ( Niqabs ) and I support such move.

Indians massacred 3000 Indian muslims with complete connivance and total aquiescence of Indian Federal Govt. and the state govt of gujarat ( under the murdererous thug Narendra Modi ). Now they are the champion of Muslim rights ?

What Hypocrisy ?

Actually if i was a woman id not wear headscarf
Soon every religions should be wiped out from this world....

Nuke religions and worthless practices all over the world and welcome Science and worship Nature..coz it's the reason why man is breathing and eating....

Nuke WHO? WHAT? HOW? lol...
We are against the religious extremists, but the moderate religious believers should be allowed since people have the freedom to practice in religion.
The issue is not about you or any single muslim woman.

Fundamentally, China and more and more other countries in the world have view that face-cover, body over stuff as backward stuff against the era, just like what China viewed foot-binding and banned it afterwards.

In addition, there are too much violence/threat against those who chose not to wear it from those religious fanatics.

Actually if i was a woman id not wear headscarf
LOL, I am posting in PDF after a long time, but this thread made me laugh.

I have posted earlier that the average Chinese has nothing but contempt for Muslims, but the Pakistani members here and some Chinese members berated me for this.

I guess news like this only drives home the point. I have seen my relatives from mainland China spew venom on Uighurs whenever the topic comes up for discussion as well as on Mongols. China's relations with Pakistan are only a marriage of convenience, and have nothing to do with the love of the Chinese people for Muslims the and time will tell all.......

This feeling of animosity is even greater among the ethic Chinese in Singapore and Hong Kong.

I would be surprised if you have not been branded a "false flag Indian" already.

Everything you say, is easily verified on Western forums from the posts of Chinese members. Mostly overseas Chinese who don't feel the need to tow the official line.

---------- Post added at 11:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 AM ----------

Ignore that "ephone" guy, he is a false-flag Israeli.

Check any of the other threads. He constantly abuses the rest of the Chinese members (calling us "dick-men") because we have the gall to dare mock his beloved Israel :-)lol:), or even if we say anything in support of Iran.

He has clearly shown that given a choice between supporting Chinese members or supporting Israel, he will always support Israel. That is where his loyalties lie, with Israel and not with China.

The average Chinese person wouldn't even be able to point to Israel on the map, much less defend them instead of China.

You have learned issuing a fatwa. ;)

Or may be you never needed to learn it.
Well, threatening/terrorizing women who do not wear it with serious punishment is still an individual liberty???

You had better clean yourself first before offering advice to others.

Hey, now you are being an Islamophobe.

The esoteric concepts that you are talking of, is only the responsibility of the others. Judging them by the same criteria is Islamophobia.
The face veil has got nothing to do with Islam, & I'd like it if all countries in the world (Muslim ones as well) banned it as well.

They are talking about Hijabs or head scarfs here not Niqabs which are quite rare in East Turkistan.

Its similar to the ban on fasting in Ramadan in China for Muslim govt. workers where the CCP is actively involved in discriminating against religious observances.

As long as the CCP doesn't change its anti-religion stance, these kind of things will continue to happen.

One of the reasons why Turkish public opinion is very low on China is because of this.

About China, China isn't an Islamophobic country and it has never discriminated Muslims because of their religion as far as I know.

Its not about Islamophobia but China is a communist country and is anti-religion at the state level. Not just against Muslims, but Tibetan Buddhists, Falun Gong practitioners and Christian sects as well.

It is fact that children can't be allowed to practice or teach religious pracitices until they are 18. And if you want a govt. job, you have to register as an atheist as a communist party member.

In other words, you want a govt. job, give up your religion. If that is not discrimination, then what else is?
They are talking about Hijabs or head scarfs here not Niqabs which are quite rare in East Turkistan.

Its similar to the ban on fasting in Ramadan in China for Muslim govt. workers where the CCP is actively involved in discriminating against religious observances.

As long as the CCP doesn't change its anti-religion stance, these kind of things will continue to happen.

One of the reasons why Turkish public opinion is very low on China is because of this.

re-read post 198, how many times we have to call indians are extreemly ignorant before you can get the idea ?
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