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I have been diagnosed with cancer.

I have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer,about a week ago.
I hope you guys don't think that i am being pretentious.
I have been diagnosed with cancer at stage 0 and my radiotherapy will start on Monday.
Just wanted your best wishes guys :)

Bhai,sambhal lena yaar,main jaanta hoon ki tum ladke jeetege is jung teh
I have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer,about a week ago.
I hope you guys don't think that i am being pretentious.
I have been diagnosed with cancer at stage 0 and my radiotherapy will start on Monday.
Just wanted your best wishes guys :)

You, and your family, will be in my thoughts and prayers, for a full and speedy recovery.
Get well soon dude and our prayers and best wishes are with you

Fight with this disease like a tiger
Medullary thyroid cancer has good prognosis and I am sure your doctors are more than capable of over coming it but most importantly your will power will over come it. My heart goes out to you friend I never met but know that we are with you in heart and spirit.
Genuinely saddened by your news. Truly puts some issues in my life that I am worrying about in perspective.

I wish you all the best for the future, stay strong buddy.

Please keep us abreast of your situation (if you want to) so we can laugh and cry together.
You caught it at stage 0, how'd that happen? There's no tumor at that time, right? Our best wishes are with you, seems like you're on a good track, take super good care of yourself.
Don't worry, man. You'll be fine in no time :)

I'll be praying for your speedy recovery. Take care dude
What all I am suggesting is FNA and thats it... You tell me, can you diagnose thyroid malignancy on an ultrasound report?.

In this case there's no FNA, only ultrasound.. And we are debating on medullary carcinoma..
fnac or any form of biopsy (core etc) must have been done otherwise their is no possibility of diagnosis or staging i am talking about primary detection of a mass and its characteristics which can be fairly detected via usg (also the fnac may require usg guidance )
Misreading the report will be bit big of a mistake on his part(the patients).. And replacing papillary with medullary by a non medical person will be far fetched in my opinion... Though I am not doubting the patients credibility here, but it just came to my mind for a sec that what if this whole thread was a sham..!! Because I dont think this big a mistake can be done by doctors in prestigious institutes he has mentioned he consulted .... "I have got a random disease" topic to open the thread.. Will be such a shame if that is the case(and i dont know what is it actually, good or bad, this thread being a sham is good in one way cuz that means he doesnot have the disease and bad for obviously making a fool out of so many ppl) ..
this case is dubious i agree with you fully i even had the first thought like this then i thought it may be only me
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